Well, boat season has started for sure..I see all these kick ass boats being trailered to the water....Sorry piggy bank, but......
This was just posted on the Vintage Hydroplane site, seems there's going to be some interesting toys sold as the owner will be switching gears to make an assault on the salt! https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1874622036993.107789.1584453747&l=9c389310f6
There have been quite a few recent boat posts, incl these two. Gary http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=574762&highlight=vintage+boat http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=159412&highlight=vintage+boat
Well I guess I can play here as well LOL. Yes I have way to many projects. My 1960 Cutter with a 1959 Mercury Mark 58 outboard ( one of the best looking Merc ever made IMO. Also my 1970 Starcraft Jupiter I am in mid resto on this one . I have the paint done now onto interior. What it looked like when I drug it home . And what it looks like now . Rick
We'll have this fun little racer at our upcoming show, owned by Ralph "Moochie" Finley. A true piece of history..and for sale!
heh. im always too busy playin to read much, hence why im always late replying to posts i really like. bigrat that facebook link is kevins loosy goosy version of trying to help us sell these boats. no we are not using them to go salt racing, but yes the toy collection has gotten a bit too big. some of the boats need completely overhauled, and some of them scream thru the water right now. currently im pulling each one out (slowly) and going over them to make reliable runners out of the ones needin work. some of the cars he posted in the same album are also for sale. although we had no clue he was going to post these in such a general manner to such a broad base. afterall kevin says hes racin the circuit and we were really hoping for some word of mouth on the water, not facebook (as i already advertise the finished and ready to sell). in other words, hes the messenger and im the horses mouth. but if any of you'ns be needin some liquid speed, lemme know, ill be more than happy to oblige.
2:21 pm "bigrat that facebook link is kevins loosy goosy version of trying to help us sell these boats. no we are not using them to go salt racing, but yes the toy collection has gotten a bit too big." 2:28 pm "and yes there wil be an assault on the salt, dunno when or with what atm. (its a big debate between a viper chassis 53 stude coupe or that p-38 bellytank) " So in a 7 minute period we went from no salt to an assault............ Good luck with whatever you do. Where are you advertising the boats that are for sale? Thanks<!-- / message -->
bigrat..nope boss, in 7minutes i went from selling these boats to "change gears" and attack the salt to what i had originally planned. to just get rid of a few boats for cryin out loud. after you sit and get tired of counting at 20+ i think its about time to thin the herd, dont you? thats all i was trying to clarify, no need to do some context arguement really. i was only trying to set the record straight. they way it sounded prior who knows? someone woulda called me and thinking i got to sell it to go racing, offered 5k for a veltoncraft (only ten built) with a 392 hemi, magneto, six duece polished aluminum intake, stainless gas tanks, all new wood, braided lines? no way in hell its sellin for 5k. that boats motor alone is worth that...at least. and im not keen to entertaining motor removal for separate sale....on any of them (unless i get the motor hehe) this isnt a fire sale, the building isnt going anywhere, and neither are the boats, im not in bad health and the bank isnt beating down the front door. this was really just decided in april.....of this year. im not asking for a price on any of them thats outrageous for the caliber boat it pertains to. some are "extra special" having been owned by the hienz family, raced, or in the veltoncrafts case...only 10 were made. and since we think the prices that have been determined, are fair (ranging from 12 to 20k...with the motors, most hemis), id rather not deal with a hassle in selling them. people either want it or they dont. offers are fine but some peoples idea of an offer this day in age is rediculous. ironically thats also why we were apprehansive about telling kevin, let alone his pics and explanation, false and uninformative as it is. currently we are just physically trying to sell locally and thru CL (i hate ebay), i post explanations and tons of pics on my fb site already, which my friends print, take to shows and word of mouth etc. these folks are in austin, tampa, san diego and kansas city to name a few. id post on the forums but...hamb dont like boat classifieds, and the boat forums are ruthless, you know the deal. you try to sell something online and all you get are tire kickers who wanna call it a pos so they can haggle a dirt cheap price (usually a number so low it makes ya wanna buy it from yourself) i am starting to develop a website to show them all, as there are quite a few right now ready to sell. we have quite a few raysoncrafts ranging in years from 57 to 65, a mandella or two (early 60s) a laveycraft, a few howards, a hallet, a veltoncraft, and several chris crafts. all late 50s early 60s. 90% of which have the original motors, as i said most hemis, but a few have 426 wedges with the cross ram intake, a few with fe or yblocks, a lincoln 430 sideoiler, 409s, 348s etc. if you want a "list" just let me know.... and thats just the boats...
big storm cruisin thru, ill compile the list along with recent pics into a pdf file and send them privately to each and anyone tomorrow. its too long to post in this thread nor do i want the ire of anyone not wanting boat classifieds on the hamb.
Here's my little lady. Its a '57 Feather craft Ranger 3, all aluminum riveted with a walk through cab, 14 feet and a '57 Johnson outboard. I have a very cool V-style windshield and some cool chrome for her. Hope to get her in the Charles river this year. Pete-
Check out the galleries at http://www.fiberglassics.com/. All different brands and models of fiberglass boats from those years.
<TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%"><TBODY><TR><TD style="BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset" class=alt2>Originally Posted by Bigcheese327 Does anyone have a good picture of the late-1950s/early-1960s fiberglass boats with the smooth hulls, wraparound windshields, and outboard motors that seemed to be ubiquitous in peoples backyards 15 or 20 years ago? I always thought they were cool looking, but Ive never had a good picture. Google image search wasnt very helpful, either, as I guess they arent rare enough to be cool yet. -Dave Sidewinder's? Tahiti? Jetster? </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
Is a Boat a Traditional Hot rod ? just asking because I posted a question on this forum about an engine I wanted to put in my 57 english ford and the thred was closed because it was not considered traditional .I was told I should try a hot rod site. shouldn't the person that posted the boats try a boat site? if rules are rules and we are suppose to follow them it dosen't mater who it is that posts they should follow the rules to.
Ok what about the Vintage Houses thread . Im not saying I don't like reading about cool boats or cool old stuff . but this is a car site I asked a car question and it was closed but this site can have threads like I mentioned and my thread gets closed. Its just crazy.
Traditional-car guys draw inspiration from period race cars, period boats, period aircraft, etc. A lot of guys define traditional as "built by myself", which is equally true, but not the focus of this forum. If the English Ford was built in '57, it's fine base stock for what we do here, but if the style or mechanical choices make it way out of keeping with the '60s look, then it's no more on topic than a thread about a Grand Marquis with a flathead and wide whites. -Dave
This is my 1970 Glen L Missile.. The boat it has been fitted for fast ski racing. Dual Rae-Line buckets. A Haynes Hellyer vee-drive gearbox, linked via the jack shaft is a magnificently chromed 302 Chev. The five litre engine has plenty of trick gear inside and out. It's a stock 302 Z-28 steel crank, swinging of the crank are a set of stock 350 Chev rods. The cam is high lift, high sports grind, with Chev 350 heads used with a thorough port and polish. Edelbrock Tarantula inlet mainfold, with a Holley 700 double pumper. No need to say that this boat goes, top speed clocked at a little over 80 miles per hour (the speedo only goes to 80..lol). The boat was started in 1970 and first touched water in 1972; built in Echuca on the border of New South Wales and Victoria, Australia.