not the "baddest", but in progress
My old coupe. Fuelpump's currently. This car just oozes "character". IMHO (& I'm terribly biased), the best yet. JH
Delux 38s are ugly, standard coupes are the gold standard...................... I would post a pic of mine but it hasnt changed since it was built in the early 70s. Doc.
I always thought the '38 was kind of the "ugly duckling" of the early Fords. But Earl and Texas, you have changed my mind! I like the looks of your coupes. But then I think early Ford coupes are the most beautiful cars ever made.
Hahaha! Sorry Doc, but you have to admit that was pretty funny Keep 'em coming guys, I love '38-'40 coupes!
My feelings are hurt, I'm going to sit in the corner and sulk. Remember we were a good 10 years behind what you guys were building then. Doc.
Hey I wanted to say that. It gets real bad when it gets real busy. One that is not all show and no go for sure.
Here's a picture of my trailer queen with original paint. (Trailer helps to move it from barn to barn every 5 or 10 years)