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Very cool. I'm happy to see no turbo's there. Good sounding engine. I like Detroit Diesels. 71's were the best. IMO. Iused to us a liner kit called "E"'s supposed to be an ecconomy kit but had 21:1 compression. They ran well really with N-70 injectors. Where the regular kits would smoke bad with that much fuel. He said 3450hp. that's 144 hp per cylinder. That's crazy. I don't know if i can believe that.
that would look good in a T-bucket anybody know what they plan to do with it , or was it built because they could .
That is bad ass.... I have 7 MTU/Detroit (2000s) V16 quad turbo'd Diesels that makes 2,975 hp at 1800 rpm and 19,835 Lbs/Ft torque @1300 RPM that run each of our 2 megawatt generator sets.
'59 Metropolitan. 3,000 hp 24V71 Detroit Diesel. Perfect match! Lord, that engine makes Viagra totally unnecessary, don't it???
With a 400 turbo you could put that thing in NHRA A/SA the way they lie about factory rated horsepower !!!!!!!!
Another thought,,love to see it at Bonneville in some kind of a streamlined semi.Talk about a salt storm.
If that engine goes in a truck what kind of drive line could live behind it? And further to that the truck sure as hell better have a frame tied together with a roll cage , or tha frame is going to look like a candy cane! That all said that is the coolest looking motor I have ever seen and I would bet they wouldn't tell us what it cost to build. Rob.
The question is who let that hillbilly have the checkbook? Really man who paid for this and what is the plan for it?
Not sure what was going on with all those belt drive blowers and the throttle plates on the blower 'hats'. Detroit actually made some 24V-71's for oilfield work (basically 4 individual inline 6-71's nested together and connected to a common gearbox), but the blowers on 2-stroke Detroits are all internally shaft-driven through a gear train, not belt driven and diesels don't require or even use throttles on their air intakes. I'm not suggesting this thing isn't real, I'm just wondering why the seemingly unnecessary additional parts. Mart3406 =====================
Mart, That looks to me as 2 12-v's end to end. A 12-V has two 6V-71 blowers end to end in the valley. So this has 4 6v blowers in the valley gear driven off the timing set. and a few more on top belt driven. I think the hats are just for the cool factor. Since there is no throttle necessary. But they could be used as a choke to shut down a runaway. All the detroits had a Blade that you could close over the top of the intake incase something went real bad wrong. The belt drive blowers on top are doing what a turbo would do except they don't have to spool up. They are boosting the scavange blowers. a normal aspired 8V71 is about 42 hp per cylinder. This one is 144. so about 3.4 times the output.
---------------------- Yeah, me too! That would've made for one helluva' YouTube video!! I can see the headline they'd print in the local newspaper too - "Local hillbilly ends up in Detroit, makes a fuel of himself and then ends up exhausted!" Mart3406 ============================
Two stroke Detroit noise sure brings memories. I've seen in front of me, only two trucks with Kenworth factory installed 12V71 engines. I've heard stories, but seen few. That setup is pretty badass in my book. Enjoyed the music. Was kinda expecting them to have the need of emergency shutdown with the system not tied together. I've been within rock throwing distance of a 4-53 having been started after a replacement governor being installed incorrectly. Ever heard a screamin Detroit at beyond where max RPM should be? And it didn't splatter???
i would soooooooooooo get like an 80's chevy c70 dumptruck lose the dump box and wedge that puppy between the frame rails behind the cab then fab up a dually long box around it! it would be the most badass hot rodded truck ever! oh and LOTS of reinforcement!