guys on the tailgate window mech for a 64' belair wagon which key matches, doors,glovebox,ignition? i have zero keys and i'm gonna get keys for it made and was wondering does it use a curtis B10 or B11 blank? thanks
You are showing your age, or lack of it Them oldies did not have the square and round keys like the 70s-up. But you are on the right track suggesting the door key, it should be the same if it was never changed. Get the door or gate tumbler stamped code number and try to find a locksmith that can still do codes. It is possible to have one key for ign, doors and gate, I have had it done on a 63. They change the tumbler wafers to all match if someone changed a lock or handle before.
didn't realize both keys were basically the same other that head shape for id purposes, having one key fit all is the ticket for me. sounds like it's time to pull the locks and have them keyed alike.
older GM B-10 Ignition and doors B-11 glove box and trunk lock or your case tailgate maybe I have a few cars all the locks work on one Key B-10
Yes, I later thought I catch 'ell for that comment. I was thinking they were talking about the long square/rect one and the round one, late 60s 70s etc
I knew what you meant. We always called the old trunk keys round. I knew what Eaglebeak meant too. Just kiddin'.
we have a winner! found my box of 200 GM B-10 (curtis)keys and afer sifting through found the one that fits and operates the tailgate lock.
Yup, I have a whole collection of old GM keys in my tool bag. They come in handy for myself and friends who occationally get an old car without keys, or for checking in trunks in the junkyard. I think 1965 was the first year for GM with a separate trunk (rounded end) key. Your key score should fit every lock in the 1964, unless some have been replaced.
had friends that grew up in the used car business and when they took over for their dads they "cleaned up" and gave me the buckets of "extra keys". surprising how few different key combos there are. more than once i've gone to the stash and found a key that works. recently i was given an old time clock from a factory and my '39 gmc truck key opened it up.
third key off the ring of 50 fit my 54 olds like it came with it, glad i started collecting keys when i was a wee lad!
Everything you ever wanted to know about GM keys (just ignore the fact that the website says "Camaro"):
Chevy: tail gate, trunk latch, door key and glove box all the same key. if the car hasn't had any cylinders changed you can pull the glove box cylinder and get the key for everything but the ignition made from it.
In the dark ages of the early 60s I bought a 38 Chevy coupe with no keys. The club sponsor was a D.C.cop. He brought home from the precinct a big 12" ring of all the GM keys that were available up to that time. I found the one that worked and got it cut at the hardware store. These were the octagon and roundish keys that were used from the 30s into the 60s. There were not that many combinations for all of the GM cars.
Tommy If you were going to be a repo man and specialize in stealing '70s chevys your keyring only needed 7 keys.