What cool lines Mr. Victor laid down, subtle red stripes and sweet ol school lettering. Yow!! See ya later! btt please ~Sololobo~
Thanks alot for having us over last night. The Hoodlum has turned out great! Have a safe and fun trip to Austin!
that fucker just looks like fun, paint is very nice but i think i would of kept it in bare metal if it was mine. only because i would do much dumber things in it ,if it didnt have a nice paintjob to worry about! haha
Dick, thanks for opening your garage last night. Hope you have a great weekend in Austin. Can't wait to see some pictures from the show. Great job on the car....time to kick back and let it soak in. Gary
Dick, just now catching up to this. Its beautiful, it reminds me of a full scale tether car! I mentioned way back at the beginning about how I liked the Chevy hood emblem on the front. Black paint really makes you look at the lines. I love it. SUCCESS!
xderelict, the S. Omaha visionary has proven to one and all, Yes you can polish a turd, and wished it was in your garage at night. As many others have said here about Dick's vision, plus his making his vision come to life, Yep..you did good Dick...You did very good. Knock'm dead down there in Austin this week-end. Best wishes HellRaiser It was good to see the other members of the S. Omaha turds last night, as well as those from the Omaha Roadburners
See y'all real soon! Sent from my iPhone using The TJJ App (available to hoodlums around the world soon)
Wicked. I could see something like this wrapped around the Alfa engine/trans thats been sitting for 100 years up at my dads house!
Awsome, what else needs to be said. A child's vision becomes a full size hot rod for 'grown-ups'..... How Kool is that....
All I can say is wow. Just went through the history and you really turned to on this thing. Amazing what deadlines do to 4 year builds! TP I could imagine making a mold of this thing, and then repopping them for a one-design 6-banger circle-track "hoodlum" class.
Great looking ride Dick. I can really appreciate the artistic vision that you started with and carried through the project. It certainly shows! - ed vocelka
i didnt realize the hoodlum was fiberglass it looks amazing! i just went through the whole build again and it was just as good as the first time!
What do you do when you get home from the Hotrod Revolution? Take it apart. Pulled the motor and put in a new rear main seal. Took the front suspension apart and had it powder coated. Sololobo stepped up big with his many connections. Thanks Larry.