Hey Guys, newbie here.... I'm the proud owner of Danglers old wagon. I've got some big plans so I will post progress pics. Need to find a gas tank for this thing! Anyone have any leads? Also want bench seats if someone wants 4 tbird buckets I'll trade! http://i199.photobucket.com/albums/aa24/DeeGuida/photo38copy.jpg
man wish you were closer i could use a pair of t-bird buckets and i have a bench seat out of a 57 fairlane 4 door (it should be a close fit0
I know this is not the classified section, bare with me. I was in the planning stages of building a Cummins Diesel Powered 58 Edsel Roundup. The project got shelved, but I have several California personalized plates with matching domain names. I was really high on Bud, both weiser and the smoke at the time. So if your interested, I have DIEDSEL & diedsel.com DEADSEL & deadsel.com And a few others, if interested, let me know, I'm not going to use them, I'd like to pass these off, just good CarMa! Dave
Welcome Dominick. How much progress have you made on that wagon? I seem to remember the floors were toast in that car. It sure sits pretty though!
WOW !!! Is that really a 1960 convertable ?? a clone ?? or a hardtop made into a roadster ?? It is awesome what people with money and imagination can do. edsel
The truth that people refuse to admit is that many of these old cars and even the ones listed for sale here. Have a False inflated value. (like the housing market was and we finally admitted that). The cars are not really worth what people are asking for them. The asking price is exactly that "an asking price" not a value guide. Just because a person who hires someone to build their car for them does not mean that the car resale value is exactly what they have into it or more. It is all about the hobby, or should be. You love the hobby, you enjoy building the car, you love driving it and you show it off. A hobby group, not a retirement investment group. I am NOT saying this to upset people who are upside down on the investment vs value of their car and trying to get their money back. Just enjoy the car... That is where the true Reward is. Thats where the Value of the Edsel is. The Edsel in these pictures is Priceless.
LOL! Yeah, they managed to bankrupt GM and Chrysler! It is an amazing talent that the wealthy possess.
You can "ASK" any amount you want for any object, be it a house or a car, or any other valuables, because there is going to always be one or more people with way too much money that just HAVE to have your object. It all depends on your own personal situation and how long you have to wait for the big payoff. The average joe selling a car needs money NOW, the more wealthy have time to wait for the big fish. I hate to rain on your parade, but most of the big players in this hobby are in it for the money not for the enjoyment of cars. Collectible cars have become an investment commodity to be bought and sold with the prices going up every day. Nearly all of my customers are having cars built/restored strictly for resale. The big players ask tons of money for well built cars and the little guys think they can do the same for lesser grade cars and the "problem" just rolls down hill. You can blame the instant custom shows like Overhaulin' and Wrecks to Riches or blame the auction shows like Barret/Jackson and Mecum for invoking glitz and glamor into vehicle sales. All these shows do is boost ad revenue for the TV producers and drive up the cost of cars. You could also blame the internet auction sites for making cars so accessible to everyone at the touch of a button. (Remember when you had to resort to looking at the local paper in your town to get a new project? Or resort to checking Hemmings?) There are alot of factors contributing to seemingly inflated prices. Either way this vehicle price inflation is now a common way of life and we all have to wait for the ceiling or wait 'till it all crashes like the housing market.....'till then I am making as much money off of this as I can!
To be honest not much, I build custom bicycles on the side so I was trying to get a few done and gone before I got into the car. Here's all I have done so far: Bought stock edsel wagon bench seats from Big M wrecking yard Ordered a new gas tank bought all the tune up goodies going to order floor patch panels Monday (floors are toast but fixable) The car has a lot that needs to be done but nothing too major. I'm researching the best route for bagging the rear now as well. Not much I can find anywhere on what people did to bag these out back short of running a mono-leaf and bag over the axle. I find myself checking craigslist and ebay daily now for Edsel stuff!
Good luck on the wagon. CCC --- I agree not HAMB friendly but I can dig it. What is goin on under the hood? Looks like 2 4's and a cold air tube? Those old centerlines sabres don't look half bad but I think a simple wheel/tire swap would do alot for it (in my eyes). Not my car, to each their own and diff'rent strokes to make the world go round. And as for the car market,.... It's been getting stupid for along time. The good news though is you can get your tuner Honda, fat tire custom chopper, or minitruck you wanted 10yrs ago cheap now and soon the market will be flooded with rat rods. Classics hold their value for a reason, they are classics. An Edsel will always be classic but will probably never pull TriFive money. Whatever. I got mine cheap and I get more looks, hell I even got TriFive guys staring. I think I enjoy mine more coz it's a relief that it's not an investment car, it's just a car.