There is currently a targeted effort being made to spam forums world-wide. It's absolutely crazy at the moment. In fact, we've deleted over a 1000 accounts since 11pm last night. So frustrating... In any case, we are doing what we can and plan to do even more. They won't get the best of us. I do, however, think this is a good time to go over what you should and should not do if you see spam on the HAMB. Here we go: YOU SHOULD NOT: 1. Reply to the post in any way. Don't reply with a cute comment. Don't reply with "reported." Etc... Just don't reply to spam posts. That's what they want you to do. 2. Worst of all, don't reply to spam and QUOTE it. 3. Click on anything in the spam post. ............................... YOU SHOULD: 1. Press this little button: That's all you gotta do... We will take it from there. Thanks!
You guys (moderators and owner) are horribly underappreciated. You have done so much to make this such an amazing site that I am proud to be a part of. Thanks! Spam sucks BloodyKnuckles
You may want to post this in the intro area as it seems there is so much going through there. The intro "welcomers" seem to welcome just about anybody.....
I'm a moderator on a forum for a different interest, and we've been getting deluged there, too. 2-3 pages every day of denied registrations that our spam filter catches.
Ryan. I know I'm going to get flamed for this, but the only spam this old geezer knows comes in a can. What should the computer illiterate look for?
Spam is advertising over the internet, usually grow bigger ads or try this, or try that....Its a weak ass attempt at advertising and all it does for me is pisses me off and makes me AVOID their products even more. Legitimit business's advertise in legitimate ways. Got it boss, no clicky and no reply... Scot
If you see and thread with a Nigerian company advertising penis enlargement pills, thats spam! Great job Ryan, I LOVE THIS PLACE DAMN IT!!!!
I'm guilty! I love messin' with those idiots.. But I won't do it again boss!! I apoligize for doing so in the past.. I'm also a moderator at SMC and we've had our share of spammers in the past, so I know what your going through.. Wish I could zap them out for ya so you won't have to bother with them.. Thanks for everything Ryan!!
A metal shaping forum that I'm on temporarily shut down new applications just for this reason. Maybe something to consider. If a guy really wants to register on the HAMB he can wait another week or so to do it until this worldwide threat cools down a little. Just my thoughts. Thanks Ryan for all your work.