I have a 70's custom van,70's style p/u and a few muscle cars.. I'm gathering parts to build some sort of gasser project. More of a 70's street freak than a real gasser. I'm more of a dart/valiant guy than any other mopar body so i'm leaning toward a 67-9 valiant/dart 2dr post. I have 340 that is pretty healthy sitting on a stand.... As well as a dana 60 some fenderwell headers a 4spd 833 tranny many other assorted vintage speed parts like shifters ...1 piece torque thrust wheels etc. I'm thinking of getting a body from CA next spring and going at it. I can get an A100 van straight axle and springs pretty easily. I'm thinking of mounting the dana ( stock b body width) on the bottom of the stock leaf springs and going for the high and mighty look! White fenderwell headers some sort of ladder bar setup ,vintage lace or candy paint etc. must be a mid life crisis or something I can pull it off I have a machine shop and build torque converters/transmissions as aside line do some performance work mostly mopar attached are a few of my other rigs/toys ............
wecome, some great stuff there! the 67-69 Valiants are pretty popular due to the weight of the car. One of the lightest offered by Mopar. Some nice Slant parts, IM wanting to do another slant car for a old altered or gasser myself. here a photo of my old slant motor from a few year ago
Great bunch of vehicles, are you thinking of a slant 6 powered gasser? That would be cool and different. Jon
60-64 Dart, Valiant or even a early Fury or Coronet would be a good choice for the gasser with the Slant motor.. Altered wheelbase type car would be best representation.
welcome Sandy, here are a few cars you might like to check out. Gasser style and altered WB. 67-69 is a bit new for some of the guys here but I like the gassers and AWB style cars a slant 6 gasser would really be different Ron...
Neat group of wheels you have.I'd go for an early Dart ,Cuda or Valiant myself.I like slant 6's ,but i think i'd use that tunnel rammed 340 you got there instead in a Gasser .There isnt many here that are running small block Mopars in a real hotrod as compared to the 'Belly Button" motors,so i think it would be different anyway.Im usually the only one racing a small block Mopar at the Nostalgia events i go to.My early Dart weighs in at 2750 with an iron headed small block ,subframe connectors ,and an 8 point mild steel rollbar,with an all metal body ,so i think they make a good Racecar /Gasser style car to start with. Good luck with it ...
Considering the large amount of 62-7 chevy 11 gassers I didn't think I was that far out of line... I'm open to just about anything really maybe something non mopar with my 340 drivetrain in it! how about an early foulcan or chevy 11 with a 340.....Maybe a jeep who knows what will pop up .......... an early rambler....I plan on keeping it 60's it's just how far back I can go to get a body that will work something like a 55 plymouth for instance would work equally as well as a valiant. I'm more partial to the post body style and a polara is too big for a 340. i'm sorry if I offended anyone with my 70's stuff it was just a little introduction and the fact that I do manage to get projects done and I imported the aussie car myself as well as brought home the van,cuda and 440 p/u from the west coast.....I'm sure most of you don't know or care where Nova Scotia is geographically North EAST of Maine
Yea and I've got a ute too probably the only VH body style in all of north america..not just canda ( there are a few chargers around 3 i know of in canada and dozens in the states........OH i'm probably in trouble for posting this too......... AsIt sits now fresh paint but i really need to put it back together the interior is redone but not installed ..it runs in fact i had it out in the yard last weekend and washed it blew the dust off it and put it back in the garage atleast it was under it's own power
Nice collection but I'm afraid not well suited for this site. I can't believe you haven't been hammered more but the REAL storm might be just around the corner. Frank
I'm going after something that looks like this If I'm not welcome here with something that looks like this then I'm obviously mistaken? http://dart340.blogspot.com/2009/09/dodge-dart-gasser.html
Not traditional hot rods, but all nice. I've always wanted one of these Adventurer trucks, the Daisies look great on it!
I like your stuff. The cut off here seems to bounce between '64 and '66 with the caviat that if its cool, you get cut some slack. At least that's what I've seen. So if you post your newer stuff for some reason again, just put O/T at the heading of the thread so folks are forwarned. I dig all of it. I've got a monster /6 with that Clifford Weber intake, still haven't bought the carbs. I'd like to find a '64/'65 Valient to build a small block gaser with, you know, one like most gassers really were, with a stock front suspension...
Sandy, I know your looking for something like a "A" body but just last week in the inland empire craigslist was this : 1956 plymouth suburban sedan delivery - $1000 (adelanto) nice project car, has a camaro disc brake front clip, 360 engine and automatic trans, steering column has been changed, dash is all there and ornginal, has some minor rust, I never knew they made such a thing, and I thought that It would make a great gasser don't know if it sold or not.. Ron...
Cool that might work! A bit bad timing as I won't be out there till fall fling .Ron...got any room for it?
thanks it is really my pride and joy truck is original paint! I swapped in the 440 but even the interior is original except for a new rug! There is some patina in the door dings and scratches the front bumper is tweaked a bit but over all it is pretty aoriginal doesn't in my opinion need a restoration. The 440 is backed by a beefed 727 9.25 sure grip with 3:55's Always gets rubber in 2nd gear on demand! Shifts nice and smooth till your on it love that old truck! I have the 2x4's and a set of alloy heads all geared up to swap onto it but in reality the thing works so good now I'm not going to mess with it. I may put together a whole new 440 under that top end and swap it out whole. SOMEDAY
Sandy, I wish I had room for it here, I would have bought it. to many projects and not enough dollars to go around. I would love to make a gasser out of it Ron....
to stay out of trouble, make yourself a couple of albums in your profile for your fleet. i'd love to see some more of the aussie valiant...
Did someone say Jeep race car! Built this one in my shop . Vern C bought it and helped me finish it. It weighs 1400# approx . We made everything. front axle frame even the main body shell. Was a real fun project. Body is .050 aluminum. More altered then gasser. Vern says its getting a AMC 6 cyl. I still havethe original Wooden Buck i made for the body . I would pop a slant in it myself. Anyway looks like you have some neat stuff there. Only thing I probably wouldnt do is the Dana sixty. Its like tying a rock to your ride.An 8 3/4 will stand almost anythng and is a lot lighter. I built a hemi dart back inthe 70s and used a Dana. It was always a regret that i did because of the unnecessary weight for which i gained nothing. Here is the Dart too. Also my first race car from the 60s. Raced this a Ceders Drags many times. Don