today I put a transmission mount / center crossmember in the A frame that's going under the '27 Roadster I had some left over 1-5/8 x .12 tubing so I layed out a design on the floor, bent up a hunk, chopped it to length and welded it in
made some cardboard patterns for the brackets, transfered that to some 2" wide by 1/4" thick rectangle tube cut, drilled and welded them in for cushion I used a pair of plumbing plugs, they are nice solid rubber 'used one on top and one under each bracket. the center holes in the plugs were too small for the 7/16" grade 8 bolts so I threw them in the freezer for an hour or so and drilled them to size and bolted 'er all together. done.
Your bender works just like the Greenlee electric over hydraulic that I've had for over 30 years. Only difference is you pump the jack on yours.........I just push a button on mine and wait for the scale to read the degree of bend. Frank
here also is a couple pictures from a week or two ago when it was outside in mock up stage.. I think maybe it's always been in mock up stage..
That's some great work Paul! It's an inspiration to get off my butt and create my transmission mount. What ever happened with the cracked 371 block in the coupe? I still owe you something more for the Olds throw out bearing. Don't give up on me yet! MickeyD
long story short, 'got a good block in the works. don't worry about a thing man, glad to help a fellow rocketeer out
yeah, I hear ya, the steering box is also trapped by the engine, so if it involves removal of steering box, clutch or transmission it will mean pulling the engine first.. not a real big deal on a small fenderless hot rod, but still.. got the rear bones shortend and bolted in yesterday next will be to the kick the frame and move the rear crossmember back..
beautiful work on that cross member and the rest of the chassis as well. What body is going on this chassis? Approximately what drop did you put on that trans cross member?
Cool. I have a little jig just like that to plug into spring perches for setting up the front end as spring behind.
Yeah, that is a neat trick there, Paul. Why didn't I think of that? Keep up the good work, can't wait to see your solution to rear crossmember placement. On Turkeyjerk's T we didn't want to kick it up so we had to notch the frame for axle-to-framerail clearance...
got a bit more done yesterday.. frame kick tacked in for fit check, moving the rear crossmember back to work with the '36 "bones"