I want to thank Flat Top Bob by embarrassing him....just a little....by posting some photos I took of him and his spread out in Wellington Texas. If you have the chance to stop and visit Owens Salvage...DO IT! Thanks Bob and Linda for your hospitality! The man hisself from the yard Random shots from the yard....... Pulling a part from a Nash Ambassador Scalping a Mercury
Thanks gents. Bob is just a swell gent. I plan on visiting again. Great place to hang out. This is only a fraction of the photos I took. Many will be in my book. Bob took the time out to drive me around town and hunt for trucks hiding around Wellington.
Bob is a really great guy. He invited a bunch of us Maryland guys out to his place from a post I put up about our cross country trip in the hotrods this summer and it was one of the high points of our trip. His place is awesome. He met us on sunday and spent a great deal of time with us driving around his place. We got the grand tour of the Yard, his buildings, and his personal collection of coll stuff. His hospitality was top notch. Thanks again Bob, we are still talking about it!!
Thanks Mike for the great pics. Bob is like a brother to me. "looking good Bob'' "Happiness is a big wheel pile"
Bob is a really good guy. We were treated like royalty last April when we stayed in Wellington before the Round Up. I love his barn/house. Needs to be in a book.