I've known about this 35 Ford for about 30 years or more. Unfortunately it is going to be kept in the family and plans are to restore it. The shed that it was in started falling down and they removed it.
Unfortunately it is going to be kept in the family and plans are to restore it. How many times have you heard that ? ? Too Bad. It'll never happen. VR&C.
There is only one other person who loves this car as much as the old guy who owned it and it was unfotunate that he didn't realize, while he was alive, that he should have passed it on to me. Today, for me, it was like going to a funeral of an old friend. I don't think anything will ever be done with it.
There's a '36 5 winder ford close to my place that "is going to stay in the family and be restored some day". Its theirs......so it's their decision, but it'd be a shame to see that '36 sit for another 50 years
Similar story with me, 38 standard, 1 family owner, been in the shed for 35 years since the son tore it down for a rebuild, I had to dig the dirt from the bottom of the shed doors in order to open them. The elderly owner told me to go grab a trailer and take it away, inbetween times the same son that tore it down all those years ago put a stop to it " hes going to restore it back to its former glory" same old story, he couldn't do it 35 years ago so he aint going to do it now.
One of my favorite cars. At least you know where the car is, you know the family and their 'intentions' and you possibly have first dibbs. Now it appears how pro-active you want to be and come up with ideas and suggestions to take to the family. Approached and treated in the correct manner the family might be persuaded to yet sell to you, if you present them with your ideas and commitment to a part of their family history you just might get to take it home.
I'd rather see it stay in the barn another 30 years. then at least it wouldn't be modified past the point of being returned to normal
Yea dropping the rear and putting skirts on just sends over the edge. Don't get me started on flipper caps
When I saw the user name "Copper Top" and the subject "Found in a barn in NewFoundland" I would have bet it was a still not a coupe!
well when you put it that way... I pictured another bagged one with the running boards on the ground. I'm sick of that look. a truly traditional old school tail dragger would be OK... sadly that is not what people seem to be building these days.
Theres a 35 5 window down the road from me that is parially restored. The owner died and Ive been trying to buy it for about three years. 4 of the 5 siblings agree to sell it to me (the daughters) and 1 (the son) says his father give it to him before he died. First of all he's not smart enough to work on it and second why hasnt he done anything to it. I hate when someone hoards a car I want to hoard. Maybe he will get desperate for some cash and I will be waiting.
So its outta the bad shed...but is it going back in another??? Sure hope thats somewhere in central and not on the coast!
Identical to the 35 Ford sitting 1 km from here, in perfect original condition. Same thing, the owners going to `FIX it up some day`. They`ve been saying that for 15 years now, and the kid that the dad is going to restore it with is all grown up..... yet they still wont sell it . FML..... SO frusterating.
I sold a 1941 Ford 2dr. sedan to someone back in 1963. It blew a head gasket almost immediately. The car sat for a couple years and I tried in vain to buy it back. The owner kept telling me he was going to get to it and repair it. That was 48 years ago.....I tried buying that car back every time I thought about it, and that was a lot. It has finally rotted to the point that you can hardly recognize what it used to be...