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Why is cruising dead???

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Zombie 51, Jan 24, 2011.

  1. SickBoy FCC
    Joined: Jun 11, 2010
    Posts: 6

    SickBoy FCC

    didn't know it was dead.

    we still cruise here.
  2. I personally never said anything exceptionally derrogatory about the younger crowd. Never the less for the most part the young cruisin aged crowd that would be high school aged up into their early 20s are a bunch of selfish whinney bastards that don't have sense enough to poor piss out of a boot. Now if you fit that description than I'm sure that whoever pissed in your cornflakes was talking directly to you.

    There is also one other thing I would like to ad. If you are one of those selfish whinney punks and think that me and my whole generation should go screw ourselves. You should do this one thing for me. The next time you got yourself some lame assed question like DUH where do I find shocks for my old Chevy ask someone your own age.

    Now if you don't fit into that catagory disregard everything I just said.

    OK then carry on
  3. terryr
    Joined: Feb 8, 2007
    Posts: 285

    from earth

    Old people can hide stupidity better. And a lot of stupid people, young or old, think they're smart. Once you're out of school there's no way to test it.

    Is that for hot rods or gay boys? Or gay boys with hot rods?

    When I was young there were very few middle aged guys with hot rods. Now it seems like most are.
  4. roddin-shack
    Joined: Apr 12, 2006
    Posts: 2,534


    This is BULL SHIT, all the comments from the next generation. If I listen to you guys I should just sell my 5-W and buy one of those Blackberries or I-pods .Turn it on on go cruising, you guys are a joke. Take me back to the 60's please. :eek:
  5. Muttley
    Joined: Nov 30, 2003
    Posts: 18,501


    I agree, it's a public street but............

  6. :D:D:D:D This is why we cruised, chicks and to be seen in your ride. Now a nice long ride on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon is just as good. Where I used to cruise it is not allowed anymore.The exception is- Friday night for West Coast Kustoms, and if any of you were there last year you saw how packed it was AFTER they opened it up to non car show cars, full from one end to other. Every city has outlawed it that is the main reason
  7. Eight433
    Joined: Mar 16, 2008
    Posts: 257


    You young punks and old codgers are gonna get this thread closed if you can't quit bickering, hsha.
    Around here, it's all cruise-ins, not much cruising. And of those people at the cruise, very few have color in their hair, including myself (which is strange cause I'm only 26.) But I am one of the youngest people whom regularly bring a car. Personally, I'm ok with that. Lots of knowledge tio be extracted from those thick grey skulls.
  8. 57tony31
    Joined: Jul 20, 2008
    Posts: 632

    from Woods

  9. newrider3
    Joined: Aug 19, 2010
    Posts: 62


    I'm not exactly sure where the hell you got all that from.
    Tell you what, I'll give you the whole $5.39 that I have at the moment for that 5 window, and cruise it myself. ;)
  10. Merc cruzer
    Joined: Feb 26, 2009
    Posts: 286

    Merc cruzer
    from Colorado

    Remember when hotrods were dangerous and sex was safe?
  11. shmoozo
    Joined: Aug 14, 2007
    Posts: 671

    from Media, PA

    Cruising is not dead, it just smells funny.


    (with apologies to the late Frank Zappa)
    Joined: Mar 30, 2010
    Posts: 3,251


    staying home smokin weed.
    gasoline prices suk.
  13. -Brent-
    Joined: Nov 20, 2006
    Posts: 7,668


    I've only read page one, so appologies if I'm redundent.

    Anyway, I think there are a heck of a lot of things I grew up doing that are no longer allowed. Kid's these days are corralled into shopping malls, movie theaters, or other places where a fee (or some type of payment) is required.

    When I was a kid we could meet up in a parking lot and figure out what to do. The police bugged us once in a while but it wasn't too bad. Now you can barely stop and chat in my old town without loitering.

    I grew up dirt biking, mountain biking, off roading, playing ball at the park, etc. Now those things are still out there but they're VERY limited. In fact, it was getting more restricted while I was doing it.

    Some of the kids I know now don't even bother with that stuff out of not wanting to get into trouble. That amazed me. Any trouble I was getting into (or trying to avoid) then, would surely be offensive now.

    We used to go to the Berlin Tpke in CT to cruise (and find some street races) and that eventually was squashed do to many reasons most valid and some not. I can tell you the businesses miss out on the Friday and Saturday night business.

    I feel like I grew up in a pretty great time. As a youngster, I had the freedom to ride a bicycle anywhere I wanted, no helmet, no supervision... heck, I could go as far as I could as long as I was back when I was supposed to. We weren't angels but we had freedom.

    I don't blame some kids that stay home and play guitar with their buddies or play video games. You can only take so much of being extorted while "hanging out."

    Edit: I should add, I'm not going to feel wary about taking any of my cars out. I'm not a trouble maker. I guess if I go cruising I'll pretty much be doing it to get somewhere.
  14. Steves32
    Joined: Aug 28, 2007
    Posts: 1,258

    from So Cal

    I'm an old fart & I cruised when I was young.
    I cruised Whittier Blvd, Van Nuys, Colorado in Pasadena, Valley Blvd in Alhambra & a few other places in the 60's.
    I think the biggest mis-conception of cruising back in the day is all the cars were hot rods. The girls hardly ever cruised alone- they were usually in a pack & driving mom's car. Some of the guys were driving mom & dad's car too- usually high school students w/ no car. There wasn't much lawn chair action. People gathered at the drive-ins & parking lots. I NEVER had a girl in my car. Never. If I had a date, I took her home at 8-9pm & then hit the boulevard. While some were content driving up & down the boulevard mooning each other & such nonsense...... We had a different plan. Most of the conversations centered around who had the bad ass cars. Cruising was usually looking for the bad ass cars & cars you hadn't seen before. For us- it wasn't about cramming 5 of your buddies in a car & mindlessly cruising back & forth on the boulevard. We didn't jump out & squirt shaving cream on windows or any of that nonsense. We usually drove alone or with 1 other guy & cruised looking for action. The scene in American Grafitti between Harrison Ford in the 55 & the guy in the puke yellow Deuce (minus the girls) ;), that's what it was all about. From my feeble memory- guys in high school had ok cars- nothing special. The guys who had the fast cars were out of high school by then & had a job during the day. There weren't that many fast cars. Alot of other stuff but you had to find the fast ones. If you had a reputation though....they found you. We didn't give a shit about lowriders & customs.
    My car was a maroon straight axle 64 Chevelle, Olds rear, M22 trans, tunnel rammed BBC w/ 2- 660 center squirters. I can remember more than one car unloading from a trailer on a side street or parking lot looking for action. My local hang-out of choice was Bob's Big Boy on Whittier Blvd.
    We were stupid kids, having stupid fun. Gangs, riots, fights, pissing on private property, blocking access to stores, long lines of cars & a few dumb shits who raced up & down the boulevard (instead of going to a deserted area) is what got it shut down. Today's kids don't seem to care where they race. You see the results on the nightly news. When we did race someone, it was in an industrial area out of town.
    People cruised for different reasons back then. My wife cruised w/ her girlfriends in their parents car w/ the radio turned up & singing loud- badly. They would meet guys & go have a vanilla cokes & wet fries at Henrys (Valley Blvd in Alhambra). They would buy cigarettes & smoke & drink Akadama wine like the "adults" did. I have to admit- I don't remember Akadama wine. I'm quoting her now)
    Cruising will never be back like it was back in the day. Never. Even the revitilization of Van Nuys Blvd last year was an empty shell of what once was. You can't go back.

    Today- my idea of a cruise is getting in your car & meeting up w/ several buddies & drive somewhere. Doesn't matter where, just the fact you are driving hot rods & not sitting at home is what's special. You don't need an organized event. Get in your car & drive.

    And BTW- bitching about gas prices is just an excuse. Yea- gas was 27 cents when I drove but we only make a buck-thirty five per hour!
    Today it's $3.50 a gallon but look at what the hourly wage is.
    Stop pissing about gas prices & drive!
  15. CleanRedYj
    Joined: Jan 1, 2009
    Posts: 33


    Im glad someone brought this up. Me and my buddy were just discussing this the other day trying to figure out why crusing has died. In highschool( Im only 23, so not long ago,lol) we lived for friday and saturday night. Hell, even sunday night some weeks. We made no plans. They were already made every week, we would be cruising. Whether is was in his Nova, or my Chevy short wide. We didnt do it to cause trouble, get laid or race. Although getting laid or racing at stop lights was never turned down. We did it to enjoy our cars and listen to good music. Not this bullshit music people listen too. We spent all week working on our cars and friday and saturday night was an excuse to clean them up and show em off. Because we took PRIDE in our cars. To this day our cars are not a mode of transportation. They are out hobbies, our projects, our way of life. These homo EMO jack asses dont know how that is. They drive what ever car daddy will buy them. Now, you drive to our local towns and it is a shame. Not a car one cruising. Now, there is one town that still cruises. And just a couple years ago it was banned and you would be fined out the ass. They changed that not long after. Everyone still did it. To this day I still go cruise. Im 23 years old and never worry about being that guy thats older than everyone else crusing. Its either people my age or a little older, or guys in their 50's+ crusing rods or muscle cars. But its great. I clean my Mustang up and drag main.

    Sorry for the long, drawn out post, but this is something I could go on about for weeks,lol.
  16. cavemag
    Joined: Jan 8, 2011
    Posts: 209


    I still cruise. It's not in a cool car but what the hell.
  17. silversink
    Joined: May 3, 2008
    Posts: 916


    McMinnville Oregon is having a cruse night in July. The police dept. kinda sanctions it and they are expecting 8-900 cars to show. The whole community gets behind it once a year and it turns into one huge car show with 3 or 4 live bands playing in the city center, a sock hop, and good fun all day long.
  18. gaskell
    Joined: Sep 6, 2007
    Posts: 150

    from CO

    Because the cops are all dicks.
  19. lawbreaker2
    Joined: Aug 13, 2007
    Posts: 199

    from ohio

    That was just crazy. Man im getting old cuz there was a time I would say that was I was just scared watching that.
  20. TrannyMan
    Joined: Dec 3, 2005
    Posts: 473


    The freakin traffic ruined our cruising.....
  21. AllenK
    Joined: Dec 12, 2010
    Posts: 220


    Yeah me too! That's a big cluster waiting to happen.
  22. Francisco Plumbero
    Joined: May 6, 2010
    Posts: 2,533

    Francisco Plumbero
    from il.

    Here is the sad ass awful truth, we are the cruisers, you me and the other 135,000 guys and gals that are on either this site or other similar but not as good sites. And..... what are you doing right this minute.....not cruising is it? Use this 'puter as the enabler not the experience, shut the gamma box off and go for a run, RIGHT NOW, he he.
  23. RisinOutlaw
    Joined: Jul 31, 2010
    Posts: 20

    from Tucson, AZ

    So back in the day you could buy 2.5x the amount of gas for one hour of labor as you can today. That's a big difference!
  24. sport fury
    Joined: Jul 25, 2009
    Posts: 593

    sport fury

    cruising is where you find it
  25. 56oldssuper88
    Joined: Mar 3, 2010
    Posts: 213


    Zappa is the best haha.
  26. grey46
    Joined: Aug 31, 2008
    Posts: 166


    Lots of good memories and lots of BS and whinning ,and excuses in this thread. Im 64 and been there done that,gas was 29 cents a gallon when I started ,get a couple buddies,everyone throw in some change and ya had enough gas money to go all nite. Crusing aint dead unless you make it dead, excuse's or reasons why not. For me when I get in my car and take off Im 17,or 19,or 25 again. Sure its great to get several cars together and go somewhere anywhere,but if you truly love cars and this hobby,addiction,or whatever,its in your heart and soul,and as long as you still get a kick out of it firing up the car and just go drive it cruising will always be here. I drive whatever I have at the time unless the snow is too deep or ya cant see 10 feet because of the rain,and everytime I go its a cruise and I remember all the miles and friends that have been a part of this amazing adventure ,so for me cruising is still alive and well in my heart and soul,and always will be as long as I can do it. So make your excuse's or bitch about gas prices,or whatever you want ,me I will be cruisin.
  27. Steves32
    Joined: Aug 28, 2007
    Posts: 1,258

    from So Cal

    Walking will be cheaper, you could try that.
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2011
  28. Because the "Cruisers" are dying or reaching Geezer mode in life:eek:. Actually the culture, landscape, and purpose has changed in America but I refuse to get old, older I must , but old never. I try to keep it goin with the younger ones but I wish for the return of a burger/drivein that had some 50's character to go hang at. The majority of America loves retro things and I think that type of atmosphere would spark it up a bit. Crusin is still very alive in my heart and we should never let that flicker go out. With Serius radio what more could we want, things really are OK, at least in my mind:eek::)
  29. In the old days, you cruised to find out where everybody was at. Usually they were at the drive ins at every small town. The malls changed all that because everybody was at the mall. This is one theory, the malls came in the sixties.
    Malls were a big deal when they hit, and everybody went there. Cheap, no gas and everybody in town was there.
  30. encswsm
    Joined: Oct 24, 2008
    Posts: 149


    I remember in the late 80's while serving with the Navy in Virginia. The local athorities outlawed Cruising in Virginia Beach. Then they wondered why the tax revenue dropped off... Stupid people.. These are the same people that built their houses right next to a Navy Airbase that operates Jet fighters then sued the Navy for making too much noise...

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