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Projects The H.A.M.B. Coupe - It's yours!

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by 32ford5, Apr 25, 2010.

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  1. oldcarfan
    Joined: Jan 7, 2010
    Posts: 315

    from missouri

    x 2
  2. rockyfarmer
    Joined: Dec 14, 2009
    Posts: 130


    Wow...I saw the discussion on this last night. Just read this new thread. I've saw this body bounce around on ebay, I bought a dropped axle from Kary a month or two ago...............just sayin---small world!
    I'm subscribing
    I hope this thing works out'll be kool
  3. Mac_55
    Joined: Mar 10, 2008
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  4. T.W.Dustin
    Joined: Nov 18, 2008
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    I would like to help somehow if it is properly managed and done for charity. I like the idea of doing it for the kids.
  5. thewishartkid
    Joined: Jun 23, 2006
    Posts: 898


    I like the idea! If the hamb was the sole owner.We all know Ryan has devoted much of his time and interest in making this site honest and respectful. In the interest of Tradicional Hot Rods. I think a Project X type project would be ideal. If all the build was was done in a 60s style and used to promote The Hamb. All work should be covered with lots of photos using traditional parts.
  6. 32ford5
    Joined: Sep 15, 2009
    Posts: 1,089

    from Australia

    That would be fine by me. I just want to see this coupe used by the H.A.M.B.

    Thanks, I appreciate your sentiment too. It's not really that I'm very disappointed or anything. It's just that upon reflection I'd rather pass it on and while I was thinking of what to do with it I struck up on the idea of making a H.A.M.B. contribution. To be honest it didn't even occur to me that it would be such a hassle or that Ryan would even need to get involved. I figured I wouldn't need permission to give something away but if that's how things roll then whatever, I'm easy. I'll withdraw the offer and do it the right way whatever that ends up being.

    What would it take for me to want to get it down here? I'd rather trade it for something or (as I ended up deciding) give it away to a good cause. I have my own cars to keep me happy so this isn't a fantasy or dream car for me. I just thought it would be cool to own.
  7. 32ford5
    Joined: Sep 15, 2009
    Posts: 1,089

    from Australia are wrong! Please take the time to read the all the posts before accusing me of something like that. What am I doing? I'm giving something away. I can only assume that you are familiar with the concept of giving something away. If you were then you would realise it would be a pretty stupid idea to get someone else to pay for building something I just gave away! How could I benefit from that?

    I have responded to that stupid and ignorant accusation several times already and I'm starting to find it a bit offensive to be honest. If you were to take the time to read the thread you would know that but hey, thanks a lot for your valuable input.
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2010
  8. WhiteZombie
    Joined: Jan 16, 2007
    Posts: 653

    from Denton TX

    Wow! Now I can tell everyone I used to own one of the most talked about coupes on the HAMB. :D
  9. 32ford5
    Joined: Sep 15, 2009
    Posts: 1,089

    from Australia

    Haha lol... not sure about that but hopefully it'll be put to good use. Still got that other one to help fix this one?
  10. stude_trucks
    Joined: Sep 13, 2007
    Posts: 4,754


    Remember when people use to just say sure, let's do it, have some fun and see what happens? That was traditional and that is hot rodding. I sure miss those days.
  11. knotheads
    Joined: Jan 4, 2007
    Posts: 499


    tho i see the gesture and idea as honorable, i cant help but think it would end like so many magazine project cars i have followed over the years. which is unfinished and sitting in a corner .
  12. synthsis
    Joined: Mar 29, 2006
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  13. kurtis
    Joined: Mar 13, 2009
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    from Australia

    Hey Bill. I see you're pulling a night shift to have something positive achieved. Your generosity should be commended. Good on ya.
  14. stude_trucks
    Joined: Sep 13, 2007
    Posts: 4,754


    A '34 5W chopped coupe hot rod is on my dream list. It is not even close to being in the cards for me to have one any time soon. If this can get any legs, I'd be happy to contribute with a little cash. Unfortunately, I don't really have any useful skills.

    What about a HAMB drags car? Run only once a year at the drags and available the capable hambers to give it a run down the track? Maybe every year a different shop or club can host and wrench on it to get it ready for the next years run? Every year try to make it cooler and better than the last or just try new things out. HAMBers get to help vote each year on a plan of action and see the posts on the progress as it does. Anyone who touches the car in any way signs a crystal clear waiver of liability agreement. Then it's pure tradional hot rodding in action.
  15. bobjob55
    Joined: May 23, 2009
    Posts: 327


    WOW !!!!!!!!!! 7 pages so far in under12 hours !!!!!!!!!!!! impressive ,,,, I have read every post .... unlike a lot of people .... and have come up with a few conclusions ... that most people just want to bash something because they can hide behind a screen ,,,, and that most people don't have any real vision or trust in what CAN happen .... your idea has some real merit .. a few things won't work ... like any yahoo who is on the ham DRIVING the car at the drags or on the street to a meet.... hell ,,, just because i say i've been down a drag strip in under 10 seconds,,, HAVE I ??? do i have any experience in a short framed car with a blower ??? and how good am i banging gears and being on 2 wheels at the same time ??? YES I WANT TO DRIVE IT ........... but should I or anyone else ???
    Get it built and take it to ALL the shows that you can.. get a few pro drivers to run it down the strip.. give all the guys a discount to the events that it is at .. maybe ,, buy a card on the hamb that gets them in at a discount and have that cash ,, go into a fund to support the hamb car ..
  16. carcrazyjohn
    Joined: Apr 16, 2008
    Posts: 4,841

    from trevose pa

    Ive read every post also ,Im awaiting the big bosses spin on this ,Im all for it ,Only thing if this flies ., is a cash deal to send to the frame shop and shipping to various locations .
  17. nofin
    Joined: Jan 7, 2010
    Posts: 321

    from australia

    Maybe the details could be left for later? At this stage we only need to find out how much support there is for this idea, and whether Ryan is for it. Maybe a poll?

    Those in favour can then figure out how.

    It seems strange to me that those who aren't interested seem so determined to tell those who are that they shouldn't be. Maybe they should go polish their Volvos...

  18. Hop and a skip!
  19. Never2low
    Joined: Jan 14, 2008
    Posts: 1,170


    I can't imagine Ryan needs more on his plate, but I'd be in for $50 or more. Maybe get a firewall tag that says "Dedicated to history H.A.M.B coupe 2010" That would be killer. If the project could make an appearence somewhere out east, I'd definatly make a road trip to see it. I can already see R&C doing a build coverage spread. Man, it sure is an exciting concept. Hope something good, for the HAMB and for the hobby, can come of this generous offer.
  20. Thats what the Bomb Factory digger started out as. Then as it got more involved Sam realized he would have his ass on the line if folks just got to jump in willy nilly and run down the strip. BAd Idea then as well as now. Like I stated, this has come up several times in the last 10 years, the logistics alone killed it from the start, and Australia wasn't even in the picture.
  21. titus
    Joined: Dec 6, 2003
    Posts: 5,180


    i think the hardest part would be finding a group of guys to build it, maybe if it traveled around to a few different groups of guys that could do certain parts of the project, the thing would be finding an area that has groups of guys that could work on it. if it ends up anywhere in Mn to get worked on id gladly put a good days work in on it or more.

    But the logistics of the whole project would be hard to overcome

    Poll's on how to build it would be needed

    And if there were a registration for the vehicle it would have to be owned by the jolopy journal, a business.

    I would say a charity would need to be picked so we have a goal to work towards

    the hamb raffle for the winner of the car would be great, the only problem is the winner would proably have to pay taxes on it correct?

    my 2 cents

  22. Ryan
    Joined: Jan 2, 1995
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    Staff Member

    Hey fellas, great sentiment... and sounds like a lot of fun. However, I don't know anything about the legalities of such a thing. Let me do some research.
  23. WhiteZombie
    Joined: Jan 16, 2007
    Posts: 653

    from Denton TX

    Nope...sold them both in the same deal.
  24. Rickybop
    Joined: May 23, 2008
    Posts: 10,150


    Hi 32ford5! Well…you certainly aren’t lacking for opinions!...over 100 in a very short time! LOL. I will be mostly echoing what some of the others have said, but I’ll contribute my thoughts.

    First, I’d like to thank you for your generosity, and the opportunity to be a part of something that could generate great pride for the hamb and it’s members. I think it’s a wonderful idea, and pretty exciting too! I imagine this could go big. As for the logistics of the thing, I believe that it all can be dealt with, considering that we have a great cross-section of folks here, and a vast array of available resources…anything from fabricators to painters to transporters to parts-suppliers, and maybe even a lawyer or two. And of course, with as many members as we have, even if only half the guys and gals contributed $10, that’s $500,000! That would more than cover the construction costs, and go a long way toward transporting, insurance, upkeep, etc. Then there are the vendors…they might enjoy being involved as well. If this thing gets rolling, I don’t see that we would lack for anything.

    Don’t listen to the negative posts. I would hesitate to even respond to them, except to qualify your good intentions, which I think you’ve done. Those that don’t think this could work, or accuse you of having ulterior motives, need not contribute...simple as that. I believe that the ones that are slamming this idea are those that fall into a handful of categories…They were never taught the idea of sharing, and don’t see the value in it, or they fear “losing” something, or they don’t see a way to “get” anything from this, or they have a cynical nature, and can’t understand folks having a positive attitude about being part of something bigger than themselves, or…bashing is simply easier for them than getting on-board with constructive input. Too bad for them, they’re missin’ the boat, and will lose out on one of the best things in life…nice people working together for a common cause. That’s OK…I believe there are plenty here that understand it’s a “give to get” type of proposition, with no guarantee of any return, except the pride of being involved. Those that contribute will do so to the extent that they are able, and wish to. I honestly believe that the naysayers are the very ones that would squawk the loudest, if things weren’t done to their liking. I’m not saying that anyone should refrain from sharing constructive criticism, and citing the obstacles to be overcome…that’s different, and in-fact necessary.

    Some ideas:
    I like the name “Project H”. It’s reminiscent of “Project X”. In that same spirit, it could be a test-bed for a number of different drive-trains. Any and all of our favorite engines/transmissions could be used at one time or another. I imagine a very stout quick-change rear axle being installed, to enable the car to compete both on the dry-lakes and salt-flats, and also at the drag-strips around the country…maybe the world, since the hamb is after-all a global community. I also like the idea of the car having different configurations over time…even different paint-schemes to satisfy some of the various tastes we all might have. Maybe one common element would always remain…maybe the hamb logo on the side or something similar.

    Somebody mentioned the idea of having all the names of who contribute added to the body of the car. A nice idea, but I don’t think there’s gonna be enough room…the car would become solid black! LOL. Of course, there needs to be a record though, of all who contribute…only fitting. Maybe in addition to the designation of each of our type of membership here, Ryan would be willing to add “Project H contributor” or something similar, or maybe just an ongoing list here of contributors…a small amount of recognition, carrying with it a large helping of pride and fulfillment.

    I don’t believe that insurance is going to be a big problem. Any one of our favorite custom auto insurers will advise us on that. Same goes with liability concerns.

    As has been suggested, voting would be a useful method of making certain decisions, and a committee needs to be formed to oversee this, with a treasurer, etc., and with one person to have final say. I imagine that only those that feel they can commit the time and energy necessary will volunteer, and maybe a vote from the committee can determine new leaders each year. If this project is too much for Ryan or the hamb as a whole to take on, there’s no reason we can’t start a new social group for this endeavor. I'm glad to see Ryan's post...sounds like he's not saying "No". Cool!

    I would hope that anyone who is involved with this project would approach it with a humble, happy, positive, giving attitude, with a total absence of any expectations of personal reward, other than the gratitude of their fellow hambers, and anyone else who might benefit. I for one, vow to contribute what I can, and to refrain from having any ill feelings as far as decisions made by others. I will revel in the fact that I have a chance to be a part of this…a part of hamb history. I imagine that if we do this, it will be quite “high profile”…the world will be watching. I would hope that all involved will do their best to show us in the best possible light, and to make us all proud. I see this car going on to be quite famous, outliving all of us...always a representative…an ambassador of all that is the hamb. If we do this, let us do it right…with a sense of goodwill and pride. :) Rick
    <!-- / message --><!-- sig -->
  25. Turbo442
    Joined: Nov 27, 2005
    Posts: 702


    After seeing some of the drag coupe pics and thinking about some of the events Ryan puts on I immediately thought of "The HAMB Drags Coupe" for a theme. That would really be cool if it would somehow all work.

    I think the inspiration to keep things moving in a positive light would be the HambAndy build.
    After that it's legality issues which not many on here know about so experts on such topics need to be addressed.
  26. Limey Steve
    Joined: Apr 4, 2005
    Posts: 1,522

    Limey Steve
    Alliance Vendor
    from Whittier

    Could be a good thing , great opportunity & fun , if it gets going count me in for a steering column & mount , sprint car wheel also if it fits the bill.I like competition coupe's:)
  27. Rickybop
    Joined: May 23, 2008
    Posts: 10,150


    With all the resouces and knowlege here, there's no reason that we can't build one of the fastest, if not the fastest competition coupe on the planet!

    Maybe start with a big-inch flathead, then an olds, then a nailhead, and finally go for broke with a bad-assed HEMI! All of 'em blown, of course! WooooHooooooooo!!! :D
  28. BuiltFerComfort
    Joined: Jan 24, 2007
    Posts: 1,619


    My idea: HAMB University Hot Rod Build.

    It doesn't matter where it's built but it needs a plan. I mean a real written project plan, with who does what, in what order. And part of the plan needs to be an end goal. Why, specifically, should we do this - to what end?

    I vote to make it a learning experience. Some of the most popular threads on the HAMB are build threads, right? So let's document the hell out of the build in the name of Hot Rod Education. And at the end the car and massive build documentation will be used to educate future hot rodders. Then use the car to teach people how to drive and enjoy traditional hot rods, to bring in new people.

    1. Make it a full learning project, FILM as much of the work as possible. (And a pet peeve of mine - always film the clock and calendar too, to let people know how long this sort of thing takes.)

    2. Race cars are fun but dangerous to new drivers. A flathead or 4- banger motor will help keep it slow.

    3. Who will drive it, and where? Like the HAMB Andy build, an auto trans might be good if multiple people will be driving it. I'm tall, so I'd mount the seat low and back all the way - would that fit everyone? No, so if the decision is to make it a sample hot rod, beginners race car, etc. then it needs to have some compromises to let it fit multiple people.

    4. US tax law issues: Ideally someone would have a charitable corp that could umbrella this, and the charity would get the car at the end for educational purposes - teaching auto shop and race driving is still education. (or build it for charitable sale? not as much fun). That way the major contributions would be tax deductible.

    5. After the build, what? Does it sit in a museum, get driven (when and how?) or get sold to the highest bidder? I hate all those, it should be driven - but that takes insurance, etc.
  29. donut29
    Joined: Mar 6, 2006
    Posts: 1,518

    from canton MI

    Why is it on Egay again?
  30. Harris
    Joined: Feb 15, 2007
    Posts: 863


    Could always make up shirts with the project name on them, we've got plenty of talented artists on here, I'm sure one of them would be willing to put something simple together.

    Silk screened shirts aren't exactly expensive, sell them for a little over cost and use those funds to help get this thing rolling!

    All of this stands on the basis of having a clearly defined outcome for the car ie: paint, style, charity or raffle etc.
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