yes, that is true. But, showing up and doing your job for 14 straight years is putting into the system. If its him or his boss paying it, unemployment is getting paid because he is there working providing a service or producing a good that generates the money being paid. He gets a pass.
say it loud so they remember no work but lots of money to give to other countrys want change you got it!!!!!!!!!
Okay, so you've posted on this thread, taken some abuse as a result and stated your position clearly - and didn't shirk the criticism. AND, I have complete empathy for all of those who are laid off, working for a fraction of what they previously did, etc.. This economy sucks . . . I'm fortunate to still have a job, though I took a 20% pay cut over a year ago (I'm in management). And unlike some companies, we cut the pay of management FIRST and the most - it was the right thing to do. A year later, we have reinstated the 5% cuts we made all our employees take (just this month we reinstated their previous salaries - felt good to give them their money back). Management's cut will stay at 20% -- at least until the end of the year. It was better to try to keep as many employees as possible, then to look the other way. As the saying goes 'A Fish Rots From the Head Down' -- we do our best to lead by example and not expect those who work for us to stomach what we won't. What I don't get about your statement above and your previous posts is the attitude that you've worked for 14 years, so you're owed something -- like it is cool to take a break and let US (the taxpayer) foot your bills? I've paid into the system for 35+ years, never took anything out . . . even when I was in failing businesses, wasn't getting paid, etc.. As long as I'm healthy and can work -- I'll be working . . . at something. There are those who can't work or are in really bad situations -- hopefully the money I put into unemployment goes to them. How about the many single Moms I've seen who are working 2 - 3 jobs, going to school and supporting their kids -- they can have as much help as our Govt is willing to give . . . they're doing their best to participate and get better. Every month you don't work and are content to cash a Govt check - is one more month you're further from getting a job. If your skills are outdated, then I can only hope that you're using your "time off" to learn, go to school, invest in yourself and position yourself for a new future . . . it is what this country needs, or there won't be any jobs for any of us to apply for. I wish you the best and hope you get back in the work force . . . sitting on the side lines does none of us any good. The LAST thing you should be is content to get your share of what you put in . . . there are those who need it much worse than you. You sure seem to be healthy, educated, etc -- so put some real effort in. Okay - so I'm harsh at times . . . I'd rather state my mind than shirk the responsibility of not telling the truth as best I see it. Okay - unload on me boys
My current gig runs until 2015. The company hasn't been getting many new contract proposals due to all the military budget cutbacks (who'da thunk we'd see that when the country is supposed to be at war?) so I'm not expecting to have a job after that. It's like that when you're a defense - industry contract monkey, so no hard feelings on my part, ten years of putting up with gov't know-nothings will be way more than enough. In the meantime I'm putting a lot of effort into developing my own skills, taking classes and working on getting some experience and certifications to make the job search easier when I get to the end of line here. If anybody thinks they got a better idea I'm listening.
The state he lives in will tell him what to do for unemployment.I gotta assume that all or most states make you keep up an active search for work,names and address ,that sorta shit.You might even find a job!!! If you belong to a construction union with a hiring hall they usually don't bother with the job search. I have collected unemployment maybe 15 times over the years.You have to be honest,you have to respect it ain't a paycheck,you have to follow the rules. But that don't mean you can't fuck off As far as who pays for unemployment? Usually the boss pays most of it.That's shows up as less pay in your working check cause your boss had to pay the Gov't more.Now with all the extended unemplyment ,like you can collect for over a year???, I suppose the Fed pays,that's my money,got to work you slacker
LOL...Amazing attitude. I should have known better than to get involved in a thread like this. Reminds me of one of my best friends attitudes...We've been buddies for almost 40 years...We dont talk about this kind of thing.
I created a facebook page for stories like yours...Once I have enough stories, I plan to organize them alphabetically by company and post them on the site. Real reviews of bosses to beware of. Anyone with stories like yours who have a facebook account can click the "like" button at the top of the page and post the story of your bad boss experience. Be sure to include their names so others can beware!
I won't unload on you, as I said no one wins an Internet fight. I don't feel like I'm owed something, but I am grateful there's a fallback system for when something like this happens. I lost my job a week before Christmas, you think it was all candycanes and gumdrops around here the last half of December? Not really. As far as the actual unemployment process I get 5 or 6 emails a week listing jobs that match my previous work experience, some of them are viable, where as others are a joke (they actually sent me a link to my old employer). As far as what I do with the money, I'm more frugal than I was when I was working but we still go out, still buy goods, support local business (that's a big one for me). And I can actually collect for 92 weeks with all the extensions, yup, just short of 2 years.
I actually think the OP has a legit lawsuit for his moving expenses both from and back to Salt Lake. I mean, seriously, three weeks and they lay you off? How can they not know they're going to do that when they hired you? I'm pretty sure I heard a caller to the Handel On The Law radio show have this same problem, a few weeks back, and he did have a reasonable case. The guy had been hired by a company and relocated for the job only to be let go not long after. I forget the legal term that it falls under. But you can probably find someone to chat with about it for free - you might be able to go small claims just for your expenses, and those cases are both cheaper to file and you stand a better shot of winning them.
Amazing attitude? what did I say that is irrational? The guy got layed off and is on unemployment. What modern post Bismarkian society doesnt have unemployment benefits for people out of work? I will admit that it is strange to make more money not working than working, but that being what it is, at least this guy is honest about it. If he is on unemployment for a few months, I feel, as a contributing member of our society, he has that right.
Those are quite possibly grounds for a Wrongful Termination suit. While researching my wife's wrongful termination situation, I came across a hypothetical incident that almost mirrors yours exactly. It doesn't mean you're going to come up with bank, but they are usually liable for some sort of severance and moving costs to and from your old location. Man, down in South Jersey? You should be doing some "free" work for other NJ HAMB'ers where they just so happen to leave envelopes of money lying around at your house afterwards!
Yeah well i got laid off at the end of march and i am still fighting the man for unemployment.... the bastards keep denying my claim for something . I've been there twice and they keep pretending they fixed the problem and send me out the door and still no unemployment.
The company i worked for closed the doors after 60yrs. in bus. last fall , General Contractors, bldg const., warehouses,plants, schools, churches etc. I'd been there 17yrs. no severance pay. 55yrs. old still got mortgage,etc. Just got to take it day to day. Make it some way
28 yeas ago the banker and I reached an agreement that he wouldn't loan me any more money and I wouldn't farm anymore. With a new wife and my 2 kids, it looked like the world had come to an end. I took stock of what was available in the area for jobs and figured I could do as well on my own. I had already been building rods and chassis part time for 15 years so I ran an ad in the state wide paper and got lucky and snagged a turnkey build within a week. Mixed chassis and turnkey building and my business took off. Came up with a couple of products which have sold well and just in the last few months got the last of my land and debts from farming paid off. It all came from the hotrod business. The chassis and parts business has slowed down but I'm paying the bills. I've been thru a few slow periods before and have faith that things will get better down the road. I've basically been self employed all my life (65 years) and have never regreted it. Just get out there and make it happen you will never be sorry.
And where does the "employer" come up with the increased rate and quartely contributions? Higher prices to consumers, budget cuts, wage freeze, hiring freeze... or maybe your right the money comes from out of thin air
I've been waiting for a thread like this again. I got laidoff from being a field tech on natural gas engines/compressors damn good job if you liked being outside in what ever weather conditions being on call every other week, we were devistated but but i was able to draw unemployment,got through Christmas without using a credit card,and found job in three months, it's 8-5 mon-fri, inside heated and a/c,it doesn't pay as well but i have time for car shows, and my kids and the if i need extra money i can pick up my paint gun and have the time to make good coins on the weekend. so anyone that's unemployed i feel for you but maybe there is something better out there. good luck.
that surprising considering NJ has some of the highest income, property, and business taxes in the country. I guess it's a holdover from the previous governors administration.
They really need to get rid of the top brass .Sounds like there the ones that are fuc ed up .I know this I just started a job and there assholes .My sympathies are with you ......These people think they own me ...15 hours of overtime this weekend alone .I haven't seen my wife ,kids or car in about 2 weeks ,Miss dinner every night ....and Im trying to do bodywork.....
Exactly. I've been an employer in Georgia for over 30 years. At NO time during that period has the employee ever paid anything toward unemployment insurance. Only the employer. And the unemployment insurance tax is treated as an expense by the employer. Any employer with any business sense does not use it as an excuse to pay their employees less; they simply add it on to the cost of their product/services.
I worked at Ford Motor Company for 30 Years - They laid me off at lest 10 times (for 2 years one time) Friends and familly ask why I don't drive Fords- all I say is Chrysler never ever laid me off.
It never fails as soon as things start moving like clock work for me, I'd get the call from the boss telling me there wasn't enough work and I was getting laid. The thing I never understood was I was the only employee on my site, and I busted my ass everyday. Things sure as hell weren't slow for me. This last August I got laid off, the boss told me it would be till after the first of the year or longer, so I just moved on. I work for my father-in-law now, don't know what is worse this or being unemployed.
My sympathies to the original poster; I can definatly relate as I was let go after 12 years with the same company when a new management team came in and suddenly all the things I'd been get marked on reviews as exceptional I couldn't do right any more. More than a few of us that had been there a long time were replaced with less experienced (and lower paid) replacements! Now not to beat up on synthsis anymore, but that is one of the problems in todays society; thinking we are somehow owed something. I know, as I too made that same mistake when I was canned 4 years ago. Right shortly after getting let go, I was offered a job at a local Home Depot that I turned down, as it only paid $10 an hour and I was making more on unemployment. I ended up out of work for almost a year, as each day I was unemployed made me less employable. I already had the fact that I was 49 at the time against me, but I had to leep explaining (and still do) why I was out of work so long. I ended up working at a place that pays me well, but a job I hate working rotating shifts. I'm constantly looking for a new position, but that year on the dole still, after 4 years steady employment, hinders my search. If I'd have taken the job at Home depot, I'd be making about the same there today as I make where I'm at, and be happier and more likely to change jobs if I so desired, without that long gap in my work history! Long story short no one owes us anything, we control our own destiny. Brian
If you read back through the 5 pages, I do say I don't feel like I'm owed anything, I'm grateful there's a system in place to make sure I can pay my bills. I will say that if I took a $10/hr job right now, I would not be able to pay my bills and I'd be in trouble, another house being foreclosed. It's a tough jam to be in, but finding a job that will cover my expenses isn't going to be easy.
Good news! I got a job offer. It's not really something I would have planned on, but it's pretty good money, and hell, I think I needed a change of pace anyway. Thanks to everybody here and all the support. Knowing my luck this job will last 3 weeks, too But I say if anyone needs some inspiration, just show them the HAMB!
Great News! You have a good attitude, are flexible . . . have been willing to change your life up (like move) to find work, etc.. You have all the signs of somebody who will be a great hire! Congrats and give your new occupation your best. Thanks for updating us -- after all, we got so off-topic on this thread we were running the risk of having a few "electronic fist fights". Always seems to happen when you're talking about religion, politics, money or family!
Congrats. I know what this kind of situation can be like. Totally agree with what Bored&Stroked said - you've got to be flexible. We live in a world where there is no longer any job security. A cousin of mine in CO has been downsized three times during his oldest son's 16 years of life (and we complain that the Younger Generation doesn't have company loyalty!). I'm sure it will last longer than three weeks. All the best.