Sunday October 16th @ the Minnesota State Fairgrounds is the 41st edition of the Roadster Twin Cities Swap Meet. Your last chance to sell the items you don't need, and buy the stuff you do, before the snow fly's. $10.00 gets you a space and includes one admission. Still only $5.00 for spectators. 6:00 A.M. see you there!!!!!!
6 am, bring a flashlight and by noon swappers are packing up to go home. This swap has been is a tradition for me and my Dad, we started going to back in 1977. Come early and work the line of sellers waiting to get in.
Less than 24 hours now guys, cant wait, I'm leaving at midnight tonight, new batteries in the flashlight, check. scraped up all the loose change I can find, check gas in the car, check munchies for the ride, check I'm good to go, see ya there........Scott
Well, at my age I forget lots of stuff but not this! Started going when they had it at the Anoka armory, then on to the Roseville School where I seem to remember one year my trailer was covered in snow and/or slush? Be there this year too. Funny how parts grow in the corner of the garage at night when it's quiet and no one's watching. Always culling the crop so I hit at least one swap meet a year and this is usually near the top of the list.
That's what the web site says. "For anyone DRIVING a pre-1949 ‘open’ car, the admission is FREE! That’s because it’s what T C Roadsters are all about."