Amazin' "BUILD"...............Ideas ARE FAN-TAS-TICK ! Keep thread coming. Frum Smoke'..........In Great State, of Tennessee (US of A ) Smiles!
I've alredy posted once!...........BUT I cannot believe tha' BUILD!!!!! on this CAR, NO! auto- mobile............Fantastic!!!, haven't seen anything LIKE IT, Since the Sixties, and alot of those were "Crap", THIS IS BEAUTIFUL> MY HAT is OFF! To you Oliver. I.m following EVERY MOVE YOU MAKE! GRate Greate, however you say it....... _____________________________________ Can't believe your expertise. $$$$$$$ ____________________________________ Smokie' "Go fast......Go Faster!, Daddy!
Hum! it's very dificult in english! "métalisation sous vide" with aluminium particul and vernish... this chrom is very utilised for the bottles parfum plugs (Guerlain, Chanel, ect..) my spinners and mirrors are polyester but this chrome is good for metal too..
I m in love with this ID .... Not the bubble top , but the rest is nice . Especialy the 2 front lights. ( Corvette ? ) What was the name of the guy drawing cars in the french Rod and Custon magazine in the 80 S ? There s a few french here , no doubt at least one knows . Thanks .
Artman , je te dois des excuses , autant je t ai traduit ici , autant j ai été trop con l autre jour . Faut pas que j ecrive parfois quand je suis en rogne ... Du coup , ca me tente de m inscire sur Kruizin .... I ve been stupid with Vedette , I really love what he makes . Phil .
my polyester mirrors bullet and spinner and bumpers(steel) are chromed by:
Reaaly good idea ! I notice the display color match the rest of the car .... Nice touch. Since it s been quite long you have "chrome" on plastic parts, did it fade or is it still shinny ? --------- Vraiment pas con comme idée ça .... Même la couleur est assortie, sans doute pas par hasard. Tu as repris l idée de ton ampli de salon je vois Au fait, avec le temps, ça tiens le chrome sur plastique ? Ca reste brillant sans jaunir ?
Tu te souviens de mon ampli de salon?? trop fort! non j'y pensais meme pas en faisant l'auto radio! je pensais plutot "design car 50's US" ! Le chrome est garanti 10 ans! apparement ça bouge pas a en croire d'anciens clients...