Thank you. I hope you are right. I really appreciate your help. The people of the HAMB make my heart melt.
Indeed mark! Rob called a lil bit ago and said the insurance companies just showed up and booked the entire hotel for a month! It's crazy down there! He's also pissed at all the snoops being I'n the way!
I have been calling the number for volunteering and avert gotten an answer. Maybe some of you know a little more of what's going on there. I am interested in going there to donate my time to help out however I can. I would be coming from south Texas. Would they have a use for me when I got there?
crotex: there is a bunch of HAMBERS leaving (i think this weekend) to go and help. Check the other threads recently posted. Jump on their bandwagon!
Todd, somebody posted on there that the only thing left of the LaQuinta was the front Canopy. There was a picture on CNN that Ryan saw last night that looked like the whole hotel was gone. Is that not the case then? Could you get ahold of Rob and ( I lost his cel) find out if his hotel is still standing so we could clear up the confusion. Thanks BB
Bob, it's there! He was outside when it hit, and ran I'n when he started seeing blue explosions I'n the rain wrap! 100 mph winds is about how bad it was for them! It's there and just fine! Powers back up and ever things fine there! If ya want robs new num pm me and I'll get it to ya bob! On the scanner the police are sending people to an organized area. I will try to see if I can hear it. Chris
SD, so sorry about your loss. As said, thanks for your courage and sacrifice and I hope you get home safe/ soon. All of my families thoughts and prayers to everyone affected by this awfully tragic event. I am rallying the family/ friends to start donating. Jim
There are lots of churches doing individual efforts. We helped friends make chili and fed about 150 people yesterday. They are supposed to unload semi trucks at The Bridge - the Church/skate park next to the host hotel. People from work went over there today to help unload trucks.
Was wondering if you have set up PayPal account? Also what type (store) of giftcards to you need right now. We live in the NW & can not get to the area to help, but can send gift cards or PayPal or both. We are so very sorry for all of your loss,of family, friends, homes, business, schools, etc. the HAMB can use the giftcards to help thoses in need or ??? Everyone has such a huge heart, we want to help as well. Please tell us how. coffeegirl
nope. you can pay with a credit card now through their paypal system. was quick and painless. i donated to the UNited Way that is dedicated to Jasper County (Joplin, MO). Link provided above. 100% of those proceeds goes to helping Joplin
Hello- Someone from the facebook group just messaged me. they said that if that road is located next to the hospital then her home was likely right in the middle of the tornado's path. UNfortunately when i plug in that address to bingmaps, it comes up south of the tornado's path. (quite a bit south). can you give me some streets around that address so i can pinpoint her location much easier. the streets down there are very long so she could've been completely opposite of the tornado or she couldve been hit dead center by it. im still working on finding out more.
i also just got this sent to me: Julie Jett Watts my parents live not far from there, and their house is fine. They have had problems with power, though, and a lot of phone calls aren't going through. I'd be willing to bet she is okay and just can't call out yet.
Unfortunately I do not know anything about that particular area of Joplin. I am not sure what streets South Kentucky is near. My coworker is her half sister and said her other family members are in constant contact with the Red Cross. Again, thank you, I really appreciate your help and concern. Of course I will update you when/if I find anything out. My coworker (Ruby) appreciates all of your help as well. You guys are all wonderful.
What a horrible tradedy. sociallydistorted, I am so sorry to hear about your father. I hope you're on a plane home by now.
God bless the HAMB! I got that call from Pooch out of the blue Monday and until then it had never even occurred to me to get on the HAMB. (My satellite internet wasn't working most of the day anyway - I usually HAMB from work.) The destruction is unbelievable. My TV has been working most of this time and the live local footage is staggering. The loss of life is over 100 and might go higher. I spent all Sunday evening and all day Monday trying to track down all the people I work with. Several of them had their homes destroyed (a couple were just leveled to the ground) but one of them were killed or even seriously hurt. My thanks go out to all of those who thought to worry about or check on me, particularly Pooch. I live just South of town and we weren't touched at all. No damage, no debris, just a nasty storm and a lot, lot, lot of rain in the last two days. My shop nearly flooded but I realized it in time and all is well here. My prayers go out to anyone who lost a loved one or their home. Anyone who wants to help, all they need right now is blood. Contact the Red Cross or if you are in Joplin just go to the Mall or the MSSU Billingsley Student Center. If you are South of 7th don't try going up Duquesne or Rangeline - take 249 up to 7th and then continue West to get to the Mall or head North up Duquesne to get to MSSU. They have too many volunteers and too much stuff (clothing, etc) to handle right now. Give it a few days and they might start needing work hands and/or money but right now it's all still a matter of searching for survivors and giving a dry cot to all of those whose homes are damaged, destroyed, or just gone.
more bad weather on its way! I was out today helping a co-worker load up some of his salvageable things. Only enough to fit in 2 pick up beds. super sad. He lived across range line from Walmart. Pray this weather doesn't bring another tornado tonight!
Hi Laura- one of the ladies on the page is going to Joplin tomorrow. She is going to drop by her house to be sure she's okay for you guys shell report back to me and ill pass it along
law. check this link. ask your friend if she lived right by the fwy?,-94.503021&spn=0.067941,0.15398&z=13 if this link is correct, she will be fine. its on the north side of 44 hwy and that area is fine, still get in touch with me asap and ill head over there now.
i checked in on the other thread and some people had said they tried to pay pal me but couldn't get threw? it seems fine now. the town will appreciate every bit we can do. if you try too please pm me and let me know, so i can make sure.
I'm fine but there are so many who aren't. A hotel becomes a hub for the displaced and I hear the unimaginable details. I have to be stoic and just do my job cause I'm not any help otherwise. If you are coming to town have a specific place where you will be needed and a contact name ahead of time. If you are getting a hotel room please double up to save space for urgent needs. Food, water and clothing is available at The Bridge next to the Convention Center parking lot and they will provide transpotation or maybe you can: 417 206-6886. If I can help you in any way I will and will check the HAMB regularly. I work at La Quinta and we are sold out but I can keep a running list of those who aren't. I love you guys and I love Joplin. Thanks for your kind words and help.
I hear on CNN that there is a tornado that touched down near Oklahoma city...deaths also confirmed in that one too, just recent...these storms are devistating El Reno and Chickasha