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Event Coverage Goodguys is Cancelling This Why? Blue Suede Cruise Coverage

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Malibob, Aug 23, 2010.

  1. dontlifttoshift
    Joined: Sep 17, 2005
    Posts: 652


    Now just one minute
    You are not bashing goodguys
    but you say they suck

    I like to autocross
    I do not like trailers though
    you drive your racecar?

    If you're not going
    Then why are you so angry
    Go to the drive-in

    KIRK! is so dreamy
    Thanks for setting record straight
    Next time, use Haiku!
  2. Trucked Up
    Joined: Nov 6, 2006
    Posts: 1,580

    Trucked Up

    10 posts and all this......................................

    Theres not a GG's event that I attend or any other for that matter that I don't see things that I don't care for. But..........its all the other things that I enjoy that allows me to have a wonderful experience.

    Just because you don't like the chicken mcnuggets do you boycott macdonalds?????

    For everyone that complains about the GG's deal I challange you to put up the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ and gamble that you can do a better deal.
  3. B/A Willys
    Joined: Feb 22, 2009
    Posts: 16

    B/A Willys

    Didn't know my time here, or amount of posts I've made, has any bearing in my ability to have or state a opinion.

    I know about driving, we have driven from Cleveland area to GG Indy, Nashville, Charlotte, and even the closer ones at Columbus and Norwalk may times.

    The 100 or so cars are a good cross section of well done, home built, crusiers, old schoolers, customs, rats, etc. All done by guys who use wrenches, and not check books. If it was any other type of cars, and folks, we wouldn't be interested in going.
  4. zman
    Joined: Apr 2, 2001
    Posts: 16,783

    from Garner, NC

    But you implied an opinion of the HAMB as a whole and not just a personal one.

  5. B/A Willys
    Joined: Feb 22, 2009
    Posts: 16

    B/A Willys

    I know what you mean about drag racing down time! I saw it back in 1968 when I first found this love, and still see it today.

    Baseball, is a snoozer, until someone finally hits the ball! Then it get exciting for a moment.

    Football has really only a few minutes of good action. You can miss the game, and catch up quite well on the news with their 3 minute highlights.

    So I'll take the down time in drag racing as part of the sport. It's a good time to go drain one, get a re-fill and a burger, and wait for the excitement to start again!!!
  6. Malibob
    Joined: Feb 23, 2009
    Posts: 503

    from Pittsburgh

    GG created auto cross?
    Kirk, you should pattent that auto cross thingy, I dont think I have ever seen that anywhere else.

    I used to cone race all the time in my late model but SCCA called it something different, auto X or something like that. LOL

    BTW I think that is a GREAT GG event, it is nice to see that old cars can handle the way new cars can, why would you bitch about that B/A? So you like to go straight does that mean that other means of racing are garbage? I think not. Autocross (which has been around for years) requires a lot of skill and while I think that GG should embrace this event at their shows more (BIGGER TRACK) I think they are definately headed in the right direction.
  7. Malibob
    Joined: Feb 23, 2009
    Posts: 503

    from Pittsburgh

    You wake up at the back of dawn and drive to the butt crack. I still think you are crazy for leaving at 2am. LOL
  8. B/A Willys
    Joined: Feb 22, 2009
    Posts: 16

    B/A Willys

  9. Malibob
    Joined: Feb 23, 2009
    Posts: 503

    from Pittsburgh

    It wont let me change the name of this thread to "Why is this still on the front page" or GoodGuys, for better or worse, subtitled the saga of HAMB.

    Give it up already, if you like the event- come, if you dont, shut the fuck up and do your own thing. Let us enjoy what we like.
  10. B/A Willys
    Joined: Feb 22, 2009
    Posts: 16

    B/A Willys

    Ok, didn't want to get deeper into this one, because it takes another bash at GG, but you asked, so I'll respond.

    Way before my almost 2 years here this time, and even before my previous time on the HAMB, I had local friends here that were HAMBers, and they told me (knowing I was a long time GG) that When joining the HAMB I should not talk up the GG and discuss my membership with them because the HAMB is not really GG friendly. I was told there was different mind sets and if I talked about being a GG, people on the HAMB would dis me out, and maybe even get kicked off.

    Now, I don't want to open it up busting on GG again, but this is what HAMBers told me 5 yrs or so ago.

    Now fast forward to this latest spirited discussion. Either one of three things is going on here.

    1 The HAMB has changed it's attitude towards the GG
    2 The local HAMBers that told me that, were full of shit, or not representing the HAMB correctly
    3 Or I heard them wrong in the first place. Maybe they said that the GG were the coolest thing ever!!!

    I'm getting weary of this thread's direction, and will wrap up my thoughts below.
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2010
  11. zman
    Joined: Apr 2, 2001
    Posts: 16,783

    from Garner, NC

    Nope, there was no question. You just can't seem to stop beating the dead horse. GG is not always HAMB friendly but the guys you have been giving a hard time to have done great things to make it more friendly. You on the other hand obviously have a chip on your shoulder.
  12. KIRK!
    Joined: Feb 20, 2002
    Posts: 12,031


    Correct. Goodguys has listened to what customers want. On the HAMB it's via me. I listen, I post the truth, I present constructive intelligent ideas to the rest of the powers-that-be at Goodguys and things change.

    Most of the anti-Goodguys whining is about things that happened to a friend of a friend's third cousin ten years ago. Most people say "Goodguys sucks" without even knowing why because they say what they think people want to hear.

    Goodguys didn't get rid of any events or drag racing out of anything other than they weren't making money. If being a responsible business is mean or evil or sucks, then Goodguys is guilty.

    Like any business, Goodguys seeks to please as many people as possible while keeping fiscally viable. Goodguys tries to be as many things to as many people as possible, but no company can be all things to all people. Someone will be unhappy - that's life. I just think it's ridiculous when people accuse Goodguys of intentionally wronging anyone. It simply is not true.

    How did Goodguys get more HAMB-friendly? More HAMBers attend and boost the HAMB-friendly population and cars present. Simple - want to see more of what you like? Bring more of what you like.
  13. Choptop
    Joined: Jun 19, 2001
    Posts: 3,303


    Whats this "Good-Guys" thing everyone is talking about? is it a car show? :D

    I like car shows.
  14. B/A Willys
    Joined: Feb 22, 2009
    Posts: 16

    B/A Willys

    I want to get out of this muck we are stuck in, and the direction this post has gone. Although it has been a spirited discussion, and sometimes that’s fun, it is way off the original thread point.

    The first post stated that GG is rumored to be pulling out of the BSC. After the long and winding road of this thread, we found out by GG posting their schedule for 2011, and NRP posting their schedule for 2011, that in fact GG are out of not only BSC, but also vintage drag racing. Ok, fine that’s cool. But we also learn that the BSC will return hosted by the track and the Baders. Even cooler.

    I referred previously to the “Norwalk Experience”, only those who attend NRP regularly would understand what this means. NRP (yeah I know it’s Summit) is a premier facility, and has grown tremendously over the years. The baders “put back” into that track as time goes on. Anyone attending events there since 1968 as I have can bear witness to that! I look forward to next years BSC event there, and hope they do all the right stuff to bring it back alive.

    The HAMB, as I have been using it (a reader, not a poster) is a great source of info, idea exchange, classifieds, and other stuff. But I also read a lot of opinions…..I mean a lot. My additions to this thread have been viewed as angry, judgmental, and a few other things. There is no anger here, just my view, and I write it as direct as I speak live and in person, life is too short to mince words. Interesting though, that I must have struck a nerve, and my opinions get blasted. I guess I’ll “shut the fuck up“, and just go back to reading this site.

    Everyone enjoy your Goodguys!

    Everyone enjoy the Blue Suede Cruise!

  15. J Man
    Joined: Dec 11, 2003
    Posts: 4,131

    J Man
    from Angola, IN

    My only goodguys complaint is the cost of spectator admission.
  16. ChevyGirlRox
    Joined: May 13, 2005
    Posts: 3,496

    from Ohio

    I had a big post typed out and then I thought again. I'll just say this, Winks is the same 50 or so cars every week, not any of which are HAMB friendly. That is essentially the same problem with all of the places and events you list, it is the SAME cars over and over again.

    If I had to chose, I'd rather go to Goodguys Columbus once a year than Winks at all.
  17. Malibob
    Joined: Feb 23, 2009
    Posts: 503

    from Pittsburgh

    That is exactly why I like GG Columbus ChevyGirl. It is almost like an east coast SEMA for a lot of people. They work to the bone to get a new car there every year, or to get that next step closer to finished on their car and almost debut it at Columbus. I go to the local cruises which are sometimes bigger than the GG BSC, but do not xpect to go there to see new stuff, just BS and hang out with friends. But the PPG Nats is like a whole other ballgame. I mean really where else are you gonna see 7000+ cars like that and close to home? (can of worms opened)
  18. hotrodladycrusr
    Joined: Sep 20, 2002
    Posts: 20,765


    And if anyone doesn't think the type of cars attending hasn't changed over the last 10 years just needs to pick up a current issue of the Gazette and compare the cars in it to the ones in the Gazette from 10 years ago....hell there's even a difference from five years ago.
  19. 29nash
    Joined: Nov 6, 2008
    Posts: 4,542

    from colorado

    Hmmmmmmmm. We are people, not alike, might like differnet things. DOH?:cool:
    I like all kinds, like traditional hot rods and Kustoms, among others.
    Whether a particular show is H.A.M.B. friendly has very little to do with whether I'll attend. Or not.

    Every year my list of what happened last year is my model for next years list. For the shows to attend in '11, if somebody decides not to have a show I'll scratch them from my list. I'll probably add some. Why they cancelled? Can't bother with even wondering. :D
  20. spiker
    Joined: Oct 11, 2010
    Posts: 429


    This guy just described why I drive 900 miles (one way) in my homebuilt truck, to go to GG Columbus. My wife and I go every year, because I believe it's one of the best shows in the country. I love seeing half million dollar cars as well as rat rods. I guess it's because I appreciate cars, no matter what they are. I can spend a half hour checking out a rat rod as well as a trailer queen. A true "car guy" appreciates the workmanship in all of them. Besides that, you can walk right past the vehicles you don't care about. How about the amount of vendors that are there. I can't see how anyone can complain about Columbus, the Friday and Sat. night parties alone, are worth the price of admission. Oh well, I said my piece.
  21. Rusty Knutts
    Joined: Feb 8, 2008
    Posts: 129

    Rusty Knutts

    I've enjoyed your posts and agree 100%. I realize these events are a business and all about making a buck and I appreciate their honesty. Events continue to progressively get further away from where hot rodding got it's roots and preserving some of that history, to where can we make the most profit for least expense. Count me out. See you at the NHRA reunion in June.
  22. John D
    Joined: Oct 29, 2004
    Posts: 25

    John D

    Has anyone on this thread who bitched about Goodguys cancelling the drags for 2011 ever held a drag race? By that I mean rent the track, arrange the insurance, hire the tech staff, come up with the $40K payout, cover and organize all travel expenses for the event staff and organize the overall event?

    Has anyone actually done that?

    If you have, please share your experience with the board.

    Laying out $250K (conservative number) and praying it doesn't rain is not a recipe for success. That's why there's about 10 successful drag racing promoters in the continental U.S. and about a million dart throwers...

    Just sayin!
  23. KIRK!
    Joined: Feb 20, 2002
    Posts: 12,031


    That's all BS. All you do to run a drag race or car show is open the gates and make lots of money. It's all a conspiracy.
  24. lowkroozer
    Joined: Jun 1, 2006
    Posts: 601


    malibob The Blue Suede Cruise will be held July 22 23 24 2011 more info phone 419 668 5555. The Bader will take the event back in hand and return it to its original show foremat. This information came from Cruisin Times Magazine. So mark your calender and bring an extra dollar for ice cream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  25. Bert Kollar
    Joined: Jan 10, 2007
    Posts: 1,260

    Bert Kollar

    Summit owns the track and they put on a lot of events there themselves. My guess would be that they pick up the Blue Suede, at least I hope so
  26. B/A Willys
    Joined: Feb 22, 2009
    Posts: 16

    B/A Willys

    I've still been reading, but not getting back into the ongoing previous stuff re: Blue Suede Cruise, way off the track discussion.

    But, I must correct the previous poster about the ownership of Norwalk. The Bader family own the track and facilities, as they always have. Summit has bought the naming rights for a period of years, and hold NHRA events there. This is no different than NASCAR where Charlotte, for example, is called Lowes Motor Speedway, or how a NFL football field gets named for a bank, or a insurance company.

    It's the Baders that are bringing back BSC, and our thanks should go to them for carrying the torch!
  27. hemi
    Joined: Jul 11, 2001
    Posts: 1,959


    I had a guy tell me that in Charlotte.... and he was sitting on a rented scooter. Those cost $50 or $60 for the day, right??? :rolleyes:

    Try going to the movies, or out to dinner, and then have a day of fun with a few thousand cars...
  28. i cant believe this thread is still going talk about beating a dead horse to death....poor horse
  29. John Copeland
    Joined: Mar 11, 2002
    Posts: 349

    John Copeland
    Member Emeritus

    Sorry that I jumped in and opened a subject that had already been beat to death. I'm a 63 year old drag race nut, drive a 40 Ford Coupe and live near Columbus, 15 miles out. I came here in 83 and enjoyed the Spring Nationals for the next 20 years at National Trails. NHRA bought the track and had a 5 year plan on the books to improve it to "World Class". I was watching the politics and new that the only weekend the NHRA professionals were off was the weekend they went to Norwalk for the annual "Night of Fire"(July 4th ). Now that John Force's of the world don't go to a non-national event unless there is a motive. Turns our that it played into a deal with the Bader family to move the Spring/Pontiac Excitement Nationals to Norwalk. Everyone in the Columbus area went apeshit! After three years of pouting I went to the Friday night session at Norwalk, awesome track, can't argue that. I paid the General Admission ticket cost and went thru the gate. I ask the first Event Staff I spotted, where the general admission seats were? Here is what the man told me, "this is a national event, you'll have to up-grade"! I ask, "up-grade from what"? He went on to say that it would
    be an extra 10 bucks to get a seat in the general admission bleachers. I had checked the NHRA web site for prices and Friday was listed as being $32.00. I didn't say, that when you get to Norwalk your going to get porked for another 10 bucks so you don't have to stand at the fence. I went again this year and it was the same deal and we all went to the Blue Suede Cruise which was awesome. I hope the wonderful Bader family lose their almighty asses on this and any other event that moves on! I happened to be in Nashville this year for my Nephew's wedding, didn't want to go cuz it conflicted with the Goodguy's Nostalgia Nationals, I at least thought I would see some iron on the highway...not. I came out of my motel on Saturday morning and across the street was a huge car show going on. I don't enjoy sitting in a parking lot but I walked over to look around. I met a H.A.M.B. Alliance member driving a 32 roadster, I ask him why he wasn't up at Bowling Green, 20 minutes North. He replied that he had been there the day before but there was nothing going on and rumor had it that this would be the last year for the event. When NHRA moved the Hot Rod Reunion to Columbus from Bowling Green, they whined because of lost income so the Goodguy's bailed there ass out and the NHRA went back which left Bowling Green with two annual events, now they are back to one, Columbus hosts the delay box nationals and Friday Nite Drags at National Trails which draws nobody! This is my point of view, tell me it ain't about money!
  30. hotrodladycrusr
    Joined: Sep 20, 2002
    Posts: 20,765


    Paragraphs are your friend:D

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