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a/c in a hot rod? Can't we all get along?

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by FoxSpeed, Jul 13, 2011.

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  1. My wife's cars have all had A/C but coming from northern Oregon, I've never had it in any of my cars until 2010 when I was able to finagle a deal on a new HHR panel. I'm still on the fence about putting A/C in my 34 five window. It's gonna be a traditional build with exception of 4 wheel disc brakes. I love the A/C in my HHR but don't mind the heat [we also have 3 digit heat in the midwest] here....still mulling it over.
  2. fbama73
    Joined: Jul 12, 2008
    Posts: 989


    "This guy ain't a real rodder." from a guy who doesn't have a car.

    I think that pretty much covers it.
  3. 8flat
    Joined: Apr 2, 2006
    Posts: 1,392


    If there was only a better way to hide the compressor under the body, inside the frame. A drive belt off the tranny yoke does no good when you're in traffic. A flex shaft coming back from your flywheel would do it, I saw that done for an alternator drive....but not real simple to build and I don't know how long it would last running dry on the flywheel...
  4. thechopperguy
    Joined: Oct 27, 2007
    Posts: 149


    My concern of other peoples' opinions of my projects went away a long time ago. If I like it, that means I did it right. Build what you want and enjoy it.
  5. 8flat
    Joined: Apr 2, 2006
    Posts: 1,392


    Now this sounds interesting. You'd have to have one hell of an alternator because I'm sure an electric A/C compressor is pulling a lot of power, but that's doable.
  6. JeffB2
    Joined: Dec 18, 2006
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    from Phoenix,AZ

    Just had a 118 degree day here in Phoenix so I have the interior of my '54 Ford gutted out for insulation and this (see pic) under dash unit from a '65 Mustang (Ford in a Ford!) about as close to traditional A/C as I could find :cool: Interior temps in a car can rise to over 160 in about 20 minutes in the summer here, if you don't like A/C in my car too bad! that's why the word "idiot" was invented.

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  7. RAY With
    Joined: Mar 15, 2009
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    RAY With

    With humidity at 95+% and temp 100 to 105 I dont care if it hairlips the Pope-I am going to have AC in the hotrod period.
  8. Hot_Rod_Joe
    Joined: Sep 17, 2007
    Posts: 273


    I wanted my '57 to have the look of a period correct stock car, so I don't have AC. That being said, it seems like it is a lot more forgiving for lack of AC than newer cars. As long as you're moving, the vents blowing up from the floor and out through the windows provides a pretty cool ride. In traffic, though, forget about it!
  9. jipp
    Joined: Jun 20, 2011
    Posts: 1,107


    i live in the desert, in fact I just got back from a ride in the only hotrod i own right now. triple digits.. .. heh its a tad pole trike.. its a recumbent style of bike you sit down in.. just imagine a lawn chair ( most comfy chair you own.. compared to a regular bike seat ouch..), two 20" bike tires up front, one in the rear.. and a whole lot of fun.. its low to the ground makes you feel like you are in a roaster.. anyhow, if i could run a/c in it i damn well would.. was getting warm... now i must envy you and drown my self in water.. i swear every day more and more jerks open their mouths and forget to insert their foot like their good ol mama told them.. sad.. glad you could laugh it off.. peace. my first rod crosses fingers.. im hoping to st art to build it this winter it will be a low budget.. bucket T of some style... being a crippled funds are short.. but still gonna eat rice and dirt till i get one built.. and will remember where is yours.. cause im sure ill hear where is your 32? heh..
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2011
  10. chaos10meter
    Joined: Feb 21, 2007
    Posts: 2,191

    from PA.

    If I had the bread I'd have A/C right now and could care less what others thought about it.
    I'd just drive by with my A/C on high, windows up, maybe wearing gloves and a jacket, smiling like a shit eating cat.
  11. jipp
    Joined: Jun 20, 2011
    Posts: 1,107


    cool, yeah its been warm this summer.. im in apache junction about a hour from phoenix depending on traffic or if im behind a cop.. they always speed so you just get behind one of them and you can make good time.. laughs
  12. 40StudeDude
    Joined: Sep 19, 2002
    Posts: 9,561


    So, is the '56 in your avatar a "hot rod"...??? I always thot "hot rods" were fenderless square bodies of 1935 or earlier vintage.

  13. Here in South Dakota you have three options. One get an A/C unit, drive whenever. Two, don’t put in A/C and drive in the winter, salting your chassis, to avoid being broiled in the heat. Three, drive only during the five weeks out of the year that it is neither too hot or ice and salty. Personally I would try to conceal the A/C and put a nice thick coat of paint on the chassis to keep out the salt.
  14. I drove for many years in our 100+ degree days across the state on I90. Even when I had air I didn't run it for fear of killing the fuel mileage! But just last night I was fitting my ZIPS water pump riser on the Model A and showing it to carla. She asked about it and I explained that the AC/ALT brackets were cast into it and we could cut them off. I was then told if she is going to travel in the A it better have AC! So if the 3 pedals, scattershield, quickchange and nasty motor it is getting don't mean anything I guess it won't be a REAL hot rod.
  15. Blue One
    Joined: Feb 6, 2010
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    Blue One
    from Alberta

    Anyone who lives in the south knows that A/C is a must. When I'm in Texas A/C is on full time in the vehicle especially in July or August. Hell even in May.

    Trying to go without A/C is not traditional or anything else except maybe stupid or suicidal.
  16. Unkl Ian
    Joined: Mar 29, 2001
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    Unkl Ian

    $5 says the guy is on here. :rolleyes:
  17. ibcalaveras
    Joined: May 30, 2006
    Posts: 599


    I'm getting ready to put AC in my truck. I figure it's my truck, my money being spent and I'll be driving it. I'll set it up the way I want it. If somewone dosen't like it, Oh Well. They can drive there hot non AC car all they want, because I'll be Kool... Ha Ha
  18. slammed
    Joined: Jun 10, 2004
    Posts: 8,150


    Growing older, weakened by the years? Go ahead add the AC. But some of the comments of 'I don't care what people think' is incorrect. You cared enough to post up. -d.
  19. Dreddybear
    Joined: Mar 31, 2007
    Posts: 6,142


    If people have to have AC thats fine but dont knock the guys that go without it. I'll never put it on my hot rod. I'm not stupid or suicidal. Neither is everyone else I know here without it.
  20. Gman0046
    Joined: Jul 24, 2005
    Posts: 6,256


    If someone thinks its COOL to sweat your ass off thats their business. I've been there and done that and won't do it again. My wagon has power steering, power brakes, a decent sound system and A/C. I enjoy the heck out of it just the way it is. Its a great highway cruiser. The heat index in Kentucky is over 110 degrees the last week. A/C is a must as far as I'm concerned.
  21. FoxSpeed
    Joined: May 19, 2009
    Posts: 385

    from NorCal

    40STUDEDUDE: I guess you thought wrong!!!!!! Lots of rod rods have fenders and were born after 1935. Hell, even John Force calls his funnycar a "hotrod"
  22. Blue One
    Joined: Feb 6, 2010
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    Blue One
    from Alberta

    And they all smell really nice all the time. :rolleyes: Stupid or suicidal people often don't recognize their own tendencies. :D

    I'll run A/C and be cool and comfy all you guys can sweat and stink and be dangerously close to heat stroke or dehydration all you like :D
  23. billsill45
    Joined: Jul 15, 2009
    Posts: 784

    from SoCal

    The author was probably referring to the fact that the very earliest automotive air conditioning systems were so big and bulky that some of the apparatus was in the trunk. The ability to get it all under the hood and dash was considered quite an engineering accomplishment.
  24. My 40 Ford p-up build will have AC - I intend to tuck it under the seat and leave the rest of the interior basically stock w/46-48 car heater/defroster on the f-wall. As for the engine compartment, it will be a souped up 4.3 V6/5-speed with all the stock AC, ps, pb, etc. But, I'm not building the truck to pop the hood and show it off - I'm building it for me and the wife. Just something I'm throwing out there to think about ....
  25. erlomd
    Joined: Apr 26, 2008
    Posts: 1,212


    all I can say is where were they in 52?...let alone the majority of us including myself...the ac war is played out to death....real hot rod this and that...the point is if there was AC readily available back then it would most likely have been used in many hot rods and customs....but its of course an assumption.
    the way I see it, theres no problem putting an AC, cruise control, stereo, power windows, and power steering on a rod or custom. its all personal preference. but you also dont want to end up knee deep in billet as far as the eye can see, wearing a Hawaiian shirt knee high socks, and a lawn chair...thats for damn sure.
    I do agree that all this stuff ads a ton of unnecessary weight if speed is your thing (which is why hot rods were hot rods in the first place)
    times have changed and the needs of some outweigh the tradition of sorts.
    I like having a clean engine compartment free of any modern technology at sight....but not disposing of modern technology convenience.
    and the most important part is what your trying to accomplish with your ride...if its a resoration of an original hotrod or custom from the 40s or 50s then obviously i dont think you would want to hack up a priceless gem for the connivence of keeping cool. also if your trying to put your mindset on teleporting back to that era and struggle everytime you take the wheel just for the sake of keeping things nostalgic.
    in the end its all you, your ride, your preference.
    I would have a hidden setup if I could or as hidden as posible when it comes to an exposed engine rod. maybe a relocation of the AC compresor under the frame cable operated by an accessory pulley that looks like a tensioner. re route the lines to a part of the firewall not easily visible in plain sight...i think HHR made a coupe like that.
    I think that as long as your happy and comfortable and gets you crusin the streets, then more power to you.
    to hell with haters... theirs just mad cause they dont have AC. and they're windows are all foggy when it rains and sweating bullets when its hot!

    of my soapbox for today
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2011
  26. 40StudeDude
    Joined: Sep 19, 2002
    Posts: 9,561


    Naw, I didn't think wrong...just ask anyone on here what a real "hot rod" is (and it ain't a '55/'56 Chevy...!!!)...and just cuz Force calls his funnycar a "hot rod" doesn't make it one...!!!

  27. sun down
    Joined: Mar 22, 2008
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    sun down
    from tx

    I drove a 52 five window for over 9 yrs without air, went to shows
    in Ok, Kansas, and drove it local almost ever day.... sold it and just happens the 52 sedan that I bought from Slide has air it in and a good one

    have owned this 52 for over four yrs

    I also have driven this one thru Tx, Ok, Kansas and Ark...........guess what,
    at age 70 I am not about to take the air

    like folks say, it is your ride... do what you want with it and enjoy... just drive it..
  28. 117harv
    Joined: Nov 12, 2009
    Posts: 6,586


    I have no problem with AC in a custom or hooded fenderless, but no hood? The problem with having it isn't having it, it's everyone seeing it. I have allways thought that having dash vents on a swivel with flexible hose that swing out from under when needed and back up and under when not would be cool. Your car interior is allways visable and this way they are out of site.

    Sometimes it's about the look not comfort ie. bias tires, loud exhaust, manual steering, cramped driving compartment, etc. I can't imagine that womans high heels are comfortable...but the look:D
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2011
  29. Heat index is something that they do by taking heat and humidity and coming up with a feels like temperature. Having lived in the dry as well as the humid I understand and can feel the difference. the deal is that when it is humid your sweat cannot evaporate so it will not cool you off as well as in a dry climate. We have lots of heat related deaths every year in temps in the mid 90s.

    I have actually been through Phoenix in 110 plus weather on an old motor cycle, nothing to block the heat from the roadway coupled with the engine between my legs. I cannot say that I was comfortable but it was not unbearable. I did wait until about sundown in a pub (cantina?) before I headed west to Blythe, its a balancing act there, you want to fly in the evening but you have to make the trip before it gets too cold out. :eek:
  30. FoxSpeed
    Joined: May 19, 2009
    Posts: 385

    from NorCal

    "Naw, I didn't think wrong...just ask anyone on here what a real "hot rod" is (and it ain't a '55/'56 Chevy...!!!)...and just cuz Force calls his funnycar a "hot rod" doesn't make it one...!!!"

    I disagree with you, and that should be okay. Perhaps you can start a thread? We can see what folks here do in fact consider a hot rod to be. I did not call my 55 a hot rod, just to clear that up.
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