I've seen a couple people mention this. Correct me if I'm wrong the point is to put up free stuff. If you get something off of here you put something up in the future. I think it's pretty cool so why not start it up again? Rules: 1) Don't post WANTED, NEEDED or TRADE in here. That's not in the spirit of the thread. 2) Once an item is claimed, post the user name of the person who claims your part. That would eliminate any doubt about parts being hoarded by any one person. Edit the original post to "Sent to whateverscreennamehere" If you dont like them or think of something better post it. I've got a stock intake manifold for a '52 Ford 215 six. I think they were the some into the 60's. PM me if you want it!
I've got an older digital Nikon for someone that'd like to do a build thread. Pay the few bucks shipping and I'll send it and the cable your way. I will hold you to doing a build thread though! tjsr19 claimed the camera... look for a build thread from him!
I must say that I will soon benefit from thunderbirdesq being nice enough to sent me some of his leftovers. I been thinking of cleaning out the shop and there are a few things that I will be giving away also. Always heard one mans junk (or leftovers) is another mans treasure.
I have several small block Ford engines that are suitable for rebuildng or turning in for core charges or set up use. 260-289-302-351 C-W and M. Also a 2800 V6 and a couple of DOHC Fiats 1500 and 2000 with 4 and 5 speeds. Free, come get one or all. Studebaker OHV 170 inch 6 also with 3 speed.
I'll throw up a 292 Y block that needs freshening, its stored indoors so it shouldn't have (much) rust. The heads are the small poopy ones Scot
I have a pair of '23 tall roadster windshield posts, solid and looking for a good home on a car...no pivots or hardware, just bare stamped posts, anyone interested?
I have an odd 1968 318 mopar 2 barrel intake manifold with carb. Odd because the manifold is water heated instead of exhaust heated. Takes special heads. Free for the shipping cost if anyone is interested.
FREE STUFF? No problem. set of 32 Ford rear axle bells with axles, Just cover the shipping and my gas to get them to the ship point.
I love the idea but there need to be rules. Ones I think are important and should be policed for this to work smoothly: 1) Don't post WANTED, NEEDED or TRADE in here. That's not in the spirit of the thread. 2) Once an item is claimed, DELETE the original post so people don't continually ask and clutter the thread. 3) And this will probably be the toughest to police, don't be a fucking hoarder or flipper. If they're nice enough to offer it for free, only ask for it if you'll be able to use it or personally know a non-hamber who can. Just because some people can sit online all day doesn't mean they should collect copious amounts of parts just for the cost of shipping when others could further their projects. Feel free to weigh in. If there are decent rules set in place, I'll surely have some parts to contribute once I go through the crap I still have.
I like your rules, but here's one that I think would save a ton of trouble: post the user name of the person who claims your part. That would eliminate any doubt about parts being hoarded by any one person. I have some more "T" parts in my storage shed, when I get in there to empty it I'll put them on this thread.
I really hope we wont have to do that type of stuff. Plus I think it would be good to delete the stuff that's gone so people will know what's still available. What does everyone else think?
That came to mind after I'd posted. Just simply edit the original post to "Sent to whateverscreennamehere" I like that idea and think it would work well
I have a 47 ford aluminum hdlight bucket,55 buick 322" power steering pump One 59a head and some 59a connecting rods and oil pan. being on a budget can be tough, happy to help Power steering pump has gone to its new owner jonaboo.
Here is my contribution. I had to wait to barrow a camera from my girlfriend. It is a 4 speed shifter with reverse lock out. I was going to use it but I got a 5 speed instead. So if you will USE it It's yours first pm get's it. Topless Ford claimed it!
Tjsr19 was kind enough to send the shifter on, here is my contribution. There seemed to be some interest in digital cameras. So, I have a Kodak digital up for grabs. 5 megapixels and it takes good pictures. The case has some scratches but otherwise great shape. Heck, it took the avatar pic on the left!! As another poster stated, build pics are required!!!!! Please pm replies. I'll go throught them in order when I get home later. I'll ship it out when I find the download cable.
*Gone* Lets get this going again, I have a 49 ford trunk lid for sale. I've tried selling it and I don't want it here it is: http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=519334 It is extremely good just no hardware on it. PM me. *Gone*
I have a 48/49 F-100 Axle and springs, (NOE SPINDLES OR BRAKES) king pin bores are nice and springs are still in good shape. Come get it or its off to the scrapers.
i could use that Buick 55 Power Steering Pump (if not claimed yet) I have some 1954 - 56 buick stainless steel trim (in real nice shape) if anyone needs: rear most 1/4 spears front fenders (maybe 56 only)
i think this is just to friggn koool...... i have a brand new set (two) front wheel cylinders, they have been installed and i still not like the braking on my car, i removed them went with a mustang ii, they r for a 1946 chevy - fleetliner. i already have promised the knee shocks to somone, but if any of the rest of this front end is needed let me know. again the wheel cylinders have been installed and there is not even 10 miles on them. i will pull them and wire them closed. i also have all the belt trim if somone wants it. it was all removed with care and not damaged. first email ownes them or what ever u want off this front end........ let me know. thanx............................. m.woods.........................
Any pics? My little bro has a bucket project and they might be right for it. I'm not sure the year of his. Ill look through my stash of parts and see what looks useful and ill post it up. Glad to see this thread back.