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Projects The H.A.M.B. Coupe - It's yours!

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by 32ford5, Apr 25, 2010.

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  1. 32ford5
    Joined: Sep 15, 2009
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    from Australia

    Joined: Mar 26, 2009
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    from fresno

    Good idea !!!! But dont let any New Zealanders help in its construction ar donate parts , Because those cheap bastards will steal it. Something this rough is like the holy grail to them . !!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Did someone say rough coupe body?
  4. skoh73
    Joined: Apr 17, 2008
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    I don't think that you should worry about the name of the project in the name of the social group- just put something like "generous Aussie HAMBer serves up project for all of us" (or something less wordy). I have no doubt that this as a social group will explode. I'm a member of the 52-56 Ford Owner's Social Group and it is ALWAYS busy!!!

    Don't forget that some of us can Photoshop ideas for the project to avoid any "false starts". This is really cool...
  5. BIG-JIM
    Joined: Jun 13, 2009
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    from CT

    What about "The Aussie Coupe built by HAMBERS"? Or Just Aussie Coupe? :)
  6. 32ford5
    Joined: Sep 15, 2009
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    from Australia

  7. Johnny1290
    Joined: Apr 20, 2006
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    You know what? If you wait until everything is safe and there's no risk, well things will just never happen.

    I'll put my money where my mouth is.

    I can kick $100 in, what's the paypal account address? We need one ASAP if we don't have it.

    It would be cool if we sold t-shirts that had donors screennames on them. Just because I'd like to see my name on there :D:D:rolleyes:

    I gotta say, I'd be really frickin' proud to be part of this in some small way.

  8. 32ford5
    Joined: Sep 15, 2009
    Posts: 1,089

    from Australia

    Cool! Thanks Johnny!

    Let's hold the cash donations for now until we figure out a structure for this project but you did hit on a good idea.

    I can picture a T-Shirt with "DONOR" written on the back in big white letters like "SECURITY" or "STAFF" or "CREW" would be staff or crew shirts and the name of the coupe maybe under or over.

    Instantly recognised everywhere. You'll have people patting you on the back for no (seemingly) no reason.
  9. What about using the social group only for logistics, planning, donations and the mundane minutiae that goes along with it? No chit chat, just things directly adding to the build. Also, a small way cash donators can be protected is to post they donated so everyone knows. If they don't want their names known, send a PM to 32ford5 saying anonymous for $X. The total in the thread should reconcile with the acct. total (not including any interest or fees).
  10. Johnny1290
    Joined: Apr 20, 2006
    Posts: 2,834


    I was thinking something like a tshirt that had 50 names in small type on the back or something, or we could do one that mimics a concert tour but instead of show dates put the different locations the coupe has been. There's a million clever guys on here that could make up something bitchin', I have no doubt!

    Glad to hear Ryan responded!
  11. KUZTOM
    Joined: May 6, 2008
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  12. 32ford5
    Joined: Sep 15, 2009
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    from Australia

    That sounds like a pretty good idea.

    That's also a good idea. The more places it goes the more names on the back. Collect the whole set! That way it's a constant source of revenue that we can give away to those less fortunate. I like the idea of helping members in distress. But I personally think we should make sure no one's cold or hungry first. That would suck.

    We can give to everyone and because of the whole "ever changing" T-Shirt design it'll be the coupe that kept on giving. We have fun, people get helped, we all learn something, make new friends...etc

    It's hard not to feel good about this. With the serious side attended to by those with experience in project management and logistics we can get stuck into having fun, fun, fun. I'm pretty sure none of us here fully appreciate how excellent this has the potential to become.
  13. Big Mac
    Joined: Sep 12, 2007
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    Big Mac
    1. Utah HAMBers

    I agree. That's kinda the same thing I was thinking, but backwards. Works the same way. I think SOMETHING like this is necessary. There's going to be lots to keep track of!
  14. Big Mac
    Joined: Sep 12, 2007
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    Big Mac
    1. Utah HAMBers

  15. 32ford5
    Joined: Sep 15, 2009
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    from Australia

    Thanks Big Mac, you sure are keen to help. That's great and is really what this coupe is all about. I was thinking it might be cool if I start a social group once we knew what it was called. That way I could administer it instead of having you do everything as the creator and main admin (unless you would like that job - which would be fine) I wish there was a way we could rename the group once we had decided what the coupe was going to be called. I'm pretty sure the mods can change the name of anything if we ask them nicely.
  16. Black shirt with big ass block letters. Cred points at the swap meet!

    I second Big Mac's ideas below. I knew there's a reason the burger chain named a sandwich for him! All bullshit aside, I think it's a good idea we get it out in the open that we all agree to this.

    Keep anybody from developing a case of ass if they donate something and it doesn't get used and is sold off or something like that.

    Steady on, mate. Just being funny (or merely trying?) and attempting to illuminate the fact that being 'den mother' of the project may sometimes seem to be a rather thankless task.

    But I'm with ya'; can't have a dumbass in that job!

    My thought is that it's a good gig for a retired guy, or one who is single and has a job that doesn't consume his life, as it may occasionally be time-consuming.

    And, that we may go thru a series of 'project czars', with folks stepping up for a certain time. That way, we don'[t wear one guy out and get him burned out on the project.

    Onwards and upwards, y'all!


    ps: my offer to drive still stands...
  17. skoh73
    Joined: Apr 17, 2008
    Posts: 1,553


    Once this thing gets sussed out and all of the "legalities" have been addressed, someone here with the capability and connections should whisper in the ear of a respected rod publication (R+C?) and have this be a really cool step-by-step series that follows the progress and the eventual final destination of this cool, unique project.
  18. n.z.rodder
    Joined: Nov 18, 2008
    Posts: 1,015


    What are ya sayin'? It would look fine sitting beside my "mint" pickup.:D

    40 BODY.JPG
  19. rustydeuce
    Joined: May 26, 2006
    Posts: 855


    Not only will we steal it but we'll give ya women the taste of a real bloke while we're there! :D:eek:
  20. Big Mac
    Joined: Sep 12, 2007
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    Big Mac
    1. Utah HAMBers

    If you want it, you got it... ha ha ha.... The group can be "transferred" to a new owner/admin. I'll send it your way.

    Let's not lose sight of priority #1- getting the car to Metalman. Naming, Tshirts, and all this other crap can come later. We'll have PLENTY of time.
    Joined: Jun 3, 2005
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    I didn't fast-forward to seek any other answers. The best choice is a non-profit org. It doesn't have to be a noble charity or help for the less fortunate, nothing gushy. It can be to commemorate and maintain the idea and practice of traditional hotrodding. Something simple. The structure of such things has to be very similar if not the same as a museum. Easy to do. Yes indeed, as I've already said, the record keeping and mangement of the NP is the biggest and most demanding job of the entire idea...PERIOD. How hard? How complicated it gets will determine that. Liability as a racer might be a deal breaker but there's insurance in place at the tracks if it is a racer, "key off" insurance for the car itself. That would put a major cramp in the idea of "we all get to drive!" but if we wish to promote our ideals and traditions it's a sacrifice we as a collective must accept. As just a show/tour car it may be easier and a schedule of appearances can be developed to hit all the "big shows" related as well as the regular haunts we all love.

    Just let me know when it hits Motown. I'm in.
  22. 32SEDAN
    Joined: Jul 30, 2008
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    Jim Sibley would have finished this build by now...

    Joined: Mar 26, 2009
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    from fresno

    First a New Zealander would have to actually take a real shower or bath. Second you would have to take her out to dinner which would require spending money and leaving the waiter a TIP . After embarrasing her in public from not leaving a TIP, your chances have now diminished. Third if she has not taken a taxi home yet, you will have to put your right hand on the holy bible and swear to the lord that you have never had sexual relations with a sheep. Last, only after passing these three greuling tough tests, will she even consider going to bed with you !!! GOOD LUCK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  24. metalman
    Joined: Dec 30, 2006
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    My thought exactly. I was thinking of looking into setting up a non-profit corp, I know a couple local car clubs have done it and it wasn't hard. It protects any "member" from personal liability and it allows you to do things like open a bank account in it's name.
  25. 32ford5
    Joined: Sep 15, 2009
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    from Australia


    I've had several offers from shops that have said the same thing but if we rush this and get one shop to build it in a weekend we'd all be left looking at our selves and wondering what we got out of that.

    I'm pretty sure speed of completion is not only unimportant but also undesirable. We all want to savour this build and enjoy and possibly even learn somrthing from every step. This needs organisation and input from the membership and I'm not sure that we can't learn something from that too. Rushing in and getting it built quickly would achieve nothing in my view.

    I have a very interesting offer brewing in personal message land. We may have ourselves a structure before long. Stand by for recent developments.
  26. 32ford5
    Joined: Sep 15, 2009
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    from Australia

  27. popsracer
    Joined: Mar 15, 2006
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    from Sacramento

    Now that's way cool!
  28. metalman
    Joined: Dec 30, 2006
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    "WE" have a structure or do "You" have a structure?

    I'm sorry guys, I'm behind this project 100% but I'm starting to get my doughts about it.
  29. 32ford5
    Joined: Sep 15, 2009
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    from Australia

    It's all go Metalman and you're still the first stop if you would still like to be. The coupe remains with the guy I bought it from who is storing it undercover until we sort out some transport. Can't organise transport because that would constitute the first donation and I still own the coupe. I don't want any donation so while I still own the coupe it wouldn't be right for me to take free transport and free metal work. I think we're doing quite well to have got this far so quick. It may seem like we aren't moving but we are.

    We've established that it's a good idea. I've got people volunteering to move the car (if the timing is right) and we've got you who said "bring it here for an assessment". All great so far. I've received a heap of messages and emails all offering services and while I own the coupe I guess I get to handle the flow. The sooner that's given to the members the better and it looks like we might be heading towards a solution as a non profit organisation. It will not be administered by me but by a local US citizen or group of members. Though I'd certainly volunteer to have some input somewhere along the line. I just wanted to wait until more information before giving the details which I didn't have.

    For now I like the way this thread is attracting general suggestions and comments. We are "nutting it out" so we get off to a good start. I applaud you for stepping up to the plate as a first stop Metalman. Many others also offered immediately and that is what makes me feel like this will work and will always work because people are starting to like the car and what it represents. Something not (necessarily) of material value. Something about community. It's good.

    I beg your patience while we all sit around for a few (relative) moments to make sure this gets off to the best start we can put together.
    Last edited: May 8, 2010
  30. nofin
    Joined: Jan 7, 2010
    Posts: 321

    from australia

    My 0.02c This may take a while...

    I have been in favour of this project from the start. It will give everyone the chance to contribute to a cause, to give a common focus to help strengthen the ties between Hamb members, to use the power of the Hamb membership to help others. In essence it is going to build a family and community that can join together and get things done.

    I will be the first to admit that I would never have thought of donating a car I had just bought to make this project possible. I would have posted a picture of my new car and gotten 25 people say they hate me and should drop my pos off at their house and they will take care of it. So, firstly, Three cheers for Bill, 32ford5, for having the vision and generosity to allow this chance to do something for all the members.

    Some of what I say has been said by others, so please excuse me for not ploughing back through 30+ pages of posts to recognize individual contributions.

    I think the best way to go with the coupe is to do everything that we can to get this titled and street registered. I think to make this a race only car would deprive us of many opportunities to attend events and promote the Hamb and everything we are trying to accomplish with this project.

    I think it would be best for the car to be built mild rather than wild, reliable rather than temperamental, and with no compromise on driver/passenger safety. I don't mean that the car shouldn't be run at the drags, or on the salt, or in any other competition. I just think it should be there to participate and be a social/Hamb focus, not to break records. It should be a gathering point and therefore should be at as many events throughout the year as possible, rather than just being brought out once or twice. I'm sure there will be no shortage of volunteers to take the car around to shows (and pay for the gas!), to keep it maintained and clean, and as no trucks/trailers would be needed it would vastly ease any logistics problems.

    It could even be used for special fund raising events. Imagine, if you will, The Ultimate Hamb Relay: LA to NY, with members bidding for the right to drive short stages. Another small idea I had is that as well as T-shirts, contributors could get a copy of the ignition key to go on their keyring. Then we can all say "That's my car".

    But mostly I feel that keeping it simple would allow us to iron out any organisational problems, so that FUTURE builds would be smooth, and have the necessary administrative back up. Just think, we could do some other single purpose cars: Smoked Hamb (drag), Salted Hamb (salt, natch), Shaved Hamb (custom), or even do more than one car at a time, Hamb vs Hamb like the different conferences in football.

    Bill suggested thinking big...
    Last edited: May 8, 2010
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