After monday's post of the found footage, I got an email from Michael Brown. Michael has been making a feature documentary about the Le Mans Corvettes and the lives behind them - then and now. Throug... <BR><BR>To read the rest of this blog entry from The Jalopy Journal, click here.
On a much lesser scale I can understand the man's passion to fulfill his fathers dream. My father died in 1990. That's what my avatar show's my brother and I driving my dad's cars at the H.A.M.B. drags. I recall our first pass my brother had a fuel problem in his '33 and I noticed he was lagging way back so I let off to make sure he was going to make the pass. We got it back in the pits cleaned out the fuel line with help from a friend and fellow HAMBER and he was able to make some more passes. I only got in one more as I had a wheel cylinder go on the next pass. It was great fun and very memorable for us.
Thanks a bundle for your support on our effort to spread the word about the world premiere for "The Quest" documentary. All proceeds from the event will be donated to the Chip Miller Charitable Foundation to help us achieve our mission (more at: Michael Brown, the producer and dear friend, was incredibly generous allowing the premiere to benefit a cause near and dear to my heart. We're all about spreading the word about amyloidosis, the disease that took my father's life in 2004. So to HAMB and your supporters - THANK YOU! Life is good, Lance
That looks like it will be really good! I think we need a showing at the Paramount here in Austin around the time of the Revolution this year!
Hey Lance, what are the plans for the movie after the Premier? I know I for one would love to see it either on DVD or on a screen in my area.
Welcome Lance, To cool. Look forward to its release. How cool driving around with John Fitch. I met him years ago in Lime Rock, CT. Slim
Damn it as I am watching it I can't help to keep looking up and staring at this. You did the layout on that didn't you Ryan? I can tell from your type selection.. If not it was made to be the JJ entry!!!! Looks like an incredible film for sure damn it!!!
Jeffrey.. I was thinking along the same lines.. I'm not a huge corvette fan, but that layout alone makes me want to see the movie. Plus I am very close to the location.. haha! Cheers!
Corvettes don't in general pull me one way or the other. But, I have to say, that #3 car has got to be one of the baddest Corvettes out there as far as I'm concerned. If I had to limit myself to 1 car for the rest of my life, I could probably be pretty satisfied with that one. And dig the story behind it too. I'll check it out for sure when it's out.
Slim- Let's just say it wasn't only my father's dream... it turned out fulfilling my dream as well . It was interesting sitting by his side, think about it... 50 years later in the same car around the same circuit at the age of 92 prior to one of the worlds grandest races. I looked over at John a few times during the lap and realized real quickly how this opportunity won't ever happen again - I didn't take a second of it for granted! John Fitch is one of a kind, I really got to know him quite well during our "Quest" over to Le Mans. From being a POW to winning many incredible races - the stories were endless and priceless! Hope you can make the premiere, it should be one of a kind... just like Fitch. Life is good, Lance
Dumpt_cabrio- Glad you'd like to see the documentary, heck I'm eager to see it for the first time! Michael Brown is wrapping up final production as I type this... we're getting near. During our trip to Le Mans I was hoping to capture some pictures and short video clips, in my wildest dreams I didn't think I'd ever see a documentary about the journey!?! However we've got one and I know the passion behind the production and story, it should be incredible! Michael owns the rights to the movie and he's planning on selling DVD's at a later date as well. We'll keep you posted as things progress. Hope to meet you sometime in the future. Cheers, Lance
Nope... First I saw of it was this morning. Nice design work though... Bring it to Austin and I'll see it's met with a bunch of old cars and young folks. Promise.
A good friend of mine did the design work. I love clean design work and he nails it every time! Glad you guys like it... all of our brochures, invitations, envelopes and posters have the same clean look/feel. That's an easy trip for Michael Brown! He's from your neck of the woods... I'll point him to the forum, I'm sure he'd be happy to chime in. Thanks again for all of your support, Lance
Very cool ... I would love the opportunity to see the film in a (Northern California) theater ... or to be able to purchase a DVD. I'll have to admit that watching the trailer and seeing (a 92 year old) John Fitch behind the wheel of the #3 Corvette gave me goose-bumps! ... and it reminded me of another well-done documentary: "A Gullwing At Twilight" by Chris Szwedo ... a film about 87 year old John Fitch driving Bob Sirna's (Lynn Yakel prepared) 1955 Mercedes Benz 300SL Gullwing @ Bonneville ... for a preview, watch The Making Of A Gullwing At Twilight (a Quicktime clip).
Lance is my 'soul mate' on this project for 'The Quest'. Couldn't have done it without him and his incredible story. I'm the producer/director of the film and thanks to everyone for the great initial comments today...and to Ryan for making our project available for discussion. Everyone wants to know 'when will it be at a theatre near me'? Logical question...and I don't have an answer. It likely will not have nationwide distribution, but I'd love to consider venue by venue screenings. A DVD will also be available, I hope, by early summer. I know most of the guys on this forum aren't necessarily into Corvettes, but this story goes beyond Corvettes and has multiple 'back stories' that almost anyone could relate, loss and triumph. Thanks for helping us spread the word about the it will totally benefit the Chip Miller Charitable Foundation. Michael
Great post, nice to see that younger generations appreciate the same things as those that preceeded them. I was a Corvette owner for over 20 years(one of my dream cars) and I remember hearing the name Chip Miller many times. I never met him, but I do recall that his name was always associated with the betterment of his hobby and the people involved with it. The JJ has expanded it's influence once again by making others aware of the great things people with a passion can accomplish. If this site reaches more of these types of people, we better hold on!! Can't wait to see this movie, Cat
Damn, that looks awesome. I would very much like to see the premier please let us know when it is. Love to see John too, haven't seen him since Greenwich two years back. He surely is one of a kind, a true sportsman and driver. Duh, just saw the date...
Very, very cool! What a great story. Thanks for posting this, Ryan. Great to see both Lance and Michael have chimed in, too. Michael, I'll do everything I can to help get this film shown in Omaha. There is a theater that I think would be the perfect venue. It is called Film Streams. I even spoke to a group at this theater last year about old/classic cars. If you'd consider showing this here in Omaha, just let me know and I think we could make it happen! Nick aka 'Malcolm'
SOOO cool to see history found and brought back! Many "car guys" and gals embue personality into cars, I sure do. I bet that vette was in a back corner of some shop under a tarp thinking "I won LeMans! I was something once! Now look at me!" A sad truth is that hot rodding heros don't live forever but the cars which made them famous can.