Three months and a wake-up, never to early to get your Hot Rod year on the calendar. This event gets better every year. Missed last years t-shirt, my bad, ain't gonna happen this year. Big thanks to all the organizers. Is there a sign-up list for volunteers? I have a '49 half ton daily driver only vehicle, can haul trash or whatever. Thanks, Cosmo
I planning an getting up there hopefully but it's still up in the air. The good lord knows I'd love to!!!
Can't wait! I heard rumblings of a pre-reg policy for this coming year. Anyone know the details? Paging Larry!
Well, I just met a couple of the local guys from that area and I have to say they talked me into goin for sure this year. Thanks Junior and Clark.
just put in for the time off, i hope they give it to me.Everything is just about in place for the show on my end. except for the yes from work...
Pre-registration is only for the vendors this year... If you want to get your car in the infield get there early!
Will be there, missed it last year due to "overseas vacation in the war zone" For those who know, is Gettyburg to far out to stay in a motel for the night? Thanks
I keep saying I'll get there maybe 2011 will be the year. Thanks Larry & crew for all you do to make this a great event.
Stop in Charlotte if you need a place to stop for the day. Wednesday is shop night courtesy of the Iron Lords and then maybe if I can round up anybody we can all move out the next morning and head up to the Penn.
The REDLINERS CC from Western PA and some of the Johnstown Street Survivors will be there for the weekend....If you see us give us a big yell.
I guess I'll be there if everyone promises to behave. I dont want to get my big Hulk arm out to crust anymore drunk dumbasses Honda hood in this year.
I was kinda looking forward to that. Only kidding. Hope to hook up with the crew who had a bon-fire all night next to my tent. Best event. Slim
I will be there this year with the new jalopy. Can't wait to get on the track for the first time. Last year i brought my shiny car and didn't have the balls to take it out there, i built something just for this year so see you on the track.
It's an event that can't really be compared to anything else. It's not a show, it's a happening! Where else have you ever seen Denise mud wrestling? Great party on Friday night and something tells me it's going to be even better this year! Shower before you leave and sleep in the car like I did. Well worth it! Great place to meet Hambers and other great friends. Won't need to mention the righteous rods. The pics should start flowing now to wet your appetites................
I seen denise wrestle in the mud. Both times at this show and one of those times was with me it was awesome. Hope to do it again this year