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old timer pranks

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by 57 shaker, Nov 1, 2008.

  1. Rif Raf
    Joined: Nov 9, 2005
    Posts: 86

    Rif Raf

    Now this is some funny shit!
  2. Hotrodbuilderny
    Joined: Mar 20, 2009
    Posts: 1,646


    When I was 15-16 I worked in a Texaco station, one of the guys that worked there
    was a year or so older than me, he had a 53 ford figure 8 car. one day he brought it up to the station to work on it, I was a gas jockey I heard him outside cranking away he yelled over to me to get him a condenser and match it up to this one,and tossed it to me I soon found out condensers do store energy!
  3. 29nash
    Joined: Nov 6, 2008
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    from colorado

    Times have changed I guess, goes with the territory of respect for other people's property. In my day, a prank was less eventful than messing with somebody's ride. I went to a small town high school, all of my friends and I lived miles from town. Our cars were essential, not to be fucked with. One time a real funny incident that I recall, when one of the town kids turned on somebody's lights and it ran the battery down. He thought it was funny and after school when the car wouldn't start he (to his regret)advertised the fact of what he did. Turns out that the two brothers the ride belonged to weren't laughing.
    Yep, it was really funny allright,:D as the rest of us watching him get his ass kicked!
  4. hoodrich56
    Joined: Dec 25, 2009
    Posts: 41


    my autoshop teacher was a real high strung guy. so i put a set of coveralls stuffed and a pair of boots so it looked like someone was under the car working. when he came over to talk to me i let the jack down . he dove on the floor and screamed like a little girl. got me a day off from school.but it was worth it
  5. Thanks to whoever revived this thread;my ribs effin' hurt!

    Back in the 1980's,I used to act as a decoy and lure all the spectators away from where a race;,a vehicular contest for entertainment purposes only would take place. It was comical as hell to pull out of the area cruise lot,and see 20+ cars follow me out. I knew most of the hotshoes,and I was usually at a race. The crowds got so bad that one guy suggested the "decoy" idea. I guess I drew the short straw. Occasionally I'd toss the keys to my ride to someone else I trusted,and let him lead the pack out of town. I'd hitch a ride with one of the combatants,see the "race" and head back the the parking lot. It was only fair.

    It did put some gas money in the ride,so it was a minor inconvenience to play decoy.
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    Alliance Vendor this thread
  7. amphicar
    Joined: Apr 4, 2006
    Posts: 153


    There was a guy in high school who was a prick and thought he was was above everybody and a bit of a bully. So one time we had an idea to ruin his day like he has done for so many others.

    I took a high grade hack saw blade, made a bracket that I could attach near the back of the driveshaft (safer for the end result). I attached a heavy wheel weight to one end and the other end pivoted on the bracket attached to the exhaust pipe which is usually positioned near the shaft. The blade rested on the driveshaft positioned as close to the pivot point for the most force, so as the shaft turned it slowly cut through until one day (it took quite a bit of time to work so you always had an aliby!) the shaft finally came apart. This usually happened whe they would accelerate from a stop. BANG! Clank clank (insert cuss words here)

    As I use a wheelchair, I constantly see people abusing the handicapped parking always with the "I'll only be here for a min" excuse while some 85 year old lady with 2 bad hips is forced to walk from far away because of thier laziness. I don't have handicap plates on my vehicles because I'm tired of fighting for a spot. So what I do is place a small pebble under the valve caps (as many as I have time for) and tighten them so the valve is just barely depressed creating a slow leak. Usually the lazy jerk will wake up to one or more flat tires. No harm done, just inconvienanced as they did to the old lady. Mooo bwa ha ha ha!!!
  8. It's been awhile since this thread took a hit to thought I'd bump it to the top for any newbies or others that might've missed it. Some great funny jokes here!

  9. historynw
    Joined: May 26, 2008
    Posts: 806


    I guess putting 2 pebbles in each of the copcar dog dishes caps wasn't as exciting as putting a block under the rear axle enough to lift the car off the ground. The look when the cop tried to drive away was priceless. This guy was always a jolly joker until we turned the tails on him.
  10. wrench409
    Joined: Oct 16, 2006
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    from Here

    LOL! Great thread!

    I have a few:

    One of my favorites - next time you finish helping a friend work on his car/truck, back out from under the hood and tell him to crank 'er up. When he does, use a wrench in a place out of site (bumper, rad support, etc.) and make some god awful noise with the wrench screaming 'Shut it off! Shut it off!' Great fun! (I actually did this once while looking a guy straight in the eye and without hiding what I was doing - he still panicked!)

    Works EVERY time. Be prepared to duck tools and beer cans while laughing.

    Another one, jack up one rear wheel on a rear wheel drive vehicle with a small bottle jack and sit back and watch! Again watch for the irate guy coming atcha.

    We graduated from the old lighting up oxy/acetylene styrofoam cup trick all the way up to the 6 mil bags that new sofas are shipped in. The last one we set off in the lot next door - caused a beauty of a flame and a giant dirt mushroom cloud, but it also brought the cops and a helicopter. Our ignition source was telephone wire connected to a lite socket with an 1157 bulb with the glass carefully broken so the filaments were intact. Taped inside the filled bag and set off with a 9 volt transistor battery - from a distance of course.

    As a diesel mechanic, I worked on Mack Midliner trucks (French). While replacing a set of connecting rods and pistons one day, I noticed the new rods were encased in a waxy plastic like substance about 1/8" thick. I just cut them off and tossed them, EXCEPT for the last one. I cut it apart carefully and had in my hand a two piece mold of the rod. I filled the two halves with clear silicone from several tubes, stuck the halves together and placed it in my toolbox drawer for weeks while the silicone cured firm. After peeling it apart I had my latest joke. Sprayed it silver, got it dirty from greasy hands and when I felt the need, I tossed it to people. You've never seen people move so fast! When a twelve inch steel connecting rod comes flying at you, you tend to want to get out of it's way! Of course being made of silicone rubber, no harm was done. Damn, I'm laughing as I type this.......
  11. retro rodder
    Joined: Apr 24, 2009
    Posts: 183

    retro rodder
    from cape cod

    i cant wait to do some of these to the freshmen this year
  12. You buy it at the fireworks stand these days. I don't recall what its called for sure but that's where I've seen them.

    Shove a potato up the tail pipe. It won't start or sometimes it does and blows the potato out @ high velocity.

    Lift the dizzy cap and draw a line around the inside with a pencil makes it cross fire. Only do that to someone you don't like. Take a cigarette cellophane between the points it won't start also someone you don't like.

    Remove hubcaps then put some gravel in there. It sounds like it is going to come apart when going down the road.

    new trick tie a long wire tie around the drive shaft it makes a lot of noise when it slaps the tunnel. I guess if you did it to one of your rat rod buddies it would make a lot of noise when it slapped his leg. I suppose if you were old school you could do it with a dawg chain.

    Pour oil or antifreeze under the engine tranny or radiator. It doesn't take much to really rattle most fellas. Get a bunch of drain oil and squirt a ton up both tail pipes. it will smoke to beat hell. Don't stand or park behind car same with potato.

    This could go on forever. I left out the most malicious ones I have done.
  13. OGS41
    Joined: Nov 9, 2008
    Posts: 126


    We had an ice cream truck stop by our shop driven by a grumpy old bastard-no sense of humor, which didn't fly with our crew. One day one of the guys kept him busy asking for stuff we knew he didn't have, pushing his buttons etc. and another slid a floor jack under the pumpkin and slowly jacked just enough to get the rear wheels off the ground. When he had finally had enough, he jumped into the driver's seat,dropped it into drive.......and went nowhere, VROOM. Now he 's really pissed and tried to put into park with the rear wheels spinning-CLANG!!! We dropped the floor jack and ran back into the shop. I don't remember if he ever came back.
  14. dannybayo
    Joined: Apr 12, 2010
    Posts: 27


    My buddy had a 55 pontiac with a cam lobe that had rounded,it smoked a little.One day When he went into our garage to see my brothers car we put 5 gallons of kerosene into his gas tank.We wanted to cruise a little so we all jumped into his car.About 3 miles later we stopped for a red light and the smoke which had been following us completly shrouded the intersection,just then an old man pulled up next to us and said "hey kid your cars on fire" Vic blew up and told the guy to -uck off. He could have really hurt the 3 of us so we didn't tell him until he was in his 50s,Dan
  15. Tie wraps on the driveshaft.
  16. skoh73
    Joined: Apr 17, 2008
    Posts: 1,553


    Not a car-related prank, but a good one.

    I was in college a couple of years ago and got really sick of the asshole frat boys that were walking home from the bars past our house and stealing shit outta our yards. So, I went to the thrift store and scored a purse for a buck or so. I then went to our buddy's house and scored a few fresh loads of his rottweiler's shit- pick it up with a plastic bag and put it in the bottom of the purse. I poured a little bit o' hot water in to make sure it got really nasty. Next, I put the purse on the edge of the sidewalk with a dollar bill hanging outta the top- kinda like a drunk girl dropped it on the way home. Then just sit in your house and watch the fun!

    Man oh man, the "shitpurse" provided us with many a night of payback fun!
  17. onlychevrolets
    Joined: Jan 23, 2006
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    A buddy of mine took the windshield washer and ran it into the air filter then filled the washer bottle with ATF....While setting at a red light he'd hold the button till the car started stumbling then when the light turned green and he pulled off in most cases the cars behind him didn't even know that light had changed.
  18. AstroZombie
    Joined: Jul 17, 2006
    Posts: 1,788


    I just did this one to my wife :)

    While walking around the junkyard I gathered a bunch of broken window glass. I leave for work about an hour before her and I rolled her car window down and sprinkled the broken junkyard stuff all around the driveway, on the seat, on the door sill, and went to work! Man, that was a good one!!! She called me at work freaking out!

    THEN she turned it around on me....! She works for the sheriffs dept and told me that she filed a police report. Me thinking I just got her into trouble confessed the prank, but she hung up the phone quickly telling me a deputy just pulled into the driveway. Tells me that it was a new deputy who she didn't know and the watch commander reprimanded her for filing a false report. Well, I think I lost that battle since she pranked me on a prank, but in the end it was a bunch of fun!
  19. kdorfner
    Joined: Feb 28, 2010
    Posts: 90


    While working at Ft. Dix a friend of mine bought a new Ford pickup. Some of us guys
    would pour either anti-freeze or tranny fluid under his truck every day. He was
    always taking the truck back to the dealer for leaks. We also put a for sale sign
    on the truck with a real low price and his phone number. He wasn't too happy with
    the phone calls.
  20. 69fury
    Joined: Feb 24, 2009
    Posts: 1,643


    dude with a beetle always braggin about his milage- so we'd start siphoning a little at a time till he got it tuned up. Then we'd add a little every now and then till he started bragging again, out came the hose again... he tuned that thing up like 5 times between spring and winter, trying to keep that perfect tune for awesome mileage.

    Cant do this type of stuff anymore, but having a corner lot in the country seemed to call the local drunken redneck to come farm our yard with his "monster bronco" up on 44's with a bigblock- he'd cut through the yard, take the berm like a whoop and then out onto the road again...chewed up our yard over and over again

    Turns out that when I didn't mow for a month, MrBronco couldn't see the garden hose shot through with about 500 nails from dad's nailgun. It's amazing how much damage 50 foot of flailing hose/nails will do to a Bronco body, and 44 inch tires.

    Joined: Mar 26, 2009
    Posts: 249

    from fresno

    If you are really pissed at some one, break the porcelain from some old spark plugs and throw it at the windshield and the rest of the windows and run like you stole it. Or you can take a super soaker water gun with brake fluid in it and do a drive by that screws their paint job.. Or when your neighbors teenager breaks into your house you can take old towels and blankets to put on the car to hold the brake fluid to the paint a little longer. Or swap their rear liscense plate with someone elses. This usually requires hand gloves. I dont know, use your imagination !!!!!!!
    Joined: Mar 26, 2009
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    from fresno

    Oh yeah A bottle of brake fluid in an automatic transmission , eventually swells and breaks the seals in the trans. OOPS did I say that !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. fender lizard
    Joined: Jan 4, 2010
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    fender lizard
    from mcallen tx

    I just tought of this thread a few days ago

    My friend Ralph sold a motor to a younger guy my age. After loading it up the guy asked my friend Ralph for any gojo or degreaser. hahaha Ralph said "Boy i got better!!!" came back and said "let me see your hands" i then watched Ralph spray gloss black paint into the guys hands. The guy even rubed it in. lol I couldnt believe he would spray paint some random persons hands!!!!! It not like him to pull a prank but it sure was funny as hell.
  24. I am amazed at some of the stuff that has gone on over the years. Some of this is pure criminal damage. Others are hilarious.

    When I was an apprentice we had this old POS A1 Bedford shop ute. For those that don't know what that is it is basically a Pommy Chev pickup truck about 1 1/2 tons capacity. 214 ci 6 cyl motor.

    Now this thing had done the rounds. It looked like it had gone 15 rounds with Mike Tyson. There wasn't one straight panel on it. It was painted bright yellow (probably with a broom) apart from the various rust spots here and there. Despite that this old jigger was a tough old rig and copped quite a hammering . Fortunately there was no sign writing on this thing.

    As I worked for a local GM dealer there were a number of branches. I worked in the Truck Division. On occasions we were sent to the other branch because of a shortage of work at our regular branch.

    This meant that we usually hopped in the ute and off we went. Now this old girl had a single seat for the driver and a short bench seat for two passengers. In between the seats was a floor mounted hand brake. This hand brake when released the lever lay pretty much flat on the floor and to apply it you simply pulled it up in an arc.

    These journeys happened every so often and one of the favourite pastimes was faking accidents. Now this requires some expert co-ordination.
    Driver approaches traffic lights and commences braking . Next step is the tricky one. Both outside passenger and driver open doors and middle passenger yanks on the handbrake good and hard. This results in instant rear wheel lockup and an almighty screech of tyres. When the ute comes to a stop then driver and outside passenger slam the doors. Bang!!

    Driver in front usually hops out and looks around panicked to see where the prang is.

    Variations on this included the handbrake caper but turning off the ignition and turning it on again once the tyres stopped screeching. Bang again. Startled motorists and onlookers once again not to mention one knackered muffler.

    It was kind of sad when the got rid of that ol' POS. The replacement was a flash new Jap based rig with sign-writing all over it making it all too conspicuous. I remember pissing myself laughing about some of these journeys. Great memories.
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2010
  25. LM14
    Joined: Dec 18, 2009
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    from Iowa

    Old guy at work used to bring in apples that just started to shrivel up and pumped them back into shape with a grease gun. Loved watching guys pull the apple away with grease running off their chin.

    Work with a guy that always puts his cap on then runs it up and down his forehead about half a dozen times before taking his hand off the bill. Put a liberal coat of anti sieze on the inside of the band. Dude was silver from eyebrow to hairline and couldn't figure out why everyone in the room was laughing so hard they cried.

    Same old mechanic that greased apples talked his helper into welding something for him since his "back hurt today". He walked off as the young kid struck an arc time after time. Couldn't keep the stick running so he pulled the helmet up to see a roaring fire. Did you know a piece of rubber belting clamped between 2 pieces of steel will burn like crazy?

    If you can find a car parked in grass, like at a show or picnic, this one is a lot of fun. Jack up the car and put a strip of watermellon rind under the rear tires. The rind is shapped like a tire and centers itself under the tread. Put small rocks in front and behind the front tires then stand back and laugh as the poor driver tries to burn his way thru the watermellon rind, can't be done.

    Keep it safe, don't like to see anyone's property hurt, just fun stuff,
  26. Three Widow's Garage
    Joined: Jan 18, 2010
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    Three Widow's Garage

    On of the guys worked at a printing company for a summer job and had access to the punch outs from the printed forms - confetti. That shit would end up everywhere the best was putting it down the defrost vents
    it usualy wouldn't be found for a while
  27. Iceberg460
    Joined: Jun 6, 2007
    Posts: 880


    I went to a tech school out of high school. The last class I had was high performance, and we had some awesome instructors in our class. They sure had an interesting way of keeping us kids from doozeing off. All the classrooms were rigged with compressed air for demos. Well the instructors stayed late one night and pulled a couple celing tiles down and neatly placed a TRAIN HORN just over the back of the classroom. they then ran a line to the podium in front with a valve within easy reach, and put everything back togather so we wouldn't notice. Next day we show up to class (about 7am), and most of us are still hung over or drunk from the night before. Well the instructors decide its a good time to pop in a 2 hour video on shop safety, and well, most of us were passed out within 15 minutes. Instructor walks up front, and cranks the valve open for a 10 second blast. I sware a more then a few kids went straight through the roof!
  28. lostforawhile
    Joined: Mar 23, 2008
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    we have the same problem with the "homeboys" walking around thinking they are bad ass and throwing beer bottles in the yard. the prank works even better if you change the dog shit to a pissed off non poisonous snake.

    just drive some nails through a board and leave it out there, home made spike strip. whoops must be left over from remodeling.. At work there's a broken off air line in the ground just outside one of the back doors, and a valve behind a panel inside of the door. Many people have been scared shitless when they walked near it and all of the sudden air blows out of the ground. even funnier is when it's rained, and you get a huge geyser of air and water shooting ten feet in the air. We used to have chickens out there and they would roost in the hole, pull the lever and you have a flying squawking chicken. they would usually fly into the palm trees. The best one was when the gas company people were out there, cracked the valve just enough to create a hiss, they would look everywhere for that leak, as soon as they got near it it would vanish.
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2010
  29. flatoutflyin
    Joined: Jun 16, 2010
    Posts: 385


    I was 18 and worked Sundays at a gas station to fill in for a friend who was married and needed a day off sometimes. They had a dummy display battery - and empty battery case with a removable top - to demonstrate the superior construction of the product. We had a none OSHA approved air gun with about a foot of steel brake line screwed into the nozzle. I show up one Sunday, and there's a car in front of one of the bays with a "dead battery". They had drilled a hole in the dummy battery case, stuck the brake line from the air gun in the hole, taped the button down on the gun, filled the case with water, put the top back on the battery, and put it in a car. The hood is up, one of the guys is leaning over the engine doing something, and he tells me to get the old IH service truck, and bring it over for a jump. When I touch the jumper cable to the dummy battery, they connect the air hose to the shop air. It blew the top off the battery and soaked me with water, but scared the piss out of me - I thought I was going to die! Every new guy received this initiation.
  30. lostforawhile
    Joined: Mar 23, 2008
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    :D we have a dummy aircraft battery at work, weighs just a few ounces since it's just a plastic case, I don't know how many times it's "slipped" out of someones hands and landed on a foot. or the piece of rubber about an inch thick, that looks just like a piece of steel. "someone help me carry this plate it's heavy!!" whoa!! I lost my grip!! was that your shoe? :)

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