As you might imagine, we get a ton of email here at The Jalopy Journal world headquarters. Most of it, I'm proud to say, is pretty damned positive and up beat. More than anything, it's rewarding. I live by it. We do, however, field some negative comm... <BR><BR>To read the rest of this blog entry from The Jalopy Journal, click here.
I got my driver's license in 1958, went to my first drag race at Hatfield in SE Penna where I saw the 'Green Monster' run on a 1/8 mile 'straght', my first car was a '47 Ford Coupe with a '57 Lincoln, I've had nailheads, Oldsmobiles, a tri-carbed 348 and 365hp/327 engines. Some of the posters here don't have a clue, some are arrogant and ignorant, but most of them know what they're talking about and I learn something everyday. Thanks for this site - I visit several times a day and tend to post only when I have something positive to add. In the 50's and early 60's I read Hot Rod faithfully; I haven't picked one up for 40 years........ Pay no attention to the 'experts'.....
"Hot Rod, Street Rodder, and Rod & Custom Magazines created this world for you" Ah yes one of them finally says it ..just the arrogant opinion I always suspected existed. Just reporting whats going on isnt enough they made it happen ..right
He/She makes sense, now that I think about it. I always thought it was fiberglass catalog cars that ruined hot rodding, but I see now that it was actually RYAN's fault for letting hot rodders discuss things openly, uncensored, on the internet... where anyone can see it. Way to go, RYAN.
Change is hard to accept, especially by those who thought they were in charge of the process. This site has done more for the appreciation, promotion and education on our heritage than any monthly mag ever. Keep it up!
Perfect montage, expresses what I've seen over the years of being here. Magazine guys seem to have an overinflated sense of self importance. As if "THEY" created everything. thank you Ryan, very well put. jerry
Due to the fact that my ol' steam powered computer refuses to work properly this morning I can't comment on the video,,I am sure it is spot on and probably relays more in content than the written word. This site means a great deal to me because of the global appeal and love for the simpler times when Hot Rods and Customs were what most guys my age dreamed about,talked about and poured every spare dime into that old heap! Not everyone here sees the Jalopy Journal or the Hamb the same,and that's OK with me,,we all have a idea of what is our dream,,most other guys that read the Brand X magazines don't get the style of cars most people build under the guise of Traditional Cars,,,I am almost positive Janet don't get it,,personally,I don't give a hairy rats arse where he/she likes it or not. Ryan,,I see it as professional jealousy,,you have built a Hot Rod site that others would kill for and you continually make it bigger and stronger each and every year. I love this place,and because of the community I have friends all over the world and each and every one of them have a love for cars,,what more could you ask for. So Janet,,go suck a lemon.! HRP
I love my car magazines...but I cherish the ones I have from the 40's-60's. You can learn more from the HAMB in 1 hour than you can from reading a recent "rod" magazine. I hate to say that, but it's true. I often wonder how many tech related questions arrive in mail/email at the magazines, and they only print a few in each issue after a few months delay from the time the question was submitted. You can ask your question on the HAMB and have 15 great informative replies within a few minutes. Keep spreading the gospel...this is one subscription I won't ever cancel.
I'll stay out of the fray except to say that the HAMB is a wonderful resource and I enjoy many of the threads. There was some cool footage in that video I never saw before like the Dragmaster rail getting ready to launch and the Kopper Kart rolling into that show. ...haha man that one trophy girl looked like she was getting pissed at those "hoodlums".........Janet? .
As I have said many times before, thank you Ryan for all you do!!! I know I speak for tens of thousands. BDM.
Ryan, we will persevere,carry on and reproduce, and continue to build and drive show stoping Rods and Customs. Janice is only self-serving not in our interest of more speed,style,power, and better appearance...We have come so far and can do so much more with HAMB power spreading the word..
Keep up the good work Ryan! I'd way rather spend time on the HAMB then flip through some of the magazines out there. I do like buying a mag here and there if a tech how to, or feature catches my eye, but its the HAMB that always keeps me happy. If I HAD to pay my $50 Alliance Membership just to be able to view stuff on here, I'd gladly do it.
Don't know who pissed in Janet's Cheerios, but he just doesn't get The H.A.M.B. and that's OK. Hell, there's people that post every day on this board that don't get it. Don't fret over one person's opinion...those of us that like it here use The H.A.M.B. for many different reasons but it all boils down to the fact that "We like it" and this place keeps growing with excellent guidance from you and the many moderators and contributors. It is my honest opinion that without the H.A.M.B. there would be a lot fewer nice hot rods in this world, and I would have a lot fewer friends. Thanks Ryan.....
What Ryan, No room for C&C Music Factory? "It's your world - and I'm just a Squirrel - tryin' ta get a nut - so move yo butt...." This place has been making magazines look like what they are (bloated and out of touch) for about 15 years now. ~Bro
I read and reread Janets post. I still don't get it?? Is her underwear to tight? How in the world can she/he/it blame you for the state of whats happening now?? I really like this site. I think you do a hell of a job. Fuzzy
Amendment 1 - Freedom of Religion, Press, Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. 218 years, 11 months, and 27 days ago a bunch of smart folks wrote the above, and it became what some consider to be the single most important amendment to our US Constitution. It says that we can all write what we want, and if Janet wants to keep us from doing so, then Janet can petition the government to stop us. Until then, the gospel of hot rodders (hoodlums or not) will continue to be proclaimed.
Ryan, et al- not to trash the Check-writer Rodders, but it seems to me that TRJ and the HAMB are where our segment/faction/whatever of rodding chooses to go and it is a refreshing alternative to more and more folks ... traditional is tops, and we are very proud to be Alliance Vendors. Your video reply was spot-on.
That video made me smile. I take for granted this site now that I have been on it for a while. Around my area, people either like it or have not heard of the HAMB. I forget that there are some people out there that must be pissed because of the lack of advertising for made in China widgets. As far as what the HAMB is for me. It is a community of creative and innovative people that have a respect for the automotive accomplishments of our past. It is a place where everyone has a voice and can ask for or share information freely. I am proud to be one of these "Hoodlums"
It's always funny to me how some people can read the same content and come away with completely different views on what they have just read. The greatest part of the HAMB is the reverence that is shown toward the old timers that came before us. The respect for the men and the cars that they built has made this place special to me. You don't get that with any magazines. I was waiting on a prescription last week and had no desire to leaf through the car magazines. I used to be a die hard magazine junky. I actually feel sorry for Janet but we will obviously not miss her. She couldn't possibly have contributed anything worthwhile with an attitude like that. Don't let the door hit you in the ass. All of those images touched a soft spot in my heart. Thanks.
Ryan, I'm 70 years old, and have been playing with hot rods for more than 55 years. I think you are keeping things going the way it should be. Janet and his cronies are only concerned about their circulation count. = $. I have been subscribing to car magazines since the 50's, and have all the issues to prove it. I think the big magazine people have lost the picture, if not the spirit. I have not been renewing some subscriptions of the big boys, as I feel they no longer represent who, and what we are. I think that is the reason some smaller publications, and your site are doing well. thanks for your effort. NICK THE BANDIT.
Janet is right about the mainstream magazines getting us to this place but it was the magazines from the 50's& 60's not today's magazines. There has been plenty of credit given here to those magazines but I don't think the people who come here are the ones looking for the best programming gadget for their LS motor and 20yrs from now I don't think they will be looking for "How to Hot Rod your electric motor" either. Obviously with the increase in "Traditional car magazines" including Hot Rod Deluxe, the industry knows we prefer the old versions. The montage is Awesome!
"..your site destroying the fabric of hot rodding". "..Hot Rod,Street Rodder & Rod & Custom magazines created this world for you and you allow your users to trash each on an almost daily basis". " is you the print world blames for stealing our hard work". Jeez...what a douche.