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question regarding title..will my idea work?

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by model A hooligan, Sep 13, 2010.

  1. okay so iv got an important question for you folks.

    if got a 29 coupe that i have no paperwork on other than a varified vin. i went to dmv and they basicly wont do anything for me, iv been to AAA, they wont do anything. im worried that my almost running project never will get on the road.

    i got an idea tell me if it will work. is the date in california for cars to drop out of the system 7 years? or 10? i was told both. if its 7 years. i was 16. couldnt i go to dmv and tell them i had the tittle 7 years ago and i lost it now i need a new one?

    because they are giving me hell trying to find the'old owners' wich none of them had it registered either.

    please help! iv already contacted the title guy on here and he wont even answer my messages and when he did he blew me off. im just trying to get my car in my name.
  2. is 7 years the cut off date? or is it 10.
  3. Squablow
    Joined: Apr 26, 2005
    Posts: 17,927


    So, what you're suggesting, is that you're going to go into the DMV and tell them you had the car titled in your name 10 years ago (which you didn't) and expect them just to print off a new title, in your name with that VIN on it, based on the fact that it won't be in their computer and taking your word on good faith?
  4. well squablow...they have been giving me the runnaround, its insane. i got the car legal. i bought it a while ago.

    why the hell does everyone treat me like a criminal? its sickening. is there NO way to get a title? iv tried everything. i wont let my cars fate be decided by pencil pushers.

    so what am i supposed to do, there are no title companys i can find, the guy that does it on here wont do anything, so am i just fucked???
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2010
  5. my vin has been its legit.

    and no not 10 years ago. that would be impossible. i would be to young. but if its 7 like i heard. i would have been old enough.
  6. flynbrian48
    Joined: Mar 10, 2008
    Posts: 8,496


    OK, first off, if you have the same attitude in the DMV you do here, I don't blame them not being very helpful. You need to find out EXACTLY what is needed in CA to title your car, which I understand is very different than it is here in Michigan where I live, and do EXACTLY what the nice DMV people say you have to do. Arguing, throwing a tantrum, lying, and in general having a 'tude will get you nowhere, kid.
  7. 1941coupe
    Joined: Jul 4, 2010
    Posts: 424


    i would try a title company but check with dmv first some may not except titles from title companys,i just regestered an old car with no paper work,the guy i bought it from lost the registration ,he filled out some forms and that was it,new york was not a title state untill 1972 so its a piece of cake to reg a pre 1972 vehicle.good luck
  8. flynbrian, we have talked before, so im not sure why your talking to me like that. so now im a kid huh? thats fine,look at my other posts. youl find im very prespectful. and attitude? i dont think you understand how our dmv is here.

    its insane. all of them are angry people that want our money, they see somthing that will take a moment of their time and they dont want to get their lazy self up and do it.

    flynbrian, i did find out what dmv wanted. its impossible to get that. they want papers filled out by the old owner. whom i cant get ahold of! i tried
  9. PhilJohnson
    Joined: Oct 13, 2009
    Posts: 906


    Go to a different DMV office. Your idea will not work at all. You could use a title company like Broadway title or you can find out the legal way to title a paperless old car. Or you could buy a "historical document" and title it but I would keep it quiet. One theme that seems to be pretty universal in titling old cars in all states is documentation.

    A lot of the DMV people don't have a clue about real regulations and rules. In Wisconsin I've gotten the same balony run around about going to the previous owner which isn't true. You have to do your homework and basically walk the DMV people through the process most of the time.
  10. hotrod40coupe
    Joined: Apr 8, 2007
    Posts: 2,561


    Find out who the original owner was and hunt him down. Who knows, he might be a friend of yours...
  11. yeah phil i thought about an 'old documnet' but i havnt found any. and the one i did find was very expensive.

    i called droadway, their number didnt go thru..
  12. PhilJohnson
    Joined: Oct 13, 2009
    Posts: 906


  13. Slapnuts1975
    Joined: Oct 30, 2008
    Posts: 102

    from Tennessee

    I bought a title from the tirle guy here, Mapleguy or something like that. Took just a day or 2 for it to arrive, walked in the dmv, BAM, tagged and out the door. Cost me 100 for the title and DONE.
  14. hot rod coupe, well i got it from a guy that had got it from a hamber here, the guy i got it from just wanted to make a buck he had no intintions on keeping the car.

    so i skip him since he didnt have papers, the hamber, iv treid contacting, well he fell off the face of the earth i guess, and he got it from some guy in fresno, when i was able to talk to the hamber he said he didnt have info on the original owner.
  15. slapnut, thanks. thats something im interested in.
  16. Part of your problem is that you are going to the local DMV to get a job done that you should be getting done at the State DMV in Sacramento. You will find that the at the local they just hire warm bodies to fill a spot where as if you call the state you can get the real facts.

    I had the same sort of a problem with the local in San Bruno or perhaps it was Burlingame I always get those two confused back in the '80s. I had a '49 Harley Davidson with an original title from MO. I wanted to get it licensed in Calif as I was living there and my MO license had expired. The local said it wasn't a stock motorcycle and it had to be blue tagged. In order to do that I would have to take it to the Highway Patrol for them to dismantle it to make sure there were no stolen parts anywhere on the bike.

    I did snag a temp tag and went home and called the state in Sacramento. They said bring it to the State police and get the vin verified. Then sent me paperwork to fill out for a legal title.

    Anyway call the state DMV in the capitol and get straight tongue from them.

    Oh and one other thing be polite bureaucrats like polite.
  17. flynbrian48
    Joined: Mar 10, 2008
    Posts: 8,496


    Sorry you got upset, but you're still acting angry that the DMV requires proof of purchase from previous owners. Rules are rules, and just because you don't know what they are, doesn't exempt you from them. They don't just "...want our (your) money...", they want the proper paperwork, reciepts, old registrations, and fees required by laws in your state.

    Actually, Squawblows response is exactly what can be done here title a car with no paperwork, just say you lost it, your grampa or dad bought it decades ago and lost it, and you've inherited it/been given it etc. Some states don't require titles for cars over a certain age. You have the unfortunate circumstance of living in a state that DOES require proof and paperwork. Sorry, but that's the way it is. You're not being personally attacted or persecuted.

    I'll say it again, only nicer. Go to the DMV with a smile and no attitude. Ask what is needed for an unregistered, untitled, pieced together car that is out of the system. Do you have paperwork for the other componants, engine, trans, axles, frame? Did the body come with a bill of sale that proves to YOU that it wasn't stolen and legally belonged to the seller?

  18. porknbeaner! weve talked before, your the man! haha perhaps i shall get ahold of them. id buy a title for 100 but thats baout all i can spare on it. any one got info on 'maple guy'? or as posted above? i dont see him on here.
  19. okay flynbrian, i stated a little before. i did find out what they want. and its not possible.

    they want the old owner to fill out paperwork. and i havnt been able to get ahold of any of them.the guy i got it from personaly, tried screwing me.he wanted 3 cars of mine for this rusted out project we agreed on 2, and the 3rd if he came and got it within 2 weeks. 3 months went buy and he told me he wanted my other car. i told him thats not gunna happen.

    ill throw it out there..maybe a granparent has lost paper work to one of their vehicles and gave it to a grandson? this is true, one of my trucks my grandfather gave me has no paperwork as well.
  20. If I lived in a state like that the first thing I would do before starting a project with no title and or no history would be to get the car titled. It may be to late to get it done the right way. I had a friend of a friend of a friend who bought a frame with a title for his 31 and he put the titled frame under his project, if you know what I mean. I don't know what to tell you, in Wisc. you have to have a bill of sale from the previous owner or some paperwork that proves you got the car through a legitamate means. If you have no way to prove that you may have to resort to plan B.
  21. BigDogSS
    Joined: Jan 8, 2009
    Posts: 982

    from SoCal

    How did you get the VIN verified? Correct me if I'm wrong, but the act of "verifying the VIN" is matching the VIN on the car to the VIN on the title. Do you have ANY paper work on the car, such as bill of sale, old registration, etc?
  22. plan b seems to sound like it would work to me. i have a bill of sale from the guy wanted another car after i told him the agreement was 2 weeks not 3 months.

    but dmv wants papers from HIM. and i dont even know how to get ahold of him. it was years ago. perhaps plan b, with folks i know may work.
  23. vin varified means the came out to the house, lifted my body up and confirmed what i had written down was the real vin. so when you go to dmv the paper says 'yep thats the vin he aint lyin' basicly
  24. You may also ask about a salvage title for the car. I'm pretty sure that in Calif you can still claim salvage rights. Maybe not.

    Most states want a noterized bill of sale for 3 major components and proof that you have paid the proper sales tax on said components. It shouldn't be hard to come by a noterized bill of sale for 3 major components should it? You will probably have to pay the state sales tax on said components. Ask about that also. or have someone else call and ask about a salvage title.
  25. Francisco Plumbero
    Joined: May 6, 2010
    Posts: 2,533

    Francisco Plumbero
    from il.

    Model A Hooligan, I'm from the wonderful state of Illinois, uh huh, I bought an old girl from a field in the middle of BF Good God Nowhere, no title frame shot to the point of no numbers, had a bill of sale but, dumbass me did not get it notarized, OK, get the car all built and here I am, garage art, So the first step of the process is just the finding out what the holy crap to do. Go to the dmv, I may as well have had a tail sticking out of my ass, OK, so I went on line to the state dmv website, first I tell my story, fuck,.. I hung up quickly OK, call again change my voice a bit, this time I ask for the bonded titles department, Bingo, they send me out a package, you follow all the stuff in the pack, you go through all of the divisions of government. Bonding / Legal, inspections, safety and actual titling and finally everyones absolute favorite, revenue. Well revenue will be the one to poke you for some money, but the other stuff is pretty cut and dry. The process takes about 5 months, it costs a bit of money. The thing is that the states are getting tougher and tougher on this shit and rightly so. When you get all done with this process you get a door chassis tag and now the state wants to bang in actual numbers into the frame in Illinois, I'm not happy about fucking up my powder coating but WTF you gonna do. I can understand your frustration just try to keep cool, in my state there is only one gal who does each of these jobs and I fear your shit could fall behind a desk right easy if you tickle her with the wrong feather. First thing make that call to services at the state DMV website office ask to speak to bonded titles, if we hit a snag give a shout and we'll see if we need to try a different tact. Frank
  26. hotrodtom
    Joined: Apr 14, 2005
    Posts: 231


    One thing you might try is going to a different DMV office. In Texas it's the county tax office; if there's a substation go to a different one. When I had a problem titling my '31 Tudor I kept going to different offices until I found one lady who was very nice, and we wound up doing it just the way I wanted. Oh, and one other thing, that others have touched on also: people who work in offices doing paperwork for a living often get a bad opinion at the get-go of folks who call themselves 'Hooligan.' Just remember that you're going to have to satisfy that paper-pusher you're calling names. I know. I was one for 23 years.
    The reason for inspections, photos, motor number rubbings, etc is for the state to satisfy itself that you're not committing a crime by trying to title stolen property in your name. If you understand that, and respect that, you should get along fine. Find out what they need, tell them what you have, and ask someone helpful how to work around the obstacles.
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2010
  27. '46SuperDeluxe
    Joined: Apr 26, 2009
    Posts: 255

    from Clovis, CA

  28. thanks guys, fransico, thanks that sounds helpful actualy.

    hotrod would the folks behind the desk know my hamb name is hooligan?
    it is that beacause i always imagined the folks in the early years tanding next to their chopped coupse and the old wemon of thier time sayin 'those hooligans'
  29. OK... I didn't read every post cause I don't have time... I've got 100 plus items to pack and ship today... more Cali people will chime in I'm sure and correct me where I'm wrong ... This is what I do, have done and as recently as last month.

    1) get or make up a bill of sale. Transfer tax will be 9 + or - percent of sale value depending on where you live or transfer.

    2) get vin verified... I would load it up and take it to the CHP office off 99 at Cherokee. They have done them in the past for me. I currently go to South Sac. Any police officer can do the verification. Form is available at DMV and probably on line.

    3) Go to Lodi or better yet Jackson DMV and get it titled in your name and have it non-Op'd on the spot.... You will save fees and will have all the time you need to get it built.

    4) Stay out of the Stockton DMV office, They don't know shit and get some kind of sick satisfaction out of making it a problem for you. Lodi is better. Jackson best.

    It ain't hard... be as nice as apple pie to the gals at Jackson DMV because if you piss them off and screw up what has been a simple process for many of us hillbilly's we will be looking for you.


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