great work on that chrome! NTAPHSE, you are due for a new avatar since the car doesnt look like that anymore!
How many like me? Wake up Pour cup of coffee Check for updates on the Kaiser build Go to work Check for updates on the Kaiser build Break time Check for updates on the Kaiser build Lunch Check for updates on the Kaiser build Break time Check for updates on the Kaiser build Get home Check for updates on the Kaiser build Wake up Pour cup of coffee Repeat Repeat God, I am addicted to this thread!!!!!!!!!! RP
Probably more than you would think. The man works like a demon!!! Yet another great fade-job by Gene. I'm looking forward to checking out 'King Cad' at MotorEx in Sydney in a couple of weeks. Saw Gene painting that car and it looked amazing. Will look so much better as a complete car with all the trim in place, as will yours (especially with all that nice work from Josh!).
You just pegged me. The large grill section is almost done, but I am waiting until it is in chrome before showing it's progress.
I have to wait til I get home from work to check it out,cause I can't see any of the pic's at work,due to the filters on my computer. I'm excited to see the outside of the car,without all the masking paper and shit on it. Looking great so far!!!! I'm guessing about 90% of the people who see it won't have any idea what it is....
Gene is definitely the master of fade and my favorite all time customizer. Your car is lookin awesome.Also would be awesome to say Gene Winfield painted my car This picture should be an advertisement for House of Kolor
I love the fact that they were using pie filling cans for mixing paint. Makes me think of the Ragu jar we used last time.
It could become just that. HOK sponsored the paint materials for the car so I will be sure to share this picture with them. Gene is also quite the showman, he set the paint cans up and told me exactly how he wanted me to frame the shot. The guy has a vision for things that I can't even wrap my head around. I looked at all the light pouring through the window and said to myself that there was no way the picture would turn out, but it did. Or maybe he's just lucky...
In the early 90's Pop Will Eat Itself told me to never rub another mans rhubarb, but damn if I don't want to over this.
Are you trying to say you want to block and buff the car for me? Only if you wear a bikini and do it on the street corner.
now you've gone and done it, NTAPHSE!! Pretty certain the last thing you want is a bunch of naked HAMBers sweating all over this beauty!! Absolutely stunning car. Great build. Fantastic story.
WOW! Just burnt over an hour of company time reading this build! Your craftmanship is amazing and you car is beautiful! Great job, can't wait to see the finished car.
Your car is awesome to say the least and what a priviledge to have a master like Gene apply the fade to all your hard work. Do you have any other pics of the car out of the booth yet? Can't wait to see it.
Just swung by and brought the DSLR. I'm emailing NTAPHASE the pictures so he can post what he wants, but I may throw up a few teasers... Here's one that really captures the sparkle in the paint, although I don't think this bit has been wet sanded fully yet: I love the firewall detail: NTAPHASE, hard at work: A guy from Winfield (and his son) drove over from Cali for the weekend to get his wetsand and buff on: These were taken literally hours of the pics coming when NTAPHASE whenever he comes in from the hot garage.
Holy crap! I was over Elpolacko's yesterday and he was raving about the paint on your car... That's one of the quietest human beings on the planet, if he is raving - Damn! I can't believe your out in the shop right now buffing that thing, it's like 3.6 million degrees out! I however will continue to sit inside here in front of the computer and watch your progress...
That is a fantastic color, which makes me think of a dolphin or shark or some other kickass aquatic critter. A very sparklely one.
I have a heavily insulated and air conditioned garage. Just have to keep the door shut and track dust all over the house to keep it cool.
I'll try to put up more pics soon, but we spent about 100 man hours color sanding and buffing the car this weekend. Alfredo and Alfredo Jr drove from CA on Friday and we worked that night until about midnight. 16 hour days Saturday and Sunday, and now I'm back at work so I can rest. Alfredo and his son are re-sanding the hood right now because it had a couple small waves in it and he wasn't completely satisfied. He also sprayed more clear on the firewall and fixed a couple of chips from having the car shipped back to my house. All in all it was a very productive weekend, and I think Alfredo was happy to see the car finished the right way. Now I need to get the car back together, something that will take a lot of time to do carefully and correctly. My poor wife is being very understanding about the car parts all over the house. Right now we have two rooms in our house dedicated to storing parts and I can barely move in the garage.
I just read up the thread a bit... I think I threw up in the back of my mouth a bit thinking of Elpolako in a bikini buffing that thing.....
I can't resist throwing up a pic of the Painted Parts room...hood is just out of view leaning on the left wall:
Man. Lookin HOT!!!I cant wait for assembly! Glad to see another car guy with an understanding wife.... I also have parts stashed all over the house, closets full and chrome everywhere (including the plant shelves)