So sad. Players and thoughts go out to the family and friends. The picture in post #24 shows a roadster being rearended. That's scary. How do you drive defensily for that? Drive faster? People don't may attention. What can you do? I have updated to LED taillights and a flashing 3rd brakelight. It still worries me. Hope everybody else has a safe and happy weekend and holiday. Give thanks to a serviceman.
Different dash... I don't think that's that same car.
Don't think it's the OH Tub, it had a Duvall windshield, red interior etc. What a shame. Condolences to the family.
This is not from july of 2010. I took the picture off the tv today,I cut out his body on the side of the road. drive safe
Was a good thought, though. Trying to place the roadster myself. It looks familiar but the picture just isn't defined enough.
Please be careful folks, and wear your seatbelts. My condolences to the family, and I pray the young woman will be okay.
sucks, big time! It reminds me that we must pay extra attention to everything when we drive our hotrods.
Hate to read news like this...say our prayers together. The shock and horror of the young woman with him will linger forever, a real shame. He was doing his favorite thing when it happened...Godspeed.
Very sad news. Prayers to the family and friends. The car looks to have small (motorcycle small) front fenders.
I've read and heard about way too many hot rods getting rearended, happened to 2 different friends of mine, both in "A" coupes, stopped @ traffic lights!. My under const. "A" roadster has '50 Pontiac blue dots. Think I'm gonna install LED bulbs. I also have a louvered deck lid and 7 red LED bulbs to install in the top row install as 3rd brake lights. Gonna install them to be invisible till lit up.I know it's non traditional, but I hope it gets attention from those behind me. People drive around talking on cell phones, or worse, texting on them. They fiddle with the stereo, eat, apply makeup, you name it, anything but pay attention to their driving. Dave
If ass holes would not tailgate then this shit could be prevented or at least not happen so frequently. I just got rear ended in Carol's Chevy truck on the 91 fwy , I got stopped , a witness said the girl was up my ass , she pushed me but I had stopped far enough away that I did not hit the car in front. If I was in my roadster there would have been a fatality but it would not have been me !!!!!!!!