just wondering, what would be the ideal weight of oil to run, going to do a change on it, the guy before was running i think a straight 30wt. The temp here in Washington at sea-level gets to as low 20's in the winter, and up to mid 90's during the summer. The engine is a little tired what would you recommend , lets here from Ford flathead "6" guys !
Did you put "oil" in search? There been a number of threads on oil in the flat 8, plus the zinc debate.
I have a chevy 235 straight 6. I run straight 40 w in mine.Texas isn't as cold as Washington but it's been in the 30's and 40's during the day and upper 20's low 30's at night. I just make sure to let the oil warm up before I start driving. I'd say let it run for about about 5 minutes.
I run 40 wt Pennzoil in the summer and 30 wt in the winter. 226 cu in flathead ford six with 20,000 miles on rebuild. Also north Texas.
I live in Eastern Washington where it get really cold. I don't drive my flathead much in the winter but I use Chevron Delo 10/30 which is a diesel engine oil. The Delo does contain zinc which is suppose to be good for the flat tappets used on the flathead.
That's what was available when new & some want to run what was "supposed" to be in the engine, ignoring decades of oil development. My Dad was like that. The new CJ-4 doesn't have as much as CI-4 did, & roumors are it'll be reduced again. Some additive like ZDDPlus may be required soon withdiesel, most definatly with SM car oil.
Check out that joe gibbs hot rod oil is pretty resonable on the price, plus it has some sceince stuff backin it up.