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Out-running the cops after a drag race or a burn out.....ever done it?

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by BAILEIGH INC, Jun 4, 2010.

  1. AAFD
    Joined: Apr 13, 2010
    Posts: 585

    from US of A

    Racing a friend through the high school parking lot one Friday night. I'm on the left, he's on the right. We both have our own exits out of the parking lot. We both turn left onto the street, tire smoke, sliding sideways, lots of noise. I look into my rearview mirror and theres red & blue lights flashing behind the smoke. My buddy pulled out right in front of the fuzz. He pulled over, the cop was flashing his spot light at me but I was long gone. Hauled ass home, stuck the truck in the garage. That was the day I got my driver's license at age 16.
  2. I remember a street race with a prostreet wanna be big block 70's camaro.

    A cop came up with his lights on behind the 2 cars, got out and started to walk up to the camaro, The Camaro driver waited for the cop to reach his rear bumper, Then he launched it, Pelting the cop with gravel and road grit!!!
    He ditched the car a few miles down the road, but still got busted the next day even though he claimed the car stolen.
    We found out later through family members of the cop that he was bruised from head to toe after that.
  3. Ford-Man
    Joined: Apr 6, 2009
    Posts: 288


    Never got caught, but my friends and I used to get a lil loose now and again. We never did the straight line stuff, always a decent amount of distance between start and finish and we rarely were on the same road. I had a 96 Yoda POS and my friend had an 89 Stang GT 5.0. He would get so ticked when I would beat him to wherever it was we were going. We would spot a few rollers, but they rarely came out to play.

    I do not in any way think that road racing is a good thing to do. To many things to go wrong with to many people around. Now, if there was a stretch of industrial strip and people wanted to go nuts, I am all for it! Just not around houses or businesses.
    Joined: Aug 8, 2008
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    Alliance Vendor

    Man...that's messed up.
  5. 2-TONED
    Joined: Jan 31, 2005
    Posts: 1,683


    done it a few times. -- i left one cop sitting like he was parked & was home "backed in the garage with the door shut probably a good 30 seconds before he drove by (flew by) looking for me.

    i could hear that siren fading & i had the 454 wound tight. i had a ''real strong running 454 that i drove everyday & i have "always backed in the driveway since i came home with my first car when i was 16 so it was a habbit to whip up & back in.
  6. aaggie
    Joined: Nov 21, 2009
    Posts: 2,530


    In the late 50's we hung around the local drive in and had fast cars for the time. One night we were trading opinions with the local town cop driving a six cylinder flathead Ford and he calmly held up his microphone and announced that none of us could outrun his Motorola. He was right, lesson learned.
  7. 17 and the fastest bike on the road, I only got 2 tickets and both of those I didn't see the cop till I was parked and off the bike.

    back then they didn't have radar and had to clock you for 1/4 mile. cop told me he had clocked me at 47 in a 25, I called him a "lying sack of shit" and he changed it to 35 in a 25. we both knew he didn't clock me, he had seen me fly by the cross street he was on. I knew because I was traveling over 100 mph on a city street. which I did every day that I owned that bike

    to answer your question, two of my lucky nights.

    1. Bob's Big Boy in glendale on a friday night a red 34 running a vette motor, "wanna race?" my answer was "I'll follow you!" he picked the spot his buddy dropped his arm. my 1-2 shift was at 45 mph and I had two full lengths on him 2-3 at 70mph I pulled another half car 3-4 at 90 he was pulling me hard. and I was saved by the Red light in the rear view mirror. I hit the brakes a made a right turn the coupe kept straight and so did the cop.
    I went back to Bob's and some time later the coupe came back in. he said he had got away clean and had pulled way into a dark driveway shut off his lights and motor. the cop flew by then jammed his brakes and backed up. the coupe was sitting in the dark with his foot on the brake pedal, brake lights on and Busted.

    2, I'll be back after work
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2010
  8. lino
    Joined: May 22, 2010
    Posts: 23


    In the early seventies I had a buddy with a pretty hot mustang. We out ran a La Habra cop. We ended up hiding in an alley. I remember hearing his motor and radio right on the other side of a wooden fence-hoping he wouldn't hear the mustang's engine clicking from the heat. Young and reckless-
    My friend later got killed while racing a guy on Whittier blvd. in the same mustang.
  9. Black_Sheep
    Joined: May 22, 2010
    Posts: 1,492


    I have successfully evaded the police 3 times, one was the city cops and twice it was Minnesota State troopers. I'm older and wiser now, if I get caught I'll take my lumps...
  10. 49ratfink
    Joined: Feb 8, 2004
    Posts: 19,670

    from California

    anyone here familiar with Niles Canyon in Fremont?

    in the 80's there was a landslide and damaged road, so they put in a red light and had one way traffic for a few hundred yards.

    me in my HOT ROD Datsun and my buddy up ahead in his 70 Z/28.

    cop pulls me over because he "heard me speeding". to this day I find it interesting a person can hear speed. we were just on the other side of the one lane part. so he gives me some shit and lets me go since he needs to see me speed, not hear me speed.

    so I'm putting away my license and farting around for a minute after the cop had already turned around to head back into town. I took off like a bat out of hell spinning that little motor 5-6,000 RPM's and making a bunch of noise. I'm probably up to about 60 when my buddy in the passenger seat tells me the cop was still behind us waiting for the red light to change and he's got the lights on and turning around.

    so I figured there's no sense in stopping now and keep going since there is a road about a mile up that cuts off to the left (Palomares Rd for those that know the area) I took off up Palomares and kept going.

    must have been a site to see for my buddy in his Z who was waiting up the road for us to see me flying by with a cop trying to catch up all lit up.

    never heard anything more about it. I guess the cop didn't want to admit he was outrun by a kid in a Datsun.

    stupid? yes. I have added that to the long list of stupid car stuff I did back then
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2010
  11. Von Rigg Fink
    Joined: Jun 11, 2007
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    Von Rigg Fink
    from Garage

    in 82 i had a 68 Charger..when i graduated, i smoked the tires at every stop sign all the way around the school...till the red and blue lights came thru the smoke at the last one..6 points and a ticket..

    in 84 a friend of mine was able to out run and out fox the local boys in a 68 cutlass..

    good times..and good lessons
    im a good boy for the most part now..if i wanna race its on a closed course...period.
  12. Spidercoupe
    Joined: Mar 5, 2005
    Posts: 174

    from Bevier, MO

    back when I was a kid my dad bought a new 1956 olds. At the time I thought it was the uglyist car on the road but it would run. I was at the local road house and was going to show the boys how it would run. I pulled out on the highway and cut her loose, and met a highway patrol . we went on a merry chase for about 45 minutes before I lost him. Nine years later I went to work for the patrol as a mechanic and one day the troopers were in the coffee room talking about chases they had been in. one was telling about that night I outrun him. I was just about to tell him it was me but he said if he knew who it was he would give that S.O.B. a ticket today. I didnt say a word. that was in 1965 and I told him about it about 6 months ago and still got a cussen
  13. BillyBobsSpeedShop
    Joined: Jan 6, 2008
    Posts: 526


    I will probly get burned for talking about my nissans but thats all i had growing up. I r i have a 1996 nissan 200sx that had a built sr20det motor in it. It was a street driven 10 sec car, Im remember a guy in a fox body mustang was talkin mad shit about me and my car one night in the parking lot. So I finally i had enough and raced him. Went to a strip of road that was straight for a few miles and he wanted to run for a mile. So we lined up and i let him take off first before 100 feet I was 2 cars in front of him and by a quarter mile I didnt even see him anymore, so i slowed down and then kicked it agiain when I saw all my friends on the side of the road. I topped that car out at 154 on that straight away, not bad for a 4 cyl with a huge turbo and 30 lbs of boost, but got back to town and 3 cops was waiting on me and pulled me over. They didnt have anything on me, one cop said he tried pulling me over when i was heading to the race but he wasnt even around, they was just trying to get me to confess, they let me go and said if they saw me in the car again in town they would impound it. It never happend. The car was fully guted with a rollcage and was real light. I use to drive to the 1/8 mile local track and run 6.8s and then drive i back home, it use to piss the v8 guys off. I still have the car but havent drove it in 5 years, I need to put it back together I redid everything and upgraded everything, actually used the car and the design of its performance parts for my senior project in school.

    Also raced a 2006 corvette with and intake headers and full exhaust in my upgraded nissan 350z. Was on the same strip of road and had my friend with me, I race that corvette for about a half a mile, i had him in third then he had me in fourth i pulled back up on him in fifth and when i was in sixth my bumper was at his door. When we got back to the parking lot i could tell he was shaky and he asked me how fast was I going. I told him I dont i didnt look down ( it was a close race) he said when he looked down we was going 167 and my front bumper was going by his door. Thats the fastest ive ever been. The guy who was in the corvette is a cop now, he still gives me hell.
  14. In 1967 my girlfriend got into a arguement with one of her friends about who's boyfriends car was the fastest,,,probably why she wanted to drive my 63 1/2 falcon Sprint 260/4-speed to High School one fine spring day and allowed me to drive her 62 MG to TECH.

    Dicky owned a 55 chevy,,327/4-speed car,,strong running son of a gun.

    They both skipped study hall along with half the class and squared off in front of the school,,,best two outta three,,

    Brenda beat Sharron the first pass,,chalk up one for the Ford lovers,,second pass Sharron nosed her at the finish but on the return to line up in front of the school they were met by 2 police cars,,long story short they were taken into custody and become somewhat of folk hero's,,both cars were impounded and it cost Brenda's dad more that it cost me to get my car back from impound,,but,,they couldn't out run the Motorola Radio in the police cars so they didn't try.


    BTW,,the girl became my wife,,the falcon is gone and so is Dicky and Sharron. HRP
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2010
  15. 2-TONED
    Joined: Jan 31, 2005
    Posts: 1,683


    a friend of mine had a 61 impala he drove alot on the street & drag raced all over the country. he was out drag racing on a 2-lane road & he saw red lights coming in his rearview. he was geared to low to keep going so he stayed on the gas until he went over a small crown in the road. he locked up the brakes slid the car around jambed it in first, stood on it heading back the way he just came from & was going through the gears.
    he said he was just hitting 3rd when he met the cop car. he got away & spent the night in a corn field that night.

    the next day he put a set of high gears in & was downtown when the cop spotted him. he said he was on a half hour chase & never once shifted out of low gear. -- he went home & blew the car apart for an update & decided to keep the car on ice for a few weeks.
  16. What's the statute of limitations in Michigan?

    1970 should be safe, right?
  17. autobodyed
    Joined: Mar 5, 2008
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    from shelton ct

    took my 64 pro street nova to wildwood for a boardwalk car show. after i unloaded the car from the flatbed, i figured i'd take her for a spin around the block and down the strip. not a lot of traffic but a good size crowd of guys drinking at a hotel pool at the traffic light. well after some egging on, and checking the mirrors for cops, i hit the line lock and proceeded to roast the tires and bang 2nd gear before i had to stop at the next light. sitting there idling at the light and a bicycle cop pulls up next to me, tells me to pull over and gives me a ticket while everybody pointed and laughed at me for getting pulled over cop on a fuckin' bike! talk about embarrased. son of a b-i-t-c-h.
  18. Parts48
    Joined: Mar 28, 2008
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    from Tucson, Az
    1. Hot Rod Veterans

    "You can out run a squad..but you can't out run a radio"

    Circa 1966...
  19. superbyrd
    Joined: Apr 12, 2009
    Posts: 44


    around 10 years ago,a co-worker and i drove down to shelbyville tn. to pick up a well beaten and abused 68 camaro for his son as a suprise 14th birthday present. body was rusty,interior crap,but had a stout running 355/turbo 350,3.73 posi rear. open headers,nearly bald tires,but ran and drove pretty good. anyway,my buddy,though not a real big gearhead,had all intentions of restoring this camaro with his son,but,consequently,the guy had never done any real "hot-rodding" in his youth.
    that said,we pull into the shop where we worked at about 12 midnight,as we were going to unload the car and hide it in an adjacent building till the following week for the boy's birthday.
    the shop here is right on highway 41 which is usually a heavily traveled piece of road during the day,not so much at night.
    so i am unstrapping the car,and a couple of the second shift guys had walked out to check out the car. so i hop in to start the car and drive it over to the building,and one of the guys ask my buddy, "have you fired her up yet"??? to which my buddy, said,"we haven't tried it yet".
    with that said,i pulled her out of the shop drive,right out into the middle of highway 41,and do a fabulous,power-brake,full 3-gear,john force style burnout. open headers,no plates,no lights.
    as i am letting off the throttle and rolling out,i noticed a pair of headlights behind me,so i figured i better quit playing and get out of the road.
    when i pulled into the lot,the driver honked and went on down the road,i pulled up to the crowd,most were dying laughing,and my buddy,the owner of the car,was standing,hand on forehead,shaking his head in dis-belief.
    the reason? the car behind me was a KY state trooper,and he sat there a good 15-20 seconds while i was boiling the hides,then after i pulled off,he drove right through the cloud of smoke,honked his horn,and kept going.
    good times,good times.
  20. synthsis
    Joined: Mar 29, 2006
    Posts: 1,899


    never really outran the cops but back when I was 17 or 18 I used to go watch the street races in Philly and down in the Pine Barrens of NJ. I wasn't much of a racer but liked to watch. If the cops showed up I scurried nice and quick out of there, but as others said, they can't catch everyone. Some of the Pines races were crazy. Guys would trailer down full blown race cars and say shit like, "I'm not even opening my trailer door unless I see 10Gs". Lots of big talk, don't know how serious it was. still a story to tell. Hadn't thought about that in years, thanks for reminding me.
  21. I had a 63 chev pk with a 390 hp 427 just got it installed. My oldr brother came home on leave and I picked him up at the bus station at 2 Am. I was getting on it and we came to a stop on hwy 90 and park street. My brother said theres a cop car sitting in the dark next to the building across the street. So I ease out and then nail it. I was over the hill and in high gear before he got out on the road. Drove 10 miles home the city cop never even got close. The Next morning my dad needs to get some feed and has a flat on his truck. So he takes mine the cops swarmed all over him. But he held his ground In his words Those dammed cops played hell trying to give me a ticket. I wasnt so lucky those number nines left a lasting imprint on my ass:eek: It was easy outrunning cops on a dirt bike. just drive off in the woods and hide. helps to have a police scanner in the vehicle or on the dirt bike.:) OldWolf
  22. budhaboy
    Joined: Feb 6, 2007
    Posts: 157


    used to race on Friday nights on V Street in DC for money(88-90), ran a 1981 Kawasaki KZ1000z1r, big bore kit, air shift, direct port nitrous, stretched swingarm - license plate read UDLOSE - used to show up with the bike inside a U-Haul and wait for someone to talk smak before I'd pull it out. Without Nitrous, I ran low 9s with ease.
    got caught 3 times - 39 points in total, 5 year revocation of license, week in lockup. two weeks after I got out a buddy rolled his 68 Chevelle in a race on V and didnt make it. I was young an dumb...real dumb.

    Havent raced since.
  23. MEDDLER1
    Joined: Jun 1, 2006
    Posts: 1,590


    I did it a couple times,back in high school.Once I was getting on it pretty good here in town just on the edge of town actually and blew right past an officer,as he turned around to come get me I stood on it all the way out of town. I figured I was good and slowed a bit then I saw the lights so i bobbed&weeved my way around an orchard next to the creek and then jumped on I5 shot across town and put my car in my dads shop. I thought I had it made.My buddie picked me up and took me home,as we pulled up I see a sheriffs patrol car sitting in my drive way.(my buddies dad small town) he was inside talking to my mom.Lucky for me he got to me first he had heard it on the raidio because the local pd was out in the county chasing me.He let me have it big time,he also saved my ass.I will never forget how bad he yelled at me(just like a father would)he was literally spitting and so red in the face I thought his head was gonna pop!Again he really saved my ass.I would have went to jail on that one.never did it again never will.
  24. mlagusis
    Joined: Oct 11, 2009
    Posts: 1,130


    When I was maybe 18, I had a 67 Mailbu and my friend had a 69 Roadrunner and we were driving around Berkley Ca and two cops pulled us over just to look at our cars. They both walk up to my car and asked, "is that a 67?" I said yes. The officer then looks to his partner and said, "see I told you it was." Then they were trying to get us to do a burn out. My friend and I were both saying oh no we don't do that officer even though we had small rubber chunks stuck to the lower rear quarters on both of our cars.
  25. firemancooter
    Joined: Jan 16, 2007
    Posts: 142


    I have got lucky a couple of times. In my '50 Chevy we stopped by the car wash to do a quick clean up before our usual Friday night cruising,Did a nice burn-out out of the stall and all the way across the back lot, came around the front of the building and all we could see were the lights on top the police cars. Cops told me to get out of town and let me go. Second time I had a (ot) 78 Fairmont I had put a 351 Cleveland in that did real nice burn-outs. We were cruising the riverfront in St. Charles and I did a nice long smoky one down the parking lot. Turned around and came back by and saw a cop car sitting in the smoke. I pulled into a parking spot and got out and asked what was going on. The cop couldn't see who did the burn-out because of all the smoke so he didn't know it was me.:)
  26. lostforawhile
    Joined: Mar 23, 2008
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    Years ago I used to work the night shift in a truck stop/gas station in the Dallas /Hiram Georgia area. it was a small town still then, deserted at night, We had a crazy cop who used to drag race all the local guys out there in front of the store.
  27. OldSub
    Joined: Aug 27, 2003
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    In those days I mostly got caught. Its now been more than 20 since I've received a ticket and I'd like to extend that stretch.

    Back in the late 70's I worked graveyard and used a big Kawasaki to commute the few miles to work. The last stretch was about a mile of straight followed by a series of twisty turns and I worked in the middle of those turns.

    One night I turned onto that straight stretch and opened it up because I was running late and had a funny feeling when a car followed me around the corner. Instead of parking in front of the building I pulled around back and rolled the bike inside through a back door. And I quickly found some card board to cover the carpet...

    He had never activated his lights and siren so I had not actually evaded an effort to stop me. I watched as he ran back and forth a few times with his spotlight trying to find where I'd crashed in those twistys. I was a pretty good rider at the time and knew both the bike and the road well enough to be safe as long as no other cars, people or cows (It was near a feed lot) got in the way.

    Probably not the smartest thing I've ever done but this was more than 30 years ago and hopefully I've learned a little since.

    Actually today one of my OT cars is a Corvette and I was told when I got it that the car would be a cop magnet. Not true if you don't push the limits. They pay less attention to the old guy in the 'vette than they do my HAMB friendly old Suburban which has no where near the speed potential.
  28. swi66
    Joined: Jun 8, 2009
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    About 1975, I was actually coming home from church in my 66 Coronet, 383 4-speed.
    I had opened it up a bit on the long stretch, pulled into my driveway, was on the porch opening the door to the house.
    All of a sudden I hear screeching brakes and a cop pulling into my driveway.

    He got out of the car and said "get over here".

    He started saying "do you know howe fast you were going!"
    I said, maybe a few miles over the limit..........
    He was fuming!
    Said I had to be doing a hundred.
    Then he said, he didn't have a chance to clock me as I had gone by so fast..........

    He wrote me up for inadequate exhaust due to the thrush side pipes I had on the car.
  29. R Frederick
    Joined: Mar 30, 2009
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    R Frederick
    from illinois

    I lit them up in my 50 in front of my uncles house outside of town a couple years ago. I let them eat until I couldn't see out of the car. I get about 1/2 mile down the road and he calls me on my cell phone - "That was funny as hell, but you might want to turn down a side road right away". I guess a minute after I let the hides smoke all the way across his lot on the road, a county cop drove past his house heading the same way. They were all standing out in the front yard where I'd left this huge cloud of tire smoke. I never saw him.
    Drag racing, I've always been smart enough to let off going into third gear. Saved my ass one day. I was racing some Douche in a Camaro that pulled up next to me revving his engine. I pulled on him throught second, then let off. He stayed in it - right past a cop sitting on the next block. I know he heard both of us, but got him for not letting off when he should have.
  30. Little Wing
    Joined: Nov 25, 2005
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    Little Wing
    from Northeast

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