Thanks for letting me know about Rockabilly show. I will park outside the show. Looks like the Miller Bros are putting on the show. Like you I go to FREE events. Getting to cost way too much money. The way I boycott is I park my truck within eye view of the show (in the same lot if I can) Sometimes I'm asked if I regestered, I say why I'm showing my truck right now! Boicot BUY PARKING OUTSIDE THE SHOW! IF WE GET ENOUGH PEOPLE DOING THAT, THEY MAY GET THE MESSAGE & THAT IS TOO HIGH PRICED!
I really dig the 617c ,( and the 34 roadster ) Ive read that artice in the latest Rodders Journal over and over. ...and off topic, but, every time I hear Reno Nevada! I think of one of my favorite bands "7 Seconds"
Dayton/Carson here. Dont forget the Battleborn Showdown #3 in May up in Virginia City!!
Battle Born Mopar has been wanting me to join the group for 8 years now. I get phone call reminders to come to the monthly meetings. I asked why they wanted a Ford in a Mopar Club. Answer is because I have a Mopar drive train. Guess thats all that counts huh?
I used to live in Reno in the mid to late 60's. Not much car action then. Used to cruise S. Virgina and 4th Steet to the Frost Top. Here is a photo of my car then and the same car today.
I am new to speedweek but a lover of drag cars and speed Can you give me some info on the event Day pass or week pass cost Can you use bicycles to go into the pits Best days to be a spectator if you only have a couple days to attend
Lived there 52 years - all my life, until 2006, then to Corvallis, MT. Reno/Sparks is still a terrific place and the car scene is excellent! If that is your Effie on the avatar - Sweet!
I am no expert, but I have been a couple times. The most recent was 3 years ago. First is find a place to stay. It probably is to late to get a motel room in wendover. So possibly plan on camping, there is a spot near there. You will see as you drive there. It is at the bend in the road. Or another option is a motel in wells. About an hour away. I dont remember the cost of a day pass. But its not much. $10 maybe ? I would definately take a bicycle or some type of small transportation. Maybe a scooter ? Something smaller than your car, and easier to get around on than your feet. I also cant help on the best days. I usually go mid week for a couple days. Take lots of sunscreen. The sun reflecting off the salt is brutal. Good sunglasses too. If you have never seen LSR, I definately recommend it. Another option is El Mirage. It is just about as far as bonneville from the reno area. (Just straight down hwy 395 to the Adelonto area), it is free and a little less "professional". I found the people there more willing to talk. Hang out by the tech area, and you can see and learn about a lot of interesting things. Also do a search here. Every year there is a lot of good info posted up.
Just moved up to Reno and started going to UNR for those still wondering who all is in Reno. I will bring my car up here starting with Rockabilly Riot and throughout the rest of summer.
I'm near Dayton. Battle Born Showdown is done by the Mugrosos & Dead End Cruisers clubs. Nothin' to do with a Mopar group. It's a fun place to be.
I lived in Reno for 20 years, and had a repair shop downtown that I and a partner started [Advanced Automotive], I cruised a '57 Mercury convertible all through the '80's and nineties there. I and my wife were married at the A&W on Kietzke lane in 2007. I still visit frequently, as my wifes family is still there, and sell parts at the HAN swapmeet. I generally have a red '57 Fury at the swap spaces. ---John
An update on our upcoming show: Hey, if you're in the Reno NV. area, plan on coming to our club's show, the "Classic Rods for Mending Hearts" car show to benefit the American Heart Association at the Nugget Casino/Victorian Square Plaza in Sparks NV. Saturday June 25th 2011 4:00 to 9:00 P.M. We have tried very hard to keep it FREE REGISTRATION!!! That would be NO entry fee for car owners, no fee for spectators, and FREE music by live bands at the show! All in the picturesque setting of Victorian Square. ***Does this sound like your kinda car show? *** This show has gotten huge, what with John Ascuaga's Nugget Casino backing us, and the hottest nightclub in town "The Alley" holding a pre-party show on Fri. night and an after party show on Sat. night. with the Cowbelleros and the Infamous Swanks playing (some of the best punk/rock-a-billy bands around here). This is going to be a real deal car culture event. So put it on your calendar now for a great time!
Rocky, I got one of your flyers Friday at Summit. For anyone in the Reno area, go by Summit, as they have about 8 different events/flyers posted by the for sale/bulletin board. Should be a fun summer. Hope to see some of you out and about this year. I'll be cruising in the truck most of the time.
Does Gardnerville count?....This is in process, maybe if all the stars align it will see daylight, asphalt, and hi-test this summer....
Glad ya' got one of our shows flyers Mr. Jean. Our club's show is one of the few FREE shows being held around here this summer. So hope to see ya'll there. Here is a listing of car shows in the greater Reno NV area. Also, Al's Rod Shop will be having his annual car show calendar out soon. And there will be another Rebel Reunion show this year, that is a MUST attend show! Details to be announced shortly.
This year I will attend all the FREE SHOWS. For sure I will be at the Rebel Reunion I may not be at some shows because of work, but my wife will be there with the pickup
Here is a fun show. It's limited to Inline engines but there is a good variety. Minden is a few miles south of Carson City. Here are some pictures from last year. =================================================== NORTHERN NEVADA CHAPTER OF THE INLINERS INTERNATIONAL PRESENTS THE 7TH ANNUAL "RAPPIN TO MINDEN" The Northern Nevada Chapter invites all International Inliner members, wives, and guests to our 7th Annual Event to be held June 3rd and 4th 2011, at the Town of Minden Park. Inliners will be the only featured group of vehicles at the Minden Spring Festival. The Street Festival features many arts, crafts and food booths. One block from our special display area is the heart of Minden, location of an Antique Mall, Fine Art Store, several great restaurants and classic renovated Historic buildings. The Town of Minden and the beautiful block size park will provide an excellent place to display our cars and socialize with old and new Inliner friends. We have several places to stay close to the show location. The Carson Valley Inn is a great facility which includes a Ca$ino, Hotel, Motor Home Park and 3 restaurants. The CARSON VALLEY INN or CVI as the locals affectionalely call it is located just 3 blocks from downtown Minden and our special display area. Reservations may be made by calling the Carson Valley Inn at 800-321-6983 and mention Rappin to Minden Additional accommodations are as follows: Best Western/Minden Holiday Inn Express 1795 Ironwood Drive 1569 Highway 88 775-782-7766 775-782-7500 The event will include a Hospitality Room Friday Night June 3rd for Tire Kicking and Socializing. Saturday is a full day at the park spending time Kicking Tires, Comparing Engines Vehicles, Socializing and exploring the craft fair. Saturday ends with a BBQ at one of our Chapter Members home were the tire kicking will continue. Send off Sunday Morning with a breakfast and promises of next year's event. We need to pre-register vehicles for our event so that we can prepare to accommodate all participants. PLEASE PLAN TO ATTEND. FOR MORE INFORMATION OR A REGISTRATION FORM PLEASE CALL: DENNIS BARGMAN (775) 782-7074 or FRAN PETERSEN (775) 783-1957