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Projects The H.A.M.B. Coupe - It's yours!

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by 32ford5, Apr 25, 2010.

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  1. Very cool concept, logistical challeges notwithstanding, this could be a great opportunity for Alliance Vendors to donate products, services, or labor either big or small. Or just have a hosted HAMB thrash at a scheduled time/location.

    And I personally think that only alliance members should be contributors, to help demonstrate the benefit.

    Hats off to you 32Ford5, great idea. It will be interesting to see how the powers that be welcome it...
  2. guiseart
    Joined: Apr 7, 2005
    Posts: 3,872


    ...I think this should be volunteer built, parts donated, time donated... then raffled off - proceeds to the HAMB (the whole inspiration for the build) Ryan can give the money to a charity, to help with the HAMB, whatever.

    Put me down for an engraved shift knob, and a raffle ticket.

    oh, and I like this one...

    it's my idea of "traditional" although I'm sure not everyone's.

  3. Eddiesixem
    Joined: Apr 29, 2005
    Posts: 627


    why doesnt some one just contact ryan and ask him about it, instead of stiring up a huge contriversal thread, that way the cheif can make the final call.and all the talk can turn into action or be stopped in its tracks.
  4. ZomBrian
    Joined: Jan 24, 2008
    Posts: 1,143

    from in IN

    X2...but I'm afraid he might stop it.

    Here are some inspiration shots. Just something to think about.

    Attached Files:

  5. ScottV
    Joined: Jul 18, 2009
    Posts: 818


    Here's my ...

    Build it entirely on donation and then auction/raffle it and give the proceeds to charity.

    I personally would like to a see a period correct early '60 drag car with a VS-57 blown Lincoln Y-block ... but then again I dream in color :p
  6. RichG
    Joined: Dec 8, 2008
    Posts: 3,919


    The OP already wrote to Ryan...

  7. Rickybop
    Joined: May 23, 2008
    Posts: 10,067


    "I'm tired of coming on here day after day and seeing people tearing down other peoples builds."

    You said it, electrodude. Many seem to think that being negative, condescending and foul-mouthed makes 'em cool...clever...tough. They're's a "little boy" mentality, and the easiest thing to do. They don't truly believe in community...of the hamb or otherwise...they're only a collection of "individuals".

    A lot of you guys have great attitudes, and I'm proud to be associated with you. More specifically to this thread, I commend those of you who obviously would like to see this thing happen, and have offered time, effort, money and parts, and expect nothing in return, except the pride from knowing you had a part in it. You understand and enjoy the concept of sharing, and the honor and joy that can be derived from working together as a team for the common good, as opposed to being interested only in your own personal interests and satisfying your own egos. I relish the prospect of being involved with you fine people on a project such as this...something that we can all cheer for, and I consider this kind of stuff to be the very best that life has to offer.

    On the other hand, the persons that totally "poo-poo" this idea, and "laugh", and seem to get "entertainment" from our desire to be involved in such a way, unfortunately have no concept of this type of thinking. They are ignorant of the benefis and the idea that a giving and sharing spirit is its own reward. It's foreign to them. We should not hate them back for their selfishness...we can only feel sorry for them for missing out I said...the best thing in life. But...I do take exception that they would intrude, and outwardly express their small-minded views, and attempt to undermine the resolve that so many here have shown. I have learned a few things in life, and one of them is "big mouth=small brain" (and heart)...every single time, without fail. I believe that those of us who want to work together on this project should express a collective "PFFFFTTT!" to anyone that has nothing constructive to offer.

    I suggest that if we can't get the hamb population-at-large behind this endeavor, that we take advantage of this generous gift that Bill has presented to us, and go it alone. But we won't be alone...we'll have each other's support. It'll still be a hamb project, by only hamb members. - Rick
    Last edited: May 2, 2010
  8. 32ford5
    Joined: Sep 15, 2009
    Posts: 1,089

    from Australia

    Seems I can't stay away from 34 5 window coupes! I bought another one today! In...ummm...slightly better condition. Who (in Australia) wants to buy my 32 5 window? I don't have room for both.
  9. 32ford5
    Joined: Sep 15, 2009
    Posts: 1,089

    from Australia

    RickyBop for President!

    Thanks again to all who support this idea and for those who are are welcome when ready. I'm too happy today to have anything but happy thoughts!
  10. mr.dirtydan
    Joined: Apr 28, 2009
    Posts: 14

    from clayton nc

    this is freaking awesome. my buddy turned me on to this thread. i cant wait to put my 2 cents in on this and essentially build a melting pot of a ride, just like the people building it. I just cant wait to get my hands on it or at the least contribute some parts. Good luck with this and may the gods of speed be on your side.
  11. 50stude p/u
    Joined: Jul 14, 2009
    Posts: 169

    50stude p/u

    The "do it our selves unofficially" idea isn't bad
  12. C'mon, it was just a joke, fercryinoutloud.

    (and I thought it was kinda' funny)

    Well, IF we can get the legal questions solved, I'm on board.

    That's why I think getting the ownership and legal responsibility stuff out of the way is important; there are a lot of guys who are willing to step up in a big way (which is really, really cool), not least of all, Bill in OZ.

    So, let's come up with a way that this project can be managed, so that it doesn't end up getting all balled up in a clusterfuck if someone's feelings get hurt, the car gets stolen, somebody's jealous spouse sells stuff on craigslist, or a shop burns down with the car in it after an assload of work goes in it or something. These are things that happen everyday.

    Without clearly defined ownership and management, who will be able to moderate a dispute, file a police report, or receive a check from an insurance company?

    Personally, I don't think it should fall to Ryan. That would constitute us piling work on him. There's got to be a way to form a legal entity to do this, without breaking the bank. Now, there's GOT to be a lawyer or two on this board... perhaps somebody could actually come up with some legal solution, so that we can get in gear!

    BTW, if anybody here thinks I'm lookin' to go negative on this deal... well, you're entitled to your opinion. The fact is that I'm not trying to stir up a shitstorm, derail a cool project, or dampen anyone's enthusiasm.

    But, the fact is, bad things do happen sometimes. Being prepared means that if problems come up, we'll already have some solutions worked out. If bad things befall the H.A.M.B. Coupe, at least we'll be able to regroup and get back to moving forward.

    What little time, materials, or cash I have to offer ain't shit compared to what other guys have, but they're what I have. Just the same, I've got a '54 Chrysler dash and steering column that could be donated. I was gonna' put 'em on craigslist, but would be just as happy to donate 'em to a good cause.

  13. Oh, and I forgot... I'd also like to offer my services to drive the coupe.

    (just in case nobody else wants to.)

  14. 32ford5
    Joined: Sep 15, 2009
    Posts: 1,089

    from Australia

    Thanks for your kind words and offer Bill. I think this idea is a great one so we can all give unselfishly for once without demanding anything in return other than a good time, a sense of pride, community and accomplishment and that (I think) can sometimes be worth more than cash.

    I'm up for discussing any idea that will get this project started.
  15. If you build it ....
    It will run ....

    I am dropping off in Reno, NV this week ...

    At this time I have room to schedule pick up in Denver
    and get this to Texas to start ....... something :confused:

    After that, I may not be available to transport the body
    for a few months :cool:

  16. 32ford5
    Joined: Sep 15, 2009
    Posts: 1,089

    from Australia

    Thanks Jim! The guy I bought it from says the car is safe and sound and undercover and I am welcome to keep it with him until such time as we know what we are going to do with it. He's sympathetic to our cause and is happy the car will live again to drive so is willing to help out. Thanks Kary and thanks to all who offered to pick it up and store it for me (I had many private offers). As soon as we can decide on how this is going be handled it'll probably stay where it is. I'm grateful for that which means we don't have to make a decision tonight or tomorrow but soon.
  17. rustydeuce
    Joined: May 26, 2006
    Posts: 855


    Okay I now officially hate you. :) LOL

    Good shit man. Cool coupe!
  18. 32ford5
    Joined: Sep 15, 2009
    Posts: 1,089

    from Australia

    I understand. That's fair enough. Buy my 32!
  19. rustydeuce
    Joined: May 26, 2006
    Posts: 855


  20. 32ford5
    Joined: Sep 15, 2009
    Posts: 1,089

    from Australia

    I wished...and look what I ended up with! Don't underestimate the power of a wish. They can turn to dreams, goals, actions and finally...results.
  21. I have just picked up on this thread and applaud you Bill, for your vision! There is much merit in this and I look forward to the updates and possibilities.
    Henry Ford had the dream.......
  22. bonesmsd
    Joined: Sep 19, 2005
    Posts: 276

    from Redding Ca

    I skipped through, but if nobody else has offered, I'll donate 100 t-shirts with an 8-color design. Let me know.
  23. RUSTIN
    Joined: Jun 8, 2009
    Posts: 33


    How much??? What else you got for sale over there????
  24. 32ford5
    Joined: Sep 15, 2009
    Posts: 1,089

    from Australia

    PM me with name and mobile phone. I'll call you tonight or tomorrow.

    Wow! That's soooo generous! You guys are soooo cool. Thanks a lot Bones. All donations and contributions will be handled via a thread for each section of the car if/when we get started. Stay tuned. I can't wait to see those shirts.

    Thanks Crusin'. I believe big things are possible if we make them happen. I live like that and like to influence others to live like that as well. We will all be amazed by what we can do when we put our minds to it.
  25. JDHolmes
    Joined: Nov 25, 2006
    Posts: 918

    from Spring TX

    The only issues which can make this project a failure are lack of dedication and lack of imagination. Ryan's lack of approval would quash it, but with his approval, there's absolutely no reason that this can't be done. Pessimists, go drink your half empty glass of water, we optimists will drink our half full glass of water.

    Organization, project management, quality work will make this happen.
  26. 32ford5
    Joined: Sep 15, 2009
    Posts: 1,089

    from Australia

    Thanks for your support JD. I agree 100%.
  27. 1) Reality Check

    That is exactly correct! The potential to have 'too many cooks' in the kitchen can be mitigated by some good initial rules of engagement, clearly set expectations and the realization that not everybody is going to be working on the car, driving the car, making decisions on how $$$ are spent or racing it.

    2) Different Roles, Responsibilities and Expectations

    There will be "worker bees" and there will be "donating bees" -- there is a place for everybody, but the expectations for ALL need to be clear. As an individual, once the rules/expectations are set, then it is up to you to participate (at some defined level) or watch -- your choice.

    3) Get Going, Learn From Mistakes - Expand the Concept After Some Successes

    Also, since this is "Collective Car Experiment #1" - we are NOT going to get it all right the first time . . . there will be issues and bumps in the road. Due to this, I think it is wise to NOT let it get too big for round #1. Keep it simple and small -- make mistakes, learn from them and make it bigger the 2nd time. (1st and 2nd can be phases of the first car build . . . or different cars done at different times).

    4) Somebody is the Boss - the PM

    We need a designated "Project Manager" who owns the plan, understands what he/she has to work with (money, resources, time, expectations and what needs to be 'delivered') -- and can make decisions. You can't make group decisions for everything and get work done -- not possible. Also, due to logistics, the PM damn near has to be where the car is at -- at least to get started.

    5) Status Tracking - 100% Visibility

    Parts, supplies, time and money (donations) need to be tracked -- so everybody can understand where it is all going. I can guarantee that it will take more money, time and effort than anybody will estimate on the front end. (If we want quality and safety -- which is a must in my mind).

    6) Getting Started: Project Charter, Rules on Engagement and Initial Expectations

    Like any complex project, we need to come up with an overall vision/charter that clearly defines what it is, what it isn't and list ALL the assumptions possible. (This is the Going In Position). Then we need to decide who the core group is that that will be on a 'Steering Committee' (literally, to steer the project!) . . . probably a group of core builders/shops that have primary and key roles in the work (this group can't be larger than about 6 - 10 or so). I'd leave it up to the core Steering Committee to draft a first pass of the details of the project, the scope of work, the projected costs (needed parts, labor and dollars), an estimated timeline and what the final product "should" be --> the goal of the car to be delivered. Everybody needs to know the end-game, the rules and how the project will be executed along the way.

    7) Collective Decisions and Votes . . . Not an Easy Thing

    If there is some sort of voting process (for anything), then we had better be clear up front as to WHAT might be voted on, when, how and by whom. Also, WHO gets to vote . . . and what their vote counts for also needs to be determined. The easiest way to cripple a project like this is to make everybody think they're going to be equal, have equal say and that magically we'll somehow sift through 100's of opinions to make a decision. That doesn't work - we don't have a lifetime to get car #1 done!

    8) With Responsibility There Must Be Trust - From ALL of Us Involved

    The project will only be successful if we establish ALL of this on the front end and all agree to put a large amount of TRUST in a few key individuals. Without the TRUST, there can be no responsibility and this dog will never hunt. The decision making processes and the TRUST associated with key individuals will be the single most important part of this effort. Lots of us are going to have to take secondary roles -- as willing/able participants of many kinds -- but not the key stakeholders and daily decision makers.

    32Ford5: I'm more than willing to help in the above areas - have done quite a bit of complex project work (and obviously on the car), just let me know if/when you're THINKING you might actually want to start something and we can chat. I'd form a core group first . . . or you'll never be able to propose anything of substance to the HAMBers who are interested. If the group can't agree and can't move forward -- then the idea was grand, but the execution failed - doesn't make anybody bad people! :rolleyes:
  28. 32ford5
    Joined: Sep 15, 2009
    Posts: 1,089

    from Australia

    Crikeys! That took some thought. Thanks a lot for taking the time to put forward what I think is an excellent basis for a blueprint of operations and procedures. You clearly have some experience in logistics.

    I would have no problem including you in the head team. Thank you for your generous offer of your time and energy.

    I would also like to put myself forward to be on at least the steering committee but being so far from the physical car I agree that it's best we have someone closer to everything to handle any issues and offer directional guidance and be the voice.

    I can also supply any web services such as web space or webinar so we can all talk at once. I use skype chat for group meetings in my world so we can use that for meetings and to make common decisions.

    All we have to do now to get it started is to figure out the ownership issues so that everyone is happy. I'm going to presume that because no lawyers have piped up with any suggestions that we have none on the board so maybe the first thing we need to pass the hat around for is some legal advice?
  29. ZomBrian
    Joined: Jan 24, 2008
    Posts: 1,143

    from in IN

    Oh there are some here, but if they made themselves known they would be subject to OT PMs and such. I can't remeber their screen names but they're among us.:eek:
  30. 32ford5
    Joined: Sep 15, 2009
    Posts: 1,089

    from Australia

    Still no word from the powers that be. I've sent a few emails now but not getting any response. Not going to send any more because no response is my answer I think.

    Looks like this is a dead. Oh well, I tried. Thanks to all who supported the idea.
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