Thanks Todd, getting the bugs worked out and hope to drive it to the Eagle Field drags this year. CJ's friend Tim is supposed to lower it for me as soon as he finishes his current project
Nice...that will make a killer driver... Let me know when you come down, I don't live far from Tim in Riverbank. I need very little excuse to chat with fellow rodders...
I know its a 57, but i've been meaning to post pics of my truck up on this thread since its almost done now.. By punkassgearhead at 2011-01-14 By punkassgearhead at 2011-01-14
Thanks, Its got a Mustang II up front with a coil taken out on each side and flipped springs out back with air shocks. Here a few more in a different lighting, I think thats enough of the exterior for now. By punkassgearhead at 2011-01-14 By punkassgearhead at 2011-01-14 By punkassgearhead at 2011-01-14 By punkassgearhead at 2011-01-14
Here's my '60 F100 short/wide still holding its position on my project list. The guys at Owens Salvage improved the truck's status for me when they came up with replacement glass for that wraparound rear window. I have it safely stored until the day I actually need to install it. The engine is a POS '74 302 backed up with an automatic. I have a coupla 300 HP 390 engines, one in a '62 Merc and the other in a '68 Ford, and one of them probably is going to find a new home under the hood of this truck.
I got my 60 running today. Fired right up and ran well. My friend whom I bought it from said the tranny was blown. I did drive it around the block but it made a lot of noise! I pulled the trans out, it is a three speed OD called a SROD. Anyone know anything about these?
From what I understand overdrives are kind of rare. Are you looking to fix or replace? If you are on a budget 3 speeds are plentiful. I see them on craigslist all the time. I had a 59 with a 223 and a transplanted t98 4 speed with the compound low. That worked well. If money was no object a 5 speed is where I would go.
I posted a question to the general forum about tips and advice in adding the radiator support to my camaro clipped '57 F100. I have a general idea, I'm looking for advice, tips and/or photos from the people who have done it before. The link to the post is this... Thanks ahead of time. Steve
I do have a regulat three speed, and I also have a ford bolt patteren T-5, but I like this tranny because my friend who I got it from said the thing worked great and thr truck did amazing before it blew. I took it to my tranny guy to take a look. If all else fails I'll probably put the T5 in it, that would mean moving the mount and a different clutch disc, but no biggy
Some pictures of a '59 I sold some 15 months ago. It had a 292 and four speed when I bought it which I swapped to 351W and C6 aut.. Other modifications were: MPB's disc kit up front, reversed main leafs and power steering. The result was a very driveable everyday truck.
Me too I put the MOON disc's on it and didn't even take it out of the garage before I took them back off.
So I got a slight delima. I have no idea what to do for a front bumper...I have the flat 53-56 style on there right now that is chrome but is starting to rust out on bottom, also a friend is giving me a chrome deluxe bumper but again not good should I cut the bumper brackets back so the deluxe bumper is flush with front end or just do a roll pan? Comments or Suggestions welcome!
Actually you cut the frame back to set the bumper back. At least thats what I did on my 57. The roll pans are cool too. Later, Bill