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Why is cruising dead???

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Zombie 51, Jan 24, 2011.

  1. The reason we cruised back in the day was to meet girls, and talk that order. We couldn't sit in our room and IM, text, or check our facebook page to see what was new with our friends.
  2. [/QUOTE]ps Sorry about the pics but I couldnt help myself. At leaset there are a couple of Hot rod books on the table.[/QUOTE]

    I think we have matching jukeboxes
  3. Graystoke
    Joined: Mar 23, 2010
    Posts: 437


    I would need an armor plated car to cruise to old route today...... It ain't safe anymore!:eek:
  4. This is the proper attitude. Just go cruise your car, why do you need to be surrounded with other old cars to cruise? Lead by example. And why is everyone bitching about "the kids" not cruising. If they were you would be bitchin' about their rice rockets and messing it up for you.
  5. Well, Bcharlton, if you get that put together, let us know. It might be worth crossing the border for that.
  6. Zombie Duck
    Joined: Oct 6, 2010
    Posts: 101

    Zombie Duck

    My 21 year old cousin, who is going to turn 22 in a couple of months is the same way. He has no license and I've tried to get him to get a vehicle but he has zero interest beyond his xbox and PC. The only reason he got a job is because they threatened to kick him out of the house if he didn't, which is also the only reason he got his GED.

    I've told him he could have my 70 dodge polara that needs just a little work, nope, not interested and I have told him about good running cars and trucks for $500 or less and he says he doesn't have any money right now and doesn't want to get a loan and is saving up for something and blah, blah, blah every excuse in the world.

    He acts like the whole world owes him a favor. When I was his age I had 2 jobs and was driving a truck that I did all the work on with my own money.
  7. Zombie Duck, this is a big problem. I had my first car before my license. I worked and paid for everything myself. I see what you saying in almost all the co-op kids I've seen go thru my shop. I think that attitude is almost an epidemic.
  8. PhilJohnson
    Joined: Oct 13, 2009
    Posts: 906


    Yup, I agree. When my friends and I went cruising it wasn't in some coolmobile, it was an 81 Ford Fairmont he got from his grandma. The other ride of choice was a Dodge Omni. Most of the other kids cruising would be driving 15 year old cars, usually rusted and busted up too. Sure there were some "cool" cars but for the most part kids just cruised in what they could afford.
  9. bcharlton
    Joined: Sep 13, 2006
    Posts: 427

    from Buffalo NY

    yes Ace,

    Same jukebox and Shawn, I would love to have you come into the USof A for an old fasioned malted milk shake and some crusin.

  10. oneredryderone
    Joined: Feb 26, 2007
    Posts: 132


    about the only time i see my old cruising buddies is at -------------------------[DON'T READ ANY FURTHER IF YOU WERE BORN IN THE MID40's TO THE MID 50's!]-------------------------------------is at funerals, and grandchildren's weddings! the locally owned drive-ins are 'gone', the car clubs are 'gone', old-time drag racing--street or strip is 'gone'. if we chance to see one another out-n-public the question usually is "aren't you ------- and back-in-the-day did you drive a-------- car, AND didn't you used to date so and so OR are you still married to so and so?"
    as our life-style and priorities have changed 'regular cruising' seemed to fall-by-the-

    IRONIC AIN'T IT, WHEN THE DRAMA OF LIFE SUBSIDED WE TOOK ANOTHER L@@K AT THE SIMPLE PLEASURE OF------------------CRUISING. guess we are trying to re-capture the excitement of our youth.

    just my view

    Last edited: Jan 26, 2011
  11. Hmmm. Because times change?
    Why don't kids do the Lindy Hop? Why don't they gather around the radio to listen to the hit parade?
    Cruising was great fun, it was a different era. There wasn't much else to do, the main attraction was meeting girls, and the 50's 60's car culture is gone. It seems like a lot of people here just can't cope with changing times. Traditional rods are cool, but you can't turn back the clock.
  12. Pinstriper40
    Joined: Sep 24, 2007
    Posts: 3,627


    Cruisin' aint dead... It's just winter!
  13. Captain Chaos
    Joined: Oct 16, 2009
    Posts: 652

    Captain Chaos
    from Missery


  14. question? how do you get that im blameing parents for anything? there is NO blame in what i typed

    all i said where kids need to get off thier asses and participate in life and become functioning members of society instead of thinking its just all gonna come to them one day

    you my friend must have a guilt complex or something

    IF cruising died its because the people who lived in the car culture days got old and allowed it to die

    ok heres a little thing you can try go to an autoparts store and wait for some 20yearold or younger to pull up in thier daily car (whatever it may be) and walk over and ask them about it like you would a guy at a local show and just guage the responce you get compared to what it would be froma kid in the early 80's and before

    then before he walks away ask him about his computer
  15. Perhaps the most profound statement yet. Brevity is the art of wit,or something like that.
  16. Strange Agent
    Joined: Sep 29, 2008
    Posts: 2,879

    Strange Agent

    The over-reaching derogatory statements made in this thread toward my generation are revolting. You old guys are retarded if all you think kids today are all lazy and stupid.

    From my generation to yours, screw you.
    Joined: Feb 9, 2003
    Posts: 682


    I did it for the chics man, my girlfriend wouldnt approve of that now and i know for a fact my wife wouldnt!
  18. ponchopowered
    Joined: May 27, 2010
    Posts: 438


    we still do it here in my area every friday and saturday night, hitting the main drag
  19. blackedout
    Joined: Jun 14, 2010
    Posts: 24

    from illinois

    I am 28 and I remember sitting on my dads tailgate eating ice cream while watching and listening to the hot rods up and down MacArthur blvd. Last summer I did exactly the same thing with my 3 year old, not one hot rod or muscle car. Lots of SUVs, hybrids or crapped out boxes with wagin wheel rims and rubberband tires. I don't know what happened, maybe all the old farts are too busy getting soft watching the new flat panel. Maybe my generation is sitting in a bar. All I know is when mine is done this spring I'll be out there.
  20. iamq
    Joined: Feb 26, 2009
    Posts: 253

    from Ma

    The town fathers don't like cruising.


    I also cruised the Berlin Turnpike back in the 60's, great times..
  21. Because I can get layed and drunk at home?

    I think that for folks my age we just grew up. For the younger crowd IE cruising age they have different interests than we did we used to call it the generation gap.

    And as has been mentioned it has been outlawed in most of the larger cities.
  22. newrider3
    Joined: Aug 19, 2010
    Posts: 62


    Quoted for truth.
  23. Cruise implies that the cars will be moving... on public streets... along with the old cars, there will be minivans and SUV's with self-absorbed soccer moms and people just not paying attention... and there are a lot more cars on the road naw than there was back in then.

    THe Hill County cruise is the only way to go... Get out of the urban and suburban areas and you get away from the walking dead behind the steering wheels...
  24. Mercchev
    Joined: Dec 22, 2004
    Posts: 605


    All depends on if you want to whine about it or do something about it. My buds and I decided to do something about it. We lamented the fact that the cops had run all of us out of "our" cruising we went to the local drive-in owners and said: look at what we can do for you...50-60 cars a night on Saturday night if you will let us hang out. Good for us, good for your business with us and all the "civilians" coming out to see our cars and buy whatever you are selling. Started small with one Culver's owner four years ago, and now we meet on tuesdays, Wednesday's, Saturday's and Sunday's..all at different places around town. It has taken on a life of it's own, and we like to think we had a little bit to do with bringing cruising back to our hometown. Some places we get over 100 cars a night in the little drive in parking lots...sometimes it's a lot bigger at the old grocery warehouse parking lot. Point is: do something about it and just don't whine about it.
  25. smarg
    Joined: Nov 18, 2008
    Posts: 1,068


    Hit the nail on the head.
  26. stevechaos13
    Joined: Sep 11, 2008
    Posts: 419


    Very good idea right there. They used to hold a little Sunday morning cruise in at the Sonic in the little town I moved out of (ironically the same town that Strange Agent is from). Pretty much the same thought process as you just described. Thing was though, that you'd have all kinds of cars cruise out. The brand new mustang/camaros/chargers right along with the true muscle cars, the street rods, etc.

    Dude, I know how ya feel. Ya gotta admit though, that our generation is full of some idiots. Then again, so was/is theirs.
  27. hemi
    Joined: Jul 11, 2001
    Posts: 1,959


    I didn't get past the second reply... That's what killed our local cruising scene that had been active since the '50s... gone by the end of the '90s. I was there for the innocent heyday and am thankful. It really began when NWA and those guys inspired everyone to turn into wanna-be gangsters. Before that, the general mood was to have a good time...
  28. toolman1967
    Joined: Mar 13, 2008
    Posts: 441


    There is still cruising in Herrin, Illinois on Friday nights during the summer. Drive or park, its all good!
  29. booboo
    Joined: Apr 3, 2002
    Posts: 718

    1. oHIo

    well here in central ohio we have two hang outs
    1. east side in reynoldsburg
    site: jegs retail parking lot
    2.westerville ohio
    site: yogis hogies
    both locals are self policed with a large crowd of adults to keep everyone in order
    we all keep our trash picked up and try to keep the rubber on our tires and not on
    the pavement
    in the best part of the summer both spots can get packed with quality local guys just hanging out for the night or on a joy ride and happen to just pass through
  30. c_dime81
    Joined: Aug 26, 2010
    Posts: 160

    from tupelo

    well said friend

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