This coupe was in the background of some shots I showed in a recent Sunday Models thread. Someone asked to see more shots of it, so here they are. Basically it started life as a GMP 1/18th diecast of the SoCal lakes coupe. However I have turned it into a street version and was inspired a little by a friend's old 3W ( but that's another story) . But it is all still race car underneath. Geoff aka whodaky
Here is another one of my builds from thirty years ago. AMT's 65 El Camino built right out of the box, with a home made trailer. The dragster is an American Graffiti issue from MPC. I remember buying this kit at a Child World store for $2.00. They had a whole pile of these they were trying to move. It would have been a good investment...Have you seen the price of these on E bay.
I just love junior fuel dragsters. I used a Tony Nancy 22 Jr. kit. A small block Chevy from AMT's 55 Nomad. Body is aluminum and a modified slot car driver figure.
Some nice work so far this week, that BONNET and side curtains look fantastic Geoff. Great little dragsters too, I just love to build the chassis for these, so........... If anyone needs a chassis done in 1/24-5 scale send me some measurements and plans if you can (Or we can discuss it) and I will build you one in brass. Something like this.... This is one in 1/25 next to a finished one of the Tony Nancy 22Jr kit. Will build to your specs whatever you need (That I can build), not looking for money but wont say no to a parts swap. Always looking for engines, gearboxes, front & rear ends and early 20s-30s body's nothing need be new and not looking for a lot. PM me if interested and we can chat. Doc.
Here is my first finished project for the year. It is a "57" Ford Fairlane Demo Derby car. I would never condone the use of a real one in a derby because that would just be wrong, but as a model it is ok.
Oh yeah, that 34 5 window is very nice! I really like the stance of it, where are the wide 5s from? They really set the build off nicely. Doc.
Mr cheater, the diarama is amazing. The last image would be convincingly real if the table top, large building and camera dude weren't in the shot. Love that '34 Pscott, great color!