Not much to post i'm afraid but I did get the flip body rear chassis mounts made. Base plate is 8mm and the upright is 10mm, nice and sturdy stainless steel threaded inserts were welded into the chassis first for the attaching bolts. Also got around to making extensions for the model A wishbones i'm using, they are a little on the short side so i spun up some tapered extensions in the lathe, They are now a nice 47" long, these will be tig welded in to the bones at the weekend so they can go to the chrome platers on monday, rear joints are stainless Rose joints or urethane stainless rodends 5/8" UNF Well i'm pretty close to joining the 2 halves together at last, got the wishbone mounts made up and fitted. I'm still not sure whether to use the urethane stainless joint or stainless rose joints on the end of the wishbones or maybe stainless track rod ends, urethane joints look a little klunky whereas the rose joints look more slinky and the track rod ends stick out a fair way ??? All the bolts thread into stepped threaded inserts that insert from the inside of the rails and are welded on the outside. I made up some stainless cone washers to allow the rose joints to articulate slightly, the larger one goes under the nut in case a joint fails. Suppose i had better polish the inside one too. Heres the 2 styles of joint. .
Had a few hours spare today so decided to drill and detail my F100 front drum backplates, Not sure whether to chrome them or paint them in flake at the moment.
I used a 5/8" UNF stainless jam nut to hold the pivot in place but wasn't completely happy with it then i remembered i had some 5/8" stainless castle nuts, i think it looks much better now. I'm using them all over as i think they look old car if you know what i mean. <!-- / message --><!-- sig -->__________________
Well not much progress but its getting there, here is the suicide mount all finished and polished. Perch is welded in at 10 degrees, 7 is the castor angle and the other 3 degrees is the cars rake. I got one side of this joint perfect but *floop*ed the other up so decided to polish out the weld completely. Here's some polished holes just for Brizey The joining of the 2 halves is imminent so the joining plates were cut, they have been sized to snugly slide inside the box section and are secured by a bolt to pull everything together nicely and inline (this will be done on the jig) the bolt goes in the centre hole and the other 2 holes are for rosette welds then the bolts are removed and again rosette welded, then the joint is welded and polished out. Polishing has vastly improved timewise due to my latest buy Its a 4HP 3 phase Pro polisher 2800 rpm that i'm running off a single phase to 3 phase digital convertor, its an amazing bit of kit that i reckon saves me 50% polishing time as its impossible to slow down and you can really lean on stuff. My rad supplier in the states made me up a chopped radiator in ally, Looks like the grille shell needs a bit out of it I will be losing the brackets from the sides as the rad will be mounted on some custom stainless brackets with the original Fords springs and bolts, in stainless of course I will be welding some 10mm ally with tapped holes to the rad sides to take 2 bolts to hold the rad brackets. Rad brackets (yet to be polished)
As a man who makes metal shiny for a living, I commend you for the effort it has taken to polish that much stainless. dang looks beautiful.
Langy, this car is gonna' look soooooo killer! If you're still sitting on the fence, I'd recommend thinking about painting those backing plates. You've got so much shine everywhere, that I think it'd make for a nice contrast. I'm not absolutely sure that it wouldn't look better plated, but think it might not. Maybe just do a rough 'buff up' on one, and a quick coat of color on the other, and see how it works for ya'. Either way, it's not like it's going to look bad. BTW, what is the color on the car in your avatar? -Bill
Wow Steve, thinks are really looking good! That buffer is killer too, that will definitely make your work go quicker, since you have a thing or 2 to polish Can't wait to see the rolling chassis put together, looks great my friend! Dan
YAY!!! You're back at it! This pleases me! Where have you been? I am hoping for this ride to meet up with your last, much greener, slightly sparkley ride. I took a deep breath... I am good now. So I see you are back at it. That is good. In my opinion, you need to slack a little on the paint. I need to re-read the thread but I am pretty positive that you didn't paint it yet, so if you do flake. Don't do it the way you did it last time. Get a little more fine flakes and do that. Why compromise people noticing your amazing fabrication for some "sparkle"? But all in all, your ride will smack most down like the righteous hand of god.