It's lookin sweet. So what color will the whole truck be? I had been wondering about the progress on this.
Nice job on the engine detail. An edsel air cleaner would finish it off. CJ gets free advertisement on your battery. LOL
I hope you don't mind I stole your seat cover idea. And by the way the truck looks great. I love it when people resurrect these old trucks!
Just found this thread, your truck is coming along great, and I can't believe the amount of roof rot you had to deal with, made mine look good. Not anymore.
Just got caught up on the truck. You have made some awesome progress. Love everything you have done with it so far. Great vision!
Truck looks fantastic! Really love how the motor turned out. Where did you get your mono leafs? Do you have a website? I have a 58 I'm working on.
check out exeter auto they got offy 2x1 and 3x1 intakes for 223,s and they are bad ass make that truck humm!
I have my eyes on a 60 ford and this thread is really making me anxious to go pick it up. Your truck looks great, the WWW definately improve the look. If i were you, id consider lowering the back a bit any updated pictures?
Wow, great work! Looking forward to the updates... I had a 59' years ago, I miss that truck and would love to get a short bed fridge for a future project. Great truck!
Hey guys I have a few issues, one being a collapsed (under rev) bottom radiator hose. I just replaced the cap, 7 lb. This probably has nothing to do with it, but I just put a header in it. The hose just started doing this. Has a smooth idle. but under acceleration, I have major carburetor hesitation. Maybe some one can help.