I feel for you Mid Western guys in the storm zone.Prayers go out to you. We are still cleaning up and helping those devastated by the April 27 tornado outbreak down here in Dixie. Those things will give you nightmares.
Just Horrible . I pray everyone is ok . Ive been watching this storm for the last 2 hours , looks like the storm has set its sights on us but from the looks of the weather radar it seems to be losing steam fast.
Yeah, Ryno and family are fine. Glad to hear Ben and Missy are well. Unfortunately it looks like more storms coming for that area. We can see them brewing just to the NorthEast.
Prayers said for all those affected. The last batch pretty much slid south of us. Funny how nature can be so vicious and beautiful at the same time, the sun was going down and everything, everything, was orange and when the lightning flashed it seemed to be 10 times more brilliant than 'normal'.
My mother-in-law has heavy damage windows, much of her roof and partial walls missing. She's there waiting for my wife and brother-in-law who are on the way. Listening to an audio feed of the emergency scanner here in KC feeling pretty helpless. Audio Feed
just finally got ahold of my family. they where eating at chedders, right across the street from the hamb drag hotel down by i 44. they ran into the residence inn and went into the safe room at the hotel. town is really really f'ed up. it took my wife 2 hrs to get home, for a trip that is usually a 15 min trip. almost all of the main town of joplin is destroyed. im in indiana, feeling totally useless. i almost jumped into a car and stated my journery home, but after working all day, id never make it the 10 hr trip right now, so ill sleep and hit it early, and hopefully be able to help in town some with search and rescue. thanks for all the phone calls and messages.
if anyone has any family that they cant get ahold of, please pm me and i'll see if there's anything i could possibly do now, as soon as i get home ill personally head to anyone's family that may need help.
CNN Has just reported as of now there were 24 listed as being FATALITIES..... 4 were patients at the hospital that was hit directly...
Ryno's phone must be ringing off the hook. I spoke to him as well. Does anyone have WZJunk's number?? What about JimC? 47Ply? MoKanMan? Suit? The list goes on. Lots of thoughts and prayers going out.
my mom and dad were just up there today for my sister in laws graduation my brother and his wife both live up there. my parents left maybe 30 minutes befoe the storm hit i cant believe it. my brother and his wife are ok. thank god. hope everyone elses loved ones are ok. apparently 24 dead so far.
Im fine. It jumped over us on its way south east after it flipped trucks on I-44 coming out of Joplin. I have never heard thunder constant for 20+ minutes. All extended family of mine down here is accounted for. We know a bunch of people that lost their houses.
I don't check in here much anymore but I thought of all of The HAMBers in the Joplin area when I started seeing the reports. Sending prayers that way. Man this is just unbelievable.
GLAD to hear, thanks so much for checking in. JimC lives very close to the intersection of Rangeline and where we turn left to head out to the track....there's a McDonalds on the corner. Is that area ok??
I was supposed to be in Joplin and Galena tomorrow on business, I'll check with my clients tomorrow morning and see if there okay...Prayers going up!
the main damage was down 20th street. Big buildings like walmart, academy sports, home Depot on Rangeline suffered major damage. They got debris up to 7th street which is where the mall is. Joplin High School is GONE as is the entire neighborhood around it. Looks like an empty field. sad. North of 7th was not bad. We had insulation and other house debris in our yard and field. Lots of little pieces. The path was a bit north of I-44 and Rangeline intersection by the HAMB drags host hotel when it crossed the freeway.