Our Edsel had factory Power Bakes at one time..I think I'm going to buy this set up for it.. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/POWE...tZVintageQ5fCarQ5fTruckQ5fPartsQ5fAccessories
Drugasms Edsel is Bitchin for sure..Cant wait to see it with the Chrome Wheels in person instead of a text message pic...lol
I still have not seen video..... call me a skeptic. 59 wagon would be a nice ride. Cruising with that back window up and the pipes rumbling may would be zen. There's always that point when I cruise.... right after I slide down into third, settle back into my seat, feel the wind on my face and hear the glass packs barking... that point where I am just at one with the car and road and everything just seems alright. I think I am gonna hit the circuit tonight now. The addiction is calling. Maybe Ill have new pics for this one tomorrow. No power brakes for me.... but that set up does look pretty nice. And whats wrong with text message pictures? They may be small and grainy but at least they are out of focus. And I still want video of those lifts.
I have always loved Edsels from the first time I saw one in 1957. Especially those bumpers.... I have wanted to put a set of them on every car I've ever had.
Just got these Edsel Valve Covers restored,sending them to my pinstriper friend to paint the lettering red like they're supposed to be.
Damn Marcus, you aint messing around with that. I feel bad about how mine look now. I have a set of pitted chrome cheap-o VC that were on it when I got it. I put new gaskets in when I got it running. Maybe Ill wipe the oil off them today... Have you found the correct zinc plated bolts yet to hold those bad boys down? Ha ha. I tease out of jealousy. Hate hate hate. Definately a cruising night. Got up to a balmy 76 and gas is under 4 bucks.
A friend in OK brought me a set of those for the '59. Guess Ill do the '58 FE look on mine. White E400 covers and a white '62 Tbird aircleaner. If it wasn't storming, I'd be tinkering on that now.
I've got the edsel teletouch steering wheel that i'm going to set up in my model a rpu, if only i could get the matching speedo.
I'm going to try all out to get it functional,going to try ad hook it up to a C4, others have said, use it for the radio controls, or use it to as your headlight and wiper switches. No fun in that. this i think will be one of the best ways to save space in a model A. Not sure though whether to go the solonoid route or an actuator for the hookup to the trans.
Nice! I've always liked Edsels, although instead of boobs on the grill like most cars of the '50s they had something else.
Drew, did you not see the video I put on LBCC? Mine has a set of chrome valve covers with e400 stamped. I dont know how old they are, where they came from or anything, but im really happy about it, haha.
Edsel was introduced just at the begining of a resession. Cars sales were down for established car brands with loyal buyers. And here was Edsel with a brand new car with a brand new name. And, no following of buyers..... It, was bad timing fir sure. Styling is a very subjective thing. To me; therewas nothing wrong with thst styling of the Edsel. Although the Edsel was short lived; its MEL engine lived on; in the Lincolns until early '68. Ford put, great engineering and quality in the MEL and the FE engines.
Mine is a 4 door but runs and drives good, small rust ,good interior ,I want $3500. Most people want a 2 door.
M.Edell, that motor looks fantastic!! Very nicely detailed. Shainerman, I bet those chromed VCs look sharp too. If I had an Edsel I be tempted to chrome the VCs and then have the E400 painted.
I have always wanted a '58, since high school. I looked everywhere for a wagon when we had our son, but there weren't any drivers to be found at the time. I'm probably screwed now because the wife loves our '55 Chevy wagon. The one on ebay right would be nice to have and it's even the same color, so maybe there IS hope. Hahaha!