Wisconsin Dept of Transportation has withdrawn ch. Trans 123 from the legislative process. Trans 123 was a proposal to prohibit the registration of non-standard vehicles in Wisconsin. WisDOT started with refusing to register vintage and current ex-military vehicles. Substantial opposition was brought forth by many individuals and groups. After that, WisDOT set aside Trans 123, temporarily, and worked with the ex-military vehicle groups interests. Seperate legislation has been enacted to allow registration of vintage ex-military vehicles with limited use restrictions. They, also, have their own "military vehicle" license plate. Seperate legislation has been created to allow registration of non vintage ex-military vehicles. In 2010, WisDOT reinitiated Trans 123 and went after non-standard imported vehicles. The majority of the affected import vehicles would have been vintage or collector class vehicles. That proposal met with major opposition and was returned to WisDOT after the Transportation Committee refused to approve Trans 123, Sepember, 2010. A new administration was elected in Wisconsin, November, 2010 and convened in January 2011. Trans 123 did not have much support from many returning legislators. Various individuals and groups have voiced their opposition to Trans 1223 to the new legislators. Constituant and legislator opposition to trans 123 has worked. Wisconsin's opposing individuals and groups, to Trans 123, were most effective and deserve many thanks. We must continue to watch for future old car negative legislation. Huge thanks to all that, got involved. Curt R
What was the original purpose to prohibit vintage & ex-military vehicles from being registered??? Public safety?
Being a cheese head no longer living in Wisconsin this is great news for you guys. Seems like many different state governments have no respect or appreciation for our heritage. Keep up the watch and a good job done!
....Great news Curt......Lots of time and hard work went into fighting this proposed bill.......Well done...
well seeing as wisconsin is the pioneer state and setting the standards for making it easy to register homebuilt vehicles, and that its easy to issue new titles for old cars, no smog checks, and many loopholes that make it easy to register anything, its no surprise it has been turned down. we wisconsinites don't take kindly to that crap!
One more step in getting/keeping repressive legislation off the books. Congrats to all involved. Frank
Congratulations. Killing something bad is always much more difficult than creating it in the first place. Speaking of creating bad ideas, rules and regs like that live and die by the efforts of special interests. No regulator or legislator woke up one fine morning and decided that would be a good day to "prohibit the registration of non-standard vehicles." There was something (money) in the prohibition for someone and they initiated it, probably even wrote the rules, and then pushed things along. To prevent this thing from popping right back up as soon as your back is turned you need to identify these someones and then legally make sure they understand the level of your displeasure in their actions. Boycotts and press conferences are good starters for creating bad guys. And yes, this is the way things really happen. Been there, done that and wrote the legislation for some OT day job things.
True that. Not to get this thread closed, but the complete state government flipped from blue to red. Go vote.
this, and many other issues will start to change for the better. November was awesome. and so is Curt
I heard this on Wisconsin Hot Rod radio this morning...! Thanks for the diligence of Paul Underwood to bring the fight to the Hot Rod public and for Curt to put it in perspective to what it means not only to the Hot Rodder's of Wisconsin but to all car enthusiasts across the nation. We're fortunate to have a "Hot Rod" radio show that caught national attention from major builders, collectors and people like "Jay Leno" to voice their support to our actions against Governments attempts to abolish old vehicles from the roads!