I don't know what to say. I'm hoping for the best out of a really bad situation for everybody involved.
I am so very sorry to hear of your loss. If need be I can be there with Ryan and Porknbeaner, I am sure there will be others.
X2. Hopefully you get some comfort knowing so many people saw your first post asking about your missing Dad, and if anyone knew how the Elks had fared. I was later listening to the Emergency Radio Link that another hamber put up, and an officer called in that needed an EMT for a trapped person going into shock at the Elks.... I was hoping for the best when I heard that location. Prayers sent for you and your family, Take care.
I offer up prayers for the suffering. I have some cousins in the area, but I think mostly in Webb City. I am thankful they are ok so far as I know now.
I am so sorry, Don't what to do or say to make your hurt go away. All I know is to pray for you, the family and friends. If you need anything at all just let me know. Missouri is only two hours away. Mick
So sorry for you SociallyDistorted. I bet he spent every minute hoping YOU wouldn't die over there. The total is now "...officials say 116 are dead and more than 400 are injured. Joplin Fire Chief Mitch Randles says sightseers need to stay out of the area..."
sociallydistorted I have friends and family in the area if you need anything let me know and I'll do all I can.
please please please, let me know asap if theres is anything i can do for you now. if or when you do get here let me know, ill pick you up, get you a car, give you a room, food what ever you need man. if money will help, say the word im sure im not alone, we will set up a account for your family.
I'm sooo sorry. I hope and pray you get home quickly. One breath at a time, then one step at a time, you'll get there...
I just want to thank all of you for the kind and encouraging words. It means a lot right now. Ryno, I'm glad you made it through the storm safely. Luckily my grandmother didn't have any damage to her house so when I finally do get back home I'll have a place to stay. She's actually close to CJ. Her house is out by the Sonic on N. Maine and 171. We have a lot of family out there with her since she's going to need all the company and support she can get right now. She's taking this very hard.
sociallydistorted - Wow. I am so very sorry about your Pops. Thank you so very much for protecting your country overseas. Obviously protection runs strong in your family. May God comfort you in your grief.
pm me some info, ill make sure shes taken care of untill you arrive. water, food, help with arrangements, whatever. i live in briarbrook, about 3 mins from her. my good buddy lives on 43 hwy at sonic also.
I've talked to 46chevy (larry) hes ok and Jerry I don't know if hes on here or not but we finally got ahold of him and hes ok also. Sociallydistorted I'm so sorry for your loss, Hopefully they can get through the red tape quick enough to get you home in order for you to be with your family. Our prayers go out to you and all the familys affected by this horrible disaster. Its strange seeing all the destruction and realizing we were just there a few months ago picking up a 48 chevy coupe from 46chevy. We drove by some of the devistated areas when we were up there. This is some very crazy weather this year. Makes me wish I could build a basement for our house.
My thoughts and sincere prayers are going out to everyone in and around Jopin right now... The Show Me state is my home state, and I've got family from down in Poplar Bluff and Richland, clear up to KC... Thankfully nobody was hurt.
You have our sincere condolences. I can't even imagine being in your place right now, stuck in a far off place. But I have to tell you, this next sentence sure speaks well of your Dad! A man like that must have been very very proud to have a son serve in the military our country. Thank you for your service.
Jesus man, I am another who doesn't quite know what to say. Its one thing to loose a mate over there where its expected but to loose family at home while you are out there? I am so sorry mate. I hope they get you home soon, until then stay safe behind the wire! Talk to your Medics, they have some push with the brass in getting you home quicker. Doc.
Sociallydistorted , my thoughts are with you and your family at this difficult time , along with everyone else that has been effected by this disaster
sociallydistorted, I just wanted to say your beloved Father was a real Hero, as you are. My most sincere condolences brother, may GOD be with you. TR
sociallydistorted I am sorry for your loss and being outside the country is only making it harder for you right now. May you find strength for these hard times. Thoughts and prayers are with you. I got chills reading this. I am so sorry
We were wondering about you guys. My wife asked again today if anyone had heard any word from you two. Glad everyone s ok.
Its up to 120 confirmed deaths now, the worst in over 100 years, and more severe storms comming into the area tomorrow afternoon. Keep the prayers coming please...
If any Joplin members were affected by the tornado that went through there and need help with cleanup I am off all this week and I have a backhoe, I can load up and be there in the morning and help all week if you need it. I am not asking for money or any thing else just offering my help, I have a friend there I can stay with that did not get hit so that is not a problem and I have no plans so if you need the help just say the word and I will be there. This is a terrible disaster and I want to help in any way I can, I feel like it is a waist for me to just be sitting here with the week off and the backhoe sitting here not doing anything. Jim 417-593-0885
sociallydistorted, I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I'll be keeping you and your family in my prayers. Stay strong my friend...