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Boeing B-29 "Fifi" In Phoenix This Week

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Mike, Apr 11, 2011.

  1. Mike
    Joined: Mar 5, 2001
    Posts: 3,539


    The world's only flying B-29 Superfortress "Fifi" will be here in Phoenix at Deer Valley Airport this week. Hoo Doggies! There will also be a B-17 and a B-25 here as well. Tours and rides are available in all three aircraft. Tour prices are reasonable, rides are gonna cost ya plenty (especially in the B-29), but considering the operating costs on these machines, the prices are not out of line. If you wanna just have a look and maybe kick the tires, that's free!

    The B-29 will arrive late this afternoon (Mon. 4/11)

    They will be open for tours, flights and tire kickin' 9:00am 'till dusk from Tues. 4/12 to Thurs. 4/14.

    This is some killer history and proper gear shit, so come check it out.
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2011
  2. if anyone goes PLEASE take pictures and post them especailly of the B-17
  3. 41 Dave
    Joined: May 23, 2005
    Posts: 2,594

    41 Dave

    You guys enjoy the visit.

  4. storm king
    Joined: Oct 16, 2007
    Posts: 1,989

    storm king

    My uncle was a -29 pilot in Korea (he lied about his age to get into WW2, flew B-25's in Italy, then -29's in Korea, then did two tours in 'Name, one with B-52's out of Clark, one flying CIA into countries we weren't in). Anyway, even though he has thousands of hours in -52's he said the -29 was his favorite aircraft. So a few years ago (before she went down for engine changes) I arranged to get him some right seat time in Fi-Fi. He got to fly it from Midland to Ft. Worth. He was very, very happy to get to fly one, one more time.
    He's always been my biggest hero, my Uncle William McCowen of Navarre, Fla.

    Dave, Aluminum Overcast is a B-17G, about as common as Mustangs....
    Fi-Fi is the only flying B-29 today.
  5. Muttley
    Joined: Nov 30, 2003
    Posts: 18,501


    Anyone who has the chance to go see those planes should do it. The Liberty Belle B-17 was in Fresno the weekend before last, here are a few pictures I got of it:




  6. storm king
    Joined: Oct 16, 2007
    Posts: 1,989

    storm king

    Caption contest! Caption contest! What's the crew saying in the first shot?
  7. thanks for the pics muttley B-17's are my favorite bomber
  8. traffic61
    Joined: Jun 15, 2009
    Posts: 1,551

    from Owasso, OK

    Last weekend I was cleaning my toolbox and found an old shop rag with "Fifi" printed on it. I picked it up when she was in Tulsa back in the late '80's. They weren't offering rides that day, but I did sit in the Flight Engineer's seat, that was pretty cool. Mighty impressive bird, especially when the throttles are nailed.

    My late grandfather wrenched on the Superforts at Boeing during the war. He had mustered out of the Army Air Corps back in 1935 or 36 and begged to re-enlist when Japan attacked. Since he was nearly forty, and employed in a defense related job, it was suggested that he remain there. He was not very happy with that, but went on riveting. In his 80's he still groused about not getting to fight.
  9. Mike
    Joined: Mar 5, 2001
    Posts: 3,539


    My girlfreind and I went for a flight on "Liberty Belle" when she was here in Phoenix last summer. It was pricey, about $800 for both of us, but it was just plain bitchin'. I had to do it at least once in my life time.
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2011
  10. shadams
    Joined: Mar 16, 2011
    Posts: 1,504


    Seen Fi-Fi several times but everytime it is kick ass. Wish I could fork over the $475 to fly in one of those things. My grandfather and I hit the SA airshow every year since I can remember, he was also a b-25 b-17 b-29 pilot and then went on to instruct on the T-33, (first fighter jet f-80/first jet trainer T-33) has 3500hrs on that plane....
  11. Muttley
    Joined: Nov 30, 2003
    Posts: 18,501


    Really? This is from their site: "B-17 flights are $430 for non Liberty Foundation members and $390 for foundation members." They also have a P-40 that tours with the Liberty Belle and was supposed to be here but it was stuck in Atlanta due to maintinence problems.

  12. ArchangelKustom
    Joined: Nov 15, 2006
    Posts: 193

    from NR/OH

    darn, they're coming to cincinnati in June but its just a tour, no rides. I'd definitrly pony up the $ for that!
  13. could you post the dates id like to go see them
  14. Mike
    Joined: Mar 5, 2001
    Posts: 3,539


  15. hotrodjeep
    Joined: Feb 3, 2009
    Posts: 867


    Who do i/we need to contact for a tour. I went to Deer Valley Airport's website but found nothing.

    We will be in town for a wedding on Saturday afternoon, but if we can go see some history in the Morning That would be great.

  16. racer32
    Joined: Sep 22, 2007
    Posts: 745


    There was a WWII bomber that flew over my house last week. I'm wondering if it was this plane on its way out west.
  17. hotrodjeep
    Joined: Feb 3, 2009
    Posts: 867


    Just found this on FACEBook:

    B-29 Superfortress coming to Deer Valley Airport
    See three of the rarest WWII Bombers - B-29 Superfortress, B-17 Flying Fortress, and B-25 Mitchell from the Commemorative Air Force Arizona Wing Aviation Museum will be on display at Atlantic Aviation and offering rides and tours
    April 12-14, 2011
    “To Honor Arizona Veterans, Past and Present”

    ...Mesa, Ariz. – Airplane enthusiasts and history buffs will want to see three famous aircraft of WWII. The only flying B-29 in the world, The B-17 Flying Fortress, and B-25 Mitchell all three will be on display at the Deer Valley Airport at Atlantic Aviation in Phoenix, AZ, April 12-14.

    The Commemorative Air Force will be flying the B-29 Superfortress ‘FIFI’ from a weekend event in Bullhead City, AZ and The Commemorative Air Force Arizona Wing Aviation Museum in Mesa, AZ will be flying their B-17 Flying Fortress ‘Sentimental Journey’, and B-25 Mitchell ‘Sentimental Journey’ in their efforts to “Honoring our Arizona Veterans Past and Present.”

    The three WWII Bombers will be on display at the Deer Valley Airport at Atlantic Aviation. Tuesday, April 12 through Thursday April 14, 9:00 a.m. till dusk
    April 15 morning departure
    Tours and flight will be available on the B-29, B-17 and B-25.

    The bombers are maintained and operated as flying museums and memorials by the all-volunteer non-profit Commemorative Air Force. The B-29 ‘FIFI’ is based out of Addison, TX home of the Cavanaugh Flight Museum and is the only B-29 flying in the world. The B-17 ‘Sentimental Journey’ and B-25 ‘Maid in the Shade’ are maintained by the Arizona Wing Aviation Museum based in Mesa, AZ at Falcon Field Airport. The Arizona Wing members restored the WWII B-17 Flying Fortress ‘Sentimental Journey’ which is the most fully restored B-17 flying today. The B-25 Mitchell Bomber ‘Maid in the Shade’ is a veteran with 18 combat missions flying out of Corsica during WWII. The Arizona Wing Aviation Museum in Mesa, AZ and its restored aircraft and artifacts span over 90 years of aviation history.

    B-29 Flights are available on ‘FIFI‘ for $1,295 per person bombardier seat, $995 in the cockpit, and $595 in the rear section. You can make a reservation on the B-29 by calling (432) 413-4100 or or by visiting with the accompanying mobile gift shop.
    B-29 Tours - $5.00 for adults, $3.00 for children.
    B-17 Flights are available on ‘Sentimental Journey’ for $425.00 per person. You can make a reservation on the B-17 by calling 602-448-9415 or by visiting with the accompanying mobile gift shop.
    B-17 Tours - $5.00 for adults, $3.00 for children ages 5 through 12 and free for children under 5 and for military persons in uniform.
    B-25 Flights are available on ‘Maid in the Shade’ for $395 per person. You can make a reservation on the B-25 by calling 480-322-5503 or by visiting with the accompanying mobile gift shop.
    B-25 Cockpit Tour and Photo - $5.00

    About the Commemorative Air Force Arizona Wing Aviation Museum:
    The Commemorative Air Force Arizona Wing Aviation Museum maintains and flies several WWII aircraft including the Boeing B-17 “Sentimental Journey.” The Commemorative Air Force Arizona Wing Aviation Museum operates the aviation museum located at Falcon Field airport, Mesa, AZ (

    About the Commemorative Air Force B-29/B-24 Squadron:
    The Commemorative Air Force and The B-29/B-24 Squadron of the Commemorative Air Force, operates and maintains two of the rarest aircraft in the world. The only airworthy B-29 Superfortress and the oldest and only flying B-24A Liberator in existence. The B-29/B-24 Squadron of the Commemorative Air Force is based out of Addison, TX home of the Cavanaugh Flight Museum (
  18. 47chevycoupe
    Joined: Dec 25, 2007
    Posts: 543

    from Finland

    My wife and I have reservations to fly in the B-29 when is comes to Kansas City Mo. We are both excited about it, will be here is July :D
  19. Hey Mike

    I will try and get the coupe back together from the trip for Ausitn and come out with it and see you at work and the planes. This is going to be cool.
  20. Mercchev
    Joined: Dec 22, 2004
    Posts: 605


    Now that's just COOL!
  21. flynstone
    Joined: Aug 14, 2005
    Posts: 1,749


    we used her in a movie about 20 years ago ,, in one shot they brought her in pretty hard she was supposed to be pretty beat up,, check out the movie Tuskegee airmen good movie.............
  22. jamn47
    Joined: Jan 3, 2011
    Posts: 135


    Can't wait to see her at the WW2 weekend in Reading,Pa first weekend in June. I seen her years before the engine swap/modification. I hope funding comes available to get "DOC" into the air someday, I heard the restoration has slowed down. It would be nice to have two flyable 29's in the air.
  23. TexasHardcore
    Joined: May 30, 2003
    Posts: 5,388

    from Austin-ish

    I saw Fifi when I was a kid, along with some other amazing WWII planes at NAS Kingsville during an air show, but back then jets were cooler to me. The Blue Angels were my heroes when I was a kid, and living just a few miles from base, I got to see the T-45 Goshawks tearing up the sky on a daily basis and the F-14 Tomcats and F-16 Falcons would sometimes rock the neighborhood with sonic blasts. When Iron Eagle came out, my 8 year old brain about blew a gasket.
  24. Fedcospeed
    Joined: Aug 17, 2008
    Posts: 2,011


    Ive had the thrill and honor of being up in a B-25 and the Liberty Bell B-17.Next to my son being born,this is the thrill of my life!!!!.Pony up and go for a ride.You will never be sorry.I really cant think of anything else that for me could top it.
  25. spooler41
    Joined: Feb 25, 2007
    Posts: 1,099


    I have to admit ,I would love another ride in a B- 29, the last time that happened was 65 years ago. At the time I was almost 6 years old, My dad was an engineering test pilot for Boeing ,from '42 to early '46, his crew was one of the last to be laid off after the war.
    When it was all over, he finished out the program he was working on, while Boeing was scraping out every thing that was still on the production line. Security had become a non issue, so I got to go to work with him one day. That day was one of the defining moments in my life. As I recall it was about a 3 hour flight, I kind had the run of the cockpit and flight engineers station and the nose. I can also remember riding the little cart from the cockpit thru the bomb bay to the aft area section. That was scary.
    I've still have several boxes of his old documents from that period, log books ,flight orders,Some B29 manuals and other Boeing documents. Anyway I've got a lot of good memories and this thread just brought them back ,thanks.

    ................ Jack
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2011
  26. Johnny Gee
    Joined: Dec 3, 2009
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    Johnny Gee
    from Downey, Ca

    Um, so guys. How do we start this thing and fly it ? We didn't fly it in. :eek:
  27. 3wLarry
    Joined: Mar 11, 2005
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    from Owasso, Ok

    I thought YOU had the keys...
    kidcampbell71 likes this.
  28. Old-Soul
    Joined: Jun 16, 2007
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    "Dammit Jimmy, I told you a thousand times NO TACO BELL BEFORE WE FLY"
  29. Nick Flores
    Joined: Aug 13, 2009
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    Nick Flores

    I just threw two sets of camera batteries in the charger. I'll be heading out there tomorrow afternoon.

    Thanks for posting Mike!
  30. GaryB
    Joined: Dec 19, 2008
    Posts: 3,529

    from Reno,nv

    damnit you two,your supposed to wait till were in the air

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