This one is a bit off topic, but I've wanted to share this video with you guys for a while. The idea started with the series of videos I posted covering the"dying" art of craftsmanship. You remember those, right? There have been three of them so far... <BR><BR>To read the rest of this blog entry from The Jalopy Journal, click here.
Love animation like that. Kinda looks like my daily commute. Happy New Year Ryan. Thanks for another great year. Slim
I would love to see some Hot Rod animation like that because some of the scenes you can almost picture them at Bonneville. Last day of the year Ryan and thanks again for everything.
I wouldn't be so dismissive of the two creator's thoughts on hatred and rage that were the reason they crafted this video. Each of us is only a few stupid decisions and a few bad choices away from falling over the precipice to total destruction The animation is indeed powerful and breathtaking, but the message behind it is just as powerful. All of us would do well to hear what these two artists are trying to say. This is especially true as we are looking through the doorway to a new year. Later, Thor
Ryan... Very interesting, informative, and, TRUE ! A Very Happy New Year To You & Your Family ! Jonnie
" Each of us is only a few stupid decisions and a few bad choices away from falling over the precipice to total destruction" That's deep, right there..................AND profound! Later, Thor[/QUOTE]
I would love to see the whole film. The trailer looks spectacular. Thanks for another great year Ryan!!!
Beautiful animation. Love your dedication to craftsmanship. Thanks for leading the charge, Ryan. Happy New Year!
Very well said, Thor If the complete film is like that trailer, I am breathless with anticipation, that was beautiful.
Awesome detail in the movie. You really have to stop the film to get it. I gotta question the fact that hate is the motivation behind the fighting in WWII. I think lots of folks fought for love of country and freedom. Sometimes you just do what you gotta do. More than one point of view. Larry T
I am a returning student just finishing up school for animation and this blows my mind. I can appreciate the work it takes to make this. I spent a semester on a project and ended up with 2 mins of film. Amazing...
I know some students looking for final projects if someone wanted to work on some concept and story ideas.....
I have to admit that I didn't watch the animated short; instead I watched the sign painter video, and got the gist from that. To me, that video sums up how I feel about this place: Folks who were there get the chance to pass on their knowledge and folk like me get to soak it up like a sponge and put the lessons learned to use. For a long time now, I've been talking to folk around my office about the need to create tangible things, things that you can touch and feel. At least one of my co-workers took up the challenge and has started a cake decorating business. (He's even on TV, if you watch that: "The Next Great Baker" on Food Network.) I guess I've talked the talk, but only dabbled in the walk til recently. That's going to change in the coming year here. Ryan, thanks for providing the "scaffolding" for the old sign painters to show us their trade.
I have heard from many elders that" hate is an acid that will eventually consume the container.". thanks for reminding me why we do things and for whom... and the results of our actions and thoughts have consequences more gospel without the lightning strike .. BE... HAPPY NEXT YEAR
I missed the two sign blogs. Wow. Great stuff. True craftmanship takes years and years of learning and complete dedication. I admire the true craftsman.
Very cool. I can't wait for the full length version to come out. As said, a hotrod dry lakes version would be amazing. Happy New Year to all!!
I really loved the animated short, cool graphics, killer music, totally badass. The only sorta kinda problem is this for me. Most non jet fighter planes had about 50 seconds worth of ammo at full pull, Then again, some had cannons. Forgiving their shoot it out as if ammo was at an hours worth, I'd like to own a copy of this. Thanks for making this available Ryan.