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How to rid rats/mice from field cars?

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Groucho, Jul 29, 2011.

  1. wanabe28
    Joined: Feb 9, 2011
    Posts: 97


    If it's a Chevy, pull the motor out.:D
  2. Will peanut butter work both rats and mice?
  3. the_mick
    Joined: Jul 27, 2011
    Posts: 41

    from piqua ohio

    Irish spring soap(original) works mice dislike the smell, really works put a couple bars in the cab trunk and engine bay and you won't have any mice living in there. I got a barn/garage mice all over, since I started using irish spring soap... no mice!
  4. Upper Michigan.
    Out in a field.
    In February.
    Mice will leave. Snakes will die. Bugs will die, too.

  5. the bakeries i have worked in have what looks and smells like peanut butter but the exterminator has added some really nasty poison and you can't handle the stuff without gloves, not sure what the stuff is but they keep it in a locked chest and weigh it and log it ito a journal every time they use it because it is controlled.
  6. wendle
    Joined: Dec 1, 2009
    Posts: 18


    What do you use to get rid of the owls and hawks? :D

    A couple of years without rain sorts them out down here. Found a handful of these in my Dodge when I first got it home. :eek:

  7. I would make sure I rid the critters before parking in the you'll have rats/mice in your garage.
  8. niceguyede
    Joined: Jan 19, 2009
    Posts: 633

    from dallas

    you could just leave em and call it a rat rod!!:eek:
  9. Black Primer
    Joined: Oct 1, 2007
    Posts: 965

    Black Primer

    The sticky glue-board traps work well. Put a few in the car and let it sit outside for a couple of days. That should get any stragglers that didn't bail on the ride home.
  10. flatford39
    Joined: Dec 3, 2006
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    They are going to run away during the process of hooking it up to the trailer. And then there is the ride home. Remember they are more afraid of you than you are of them. By the time you get it home they will be gone.
  11. AAFD
    Joined: Apr 13, 2010
    Posts: 585

    from US of A

    I have a small mouse problem this year in the garage. No big deal, but they'll eat anything, including Irish Spring soap. I thought that was the trick until I found shredded soap all over the garage. Dryer sheets dont work. They must wear them as capes because I put them in corners and along the walls and the next day they were in the middle of the floor. I found a mouse turd on top of one of the electronic doo-dads, so that doesn't work, I felt insulted. Glue Traps just leave balls of fur or a gnawed off foot. Snap traps are the way to go. Put several of them down and you should get them all out.

    The best thing to do, since it's a field car, is to take it to the car wash, spend a good amount of time pressure washing the engine bay, fender wells, etc, then open the doors and give the interior a blast. If there's any left after that blast bath, they'll bail out on the ride home.

    A friend of mine bought a crapped out Manx buggy that had wasps nests, spiders, and rat turds everywhere. The motor was locked up, so he took it to the boat ramp at the lake and winched it down into the water, fully submerged for about 2 minutes, then pulled it out. Loaded it back on the trailer and drove home about 200 miles. By the time he got home, everything was dry and there was no sign of life.
  12. Von Rigg Fink
    Joined: Jun 11, 2007
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    Von Rigg Fink
    from Garage

  13. Roger Walling
    Joined: Sep 26, 2010
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    Roger Walling

    Your lucky if you have a couple of mice in your car, if you only have one, it's a bitch to get a moose out! :D
  14. brad chevy
    Joined: Nov 22, 2009
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    brad chevy

    John Walker was right,the lavender really works.They leave,not just die and stink the thing up.
  15. Standard gas&oil
    Joined: Dec 3, 2010
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    Standard gas&oil
    from USA #1

  16. voodoo1
    Joined: Jun 27, 2007
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  17. fts55
    Joined: Dec 24, 2009
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    from guthrie ok

  18. AAFD
    Joined: Apr 13, 2010
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    from US of A

    I'm willing to try lavender, but where do you buy it? Is it liquid or solid. I don't think I know what the hell lavender even is.
  19. Standard gas&oil
    Joined: Dec 3, 2010
    Posts: 289

    Standard gas&oil
    from USA #1

    Lavender does not work period ! I just serviced a home with one of those $500,000 motor homes that was stored using dryer sheets and lavender bags. Result = $100,000 rodent damage to the leather seats, carpets and expensive wood trim. And a urine stench that over powered the dryer sheets and lavender.
  20. KRB52
    Joined: Jul 9, 2011
    Posts: 1,077

    from Conneticut

    The peanut butter works well in the snap traps, just use the chunky and wedge the a chunk into the bait holder. If you use creamy, they can just lick the peanut butter out without springing the trap (I've had this happen.) Someone I know swears you also have to add a rasin, because they have a sweet tooth. If you have them then fine, use one. If not, use the chunky.

    The others suggesting the ride home should flush them out sound reasonable. Give that a try first and then keep the car outside for a few days with the traps, just to be sure.

    (I work part-time in a local hardware store. People ask me what my favorite thing is for getting mice- I answer "a cat." When they ask how to keep deer from eating their garden, I suggest a 12 gauge.)
  21. niceguyede
    Joined: Jan 19, 2009
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    from dallas

  22. Rudebaker
    Joined: Sep 14, 2007
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    from Illinois

    I've drug home a lot of old vehicles that sat outside and by the time I got where I was going any rodents had bailed. They don't like being disturbed and get as far from the disturbance as possible, usually during the process of getting it ready to load. You have more chance of it attracting them after you get it home. I've found the cars that have been stored inside are far more likely to have mice and a lot more of them.

    Outside cars around here usually have more wasp nests or snakes than mice. I did open the door on one to have a good sized Ground Hog staring at me once though. I don't know which one of us was more startled but we both turned and ran. I went home and got my .22 but he had vacated by the time I got back. Look for large burrows under the car before doing anything. Groundhogs love to dig under them as do badgers. In the past few years we have had badgers returning to this area after being absent for several decades. A startled groundhog can get pretty nasty but badgers are just plain nasty startled or otherwise.
  23. Peanut butter in the trap works well, but i use strawberry, or rasberry jam with traps. :D
    Never fails.
  24. badshifter
    Joined: Apr 28, 2006
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    53 posts and nobody asked for pictures?
    Pictures or you aren't buying anything.
  25. sizzler
    Joined: Oct 3, 2010
    Posts: 3

    from georgia

    Try spraying ammonia into all of the hiding places. It works real well on houses to run out rodents, but not sure what it will do to the inside of a car. And black oil sunflower seeds if the peanut butter doesn't work.
  26. derbydad276
    Joined: May 29, 2011
    Posts: 1,336


    moth balls
    wash car out with bleach water
  27. MeanGene427
    Joined: Dec 15, 2010
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    from Napa

    I got plenty of experience dealing with woodchucks on my gramps' farms as a kid, we raised kidney beans, and the little fat fockers just love bean plants, got pretty good with the .22 that way. My other gramps used to come over to practice with his sporterized P17 Enfield 30/06, which made a red "poof" cloud out of a woodchuck with a good center hit
    My grams grew up on the farm with 3 red-headed brothers including identical twins, one of whom was mean as a snake, and was always messing with critters- got chasing a woodchuck one day, and it dove in its hole- so Mr Badass thought he'd reach in a grab it :eek: Never did that again, and he didn't grab much of anything with that hand for a while- last time I saw him, he was 68, and the big scars were still very visible
    Only had one encounter with a badger, a bunch of us went on a trout fishing/camping weekend up in the hills, and a couple of us took our dirt bikes. So I'm out bopping around on the YZ250, which was a fairly rapid little scooter, and I see this critter, kinda like a big woodchuck, so Brainiac decides to chase it with the bike :rolleyes: After a bit it heads uphill, so I gotta follow, right? Didn't take too long until it had enough of that schidt, turned around, reared up and came right back at me, in a very foul mood :( I got turned around and grabbed a couple gears, and was very glad I didn't biff and fall off the bike turning around- that critter was ready to get all the way up in my butt :mad:
  28. 23 bucket-t
    Joined: Aug 27, 2005
    Posts: 1,366

    23 bucket-t

    If you have a rat infestation in your hot rod would that make it a rat r*d and if that is the case than you are on the wrong forum.
  29. Put a wild skunk in there,no critter likes a skunk.
    I have a skunk living under my place and I havent seen cats or dogs around since "mr wiggles" came to live here.
  30. NOT TRUE. I trailered a car 10 yrs ago and there were 6-7 LARGE rats in that SOB when it got to my shop. I then put large amounts of poison pellets...FOR 10 DAYS....and nothing (they ate every drop, but no fatalities), til I sold it and the new buyer pulled the LIVE rats out. It was fucking disgusting

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