I'm planning on being in the area this weekend, and wondered if anyone knows of any shows, cruises, swaps or the like happening within a decent radius. Since decent is highly arbitrary, let's say about a 2 hour drive. Thanks in advance for the tips! Boryca
Yes, Jefferson is a terrific swap meet with acres of stuff. You shouldn't miss that if you're in the area. The big bar, by the way is an ice cream bar and pretty good. Get one! Tom
Jefferson, hugestest swap meet. Car corral and car show. I'm taking my Mustang to the car corral. This is one of my regular stops during the car season up here. Its where I had my first stroke. Jefferson is about 35 miles or so east of Madison.
stop by and say hello. Top Notch is a collector car dealership just South of the Jefferson City limits on Business 26 . I will be at the Swapmeet all weekend, much of the time in the Car Corral. Look for a nice 65 Chevelle station wagon for sale.
Jefferson is about 40 miles east of Madison.Just follow the trucks filled with goodies and the show cars.Get 2 Big bars.You'll want the second one.
For the record, I've never had "The Big (Nutty) Bar". The last time I was @ Jefferson there was a one eyed man with a monkey on his shoulder. ...Never know what you'll find or see at Jefferson, but it's always interesting.
he is not a one-eyed man. he does have a monkey, and lots of other strange animals. His name is Pete.
So I've got the sneaking suspicion that I should go to Jefferson... Thanks for the info fellas. Bobwop, I'll swing by and say hi.
I distinctly remember, the day I saw "Pete", he did have something covering his eye. I can only speculate that maybe the monkey had something to do with it. This makes me think of why pirates with parrots on their shoulders; coincidentally, wear eye patches. Well, I'm glad he has both his eye sight. I'm glad I didn't go to Jefferson today because of the rain...once saw a Sable wagon stuck in the mud being dragged out by a chain hooked up to a 4X4. I got some painting done inside the house.