An overwhelming amount of black smoothness! Incredibly beautiful... And some more pictures at Rudy's website.
Sweet Jesus. Could you imagine the last 15 years or so without these two builders? They should go on tour together.
Wow! This post is hard to reply in words. "Post of the Year!" Hopefully some of the pictures that were on You Tube will be in print, I'd like to have some of them made into posters. Very kool!! Happy Trails, Mick
Two awesome cars by tow of my most favorite builders. I have recently in the past 6 months stumbled upon Rudy's work and it's fucking brilliant and Coles reputation speaks volumes for his work as well. Two fellers I'd love to meet and two cars I'd love to drive.
Beautiful! And to think there are people that 'just don't get it'...such a pity. Killer tune too! Chrisman, who is that?