Ok so here's my take the old saying there's good days and bad days. About 8 months ago my first born daughter came to me and announced that she was engaged and had already set a date (good days )and for me to get my butt in gear for the wedding. Well chugging along here I didn't foresee any major problems coming up with the dough to pay for this wedding but seeing as though I am in the construction industry and we all know particularly if you are in construction how slow its been. So without any choice I had to make a tuff decision and a hell of sacrifice but it wasn't really hard to make. My model A and my first built hot rod ( good days ) had to go. ( bad days ) Now on the bright side of all this my little girl is going to have one hell of a full blown Texas size azz whoopin wedding ( good days ).She was loaded on the transport truck about ten minutes heading for Illinois(bad,bad day).So i have included a couple pic's of her being loaded up.I think around lunch time today i am pretty fricking sure it's gonna be 5 O'CLOCK SOMEWHERE.If any H.A.M.B.ers are in the area the drinks are on me(bad head day in the morning)lol!!
Sucks that you had to sell it, but it's cool you're putting your family first. Just look on the bright side, eventually you'll have an excuse to build another car.
Daughters are hard to come by. Guess you gave this prayerful consideration. Hope everyone can see the sacrifice you have made. Someone needs to buy YOU a drink.
Wow.... what a Dad! Does she know about this? I would NEVER allow that. If it were my wedding, the only affiliation with the wedding that car would have is as the get away vehicle! Then again, I think huge overblown weddings are an impractical way for a young couple to start their lives together. House? Dependable car? Head start on child's college fund? Nah, let's throw a bash for hundreds of people we have not seen in years before or since! Guess I'm a little cynical. And broke. Regardless of my worthless opinions, tell your daughter congratulations from the H.A.M.B! Edit: I see your above post... Now we see why you were willing to part with the car... The new one will be TWICE as sweet!
Been there Bro, Love to see a man be a real man!!!! Hate to see her go, both rod and baby!!! The next one will be better, Good things on the way!!!!
YOUR ACTIONS SPEAK VOLUMES!!! THAT'S THE MEANING OF A TRUE DAD!!! Your sacrifices will bring you blessings in the future! Great Job! Looking forward to hearing of your new ride to come!
It does suck that you had to sell the sedan but cars come and go. She will always be your daughter. If I was in your area I would buy you a drink or two. Best wishes to all
I sold a '96 Monte Carlo (in 2004) and all it paid for was the meal at the reception !!!! It doesn't have to be a huge blowout to cost some coin....
That's really awesome that you'd sacrifice that for your daughter. I am sure when the day comes and you see her face all lit up on her wedding day, you'll say what hot rod? I had 11 people at my wedding. Immediate family and paid for it my self obviously. Was not a "cheap" wedding and we spared no expense but we also got a lot of freebies and did not cost us a second mortgage.
To each his own but I think the reason my 31 year old daughter isn't married is that she figured out years ago that she would never get one of those big fancy weddings unless she paid for it herself. But do what ya gotta and want to do. But then that gives you plenty of excuses to do the Buick up right and that is a plus in the end.
Thanks for the heads up brutha, my daughter is 10 years old so after seeing this I'll will start saving up now! You are a damn good dad my friend and I can't wait to see the new project hit the road! Let me know when and where and the first three round are on me! Sam 832-618-0447
Hell that guy already one in the truck he doesn't need another one..Ouch Just don't let my daughter find out about this post!
More power to you man,you still got a car and you won"t miss it as bad as you"ll miss her being around.
Somehow I know just how you feel !! Just keep telling yourself "It's Just A Car" !!! And my hats off to you as you should be proud !! And let's just put it this way I now only have A Two Car Collection Of Non H.A.M.B. Friendly Shit That I Can't talk About !!! >>>>.
I feel your pain. I am also in the construction/self employed world that sucks at the moment. Just offed my 57 Nomad to pay my mortgage. Have a 29 coupe project but can hardly afford any parts to move ahead. Your good father for doing what you did and your daughter will never forget that. In the end that's what matters.
You sir, are the man, and have my utmost respect. Hope you all have a great time, and that your daughter has a great life.
AMEN! You are one fine Dad dude to do what you did. Congratulations to your daughter on her upcoming marriage and also for having you as a dad. You may feel some pangs right now, but you will NEVER regret making a correct and difficult decision. Best wishes...