I sold my Mustang drag car as a roller so I am ready to start on the rod. The engine trans and rear end out of the Mustang are sitting in the garage waiting I picked up a 1947 Reo F-22 cab Here is a Photoshop of the direction I am think of taking the project...
I had a Chevy powered Mustang...bring on the $h!t It wont be a true rat...for one I will build it solid and safe because I expect it to run high to mid 10's. My 355 SBC ran 10.97@124 all motor in a 3000lbs set up,this truck should be around 2400lbs I would guess?? But it will have a cheap black paint job...I will never have a vehicle I have to worry about the damn paint job again
The bed proportions with the cab looks too short, almost cartoonish. The grill, if it is one, looks like a slapped on after-thought. Perhaps change it to something more period or even an original. Channel, too much.. Why not a different flat color. Flat black doesnt do much for it. Just one opinion.
The bed looks like ass! You will get very little love from this site, there are sites that welcome and patyou on the back for building stuff like this but the H.A.M.B. is not one of those sites.
I will go with a 32 grill and leaning toward a strait axle over IFS..The photoshops are just to work on ideas.
sorry to say M.R. is right...the HAMB is no place for that truck.. not that its a bad truck, just not the place you need to be.
If you want to avoid the shit storm just put some pride into the build by doing a nice finish job and eliminating the rust. Rust, gob welds,driveshafts coming through the passenger compartment with no tunnel have gone by the wayside as of late. It doesn't take much more time to use a grinder, files, primer and decent looking paint to make a project look a little more professional and safe. Frank
A local junkyard has one and I have thought about dragging it out and doing something with it,I would build it with the original grille and fenders and build it as a 3/4 ton p/u or car hauler with diesel power. To me those kind of trucks just look too goofy as fenderless hotrods.
It will be a very safe truck and will pass NHRA tech for 10's, something most vehicles wont, two things it will not be... a billet show queen or a rust bucket
It came to a point.....spend money on yellow paint or 500HP engine...the speed won Maybe I could do something like this LOL
I sure wish everyone building these channeled-cab "shorty" trucks would put some thought into the grille. Slapping on a way-leaned-back 32-34 is NOT attractive. As already mentioned by another poster...it just looks like an afterthought (Oh! Here's something I have laying around). Any truck after 34 needs to stick with a more streamlined/bulbous grille arrangement. Tractor stuff is OK...any handsome setup from a similar vintage truck is fine, but to use early car stuff on late model lines, just shows that there's no originality working on the overall design. that will be TWO CENTS please dj
Here is the REO grill..but it is HUGE as are the fenders..As you can see it is also in bad shape. I may try to build one out of it???
I see, I see - it is rather beyond bulbous, for sure....perhaps a slight narrowing/sectioning job, or maybe a narrower setup from some other trucks?
I think it could be made into a cool truck. I think your original idea for it is notreally the way to go. I agree the bed looks goofy and the grill does look bad. go with a straight axle font end with a later model grill, work the bed a little bit, Put a little extra time in it with a fair finish and you will be doing good.....and please don't paint the frame yellow or any other funky color
To prove your point I would need to build a truck with red wheels and a name on the door correct? I think you may be a little confused....go back and reread. Now go try to build something to make me jealous...your not there yet
I wasnt going to run the grill (think its a 39 Chevy) I just like the style of the truck....this is what it looks like without my cab I really like the short bed on the truck..I would like to keep the wheel base under 95 or so. I am really on the fence about IFS or not...the straight axle looks so much better but the IFS would handle better at my power level..... I just dont know yet...
I just cant understand why people take a prefectly looking truck and turn it into a mess like this,they are trucks not T buckets. If you like them fine but it almost makes me sick to my stomach to see stuff like this,I like trucks to look like trucks not abortions.
Yep that truck started alot of crap even on the rat rod sites... I was going to build a 27 roadster but it would have had to have a full cage with funny car style cage and full fire suit...the truck will only need a bar and fire jacket up to 10.00 in the 1/4 mile. Plus I got the cab for next to nothing so it was cheaper then even a bucket. But I still want the open wheel look. That look is really starting to become more and more common.
I started my REO jalopy with a REO grille shell, came home an told the wife "I'm gonna build a hotrod" http://www.mypowerblock.com/photo/photo/listForContributor?screenName=3k76g6lam0heq&uploaded=1