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The replacement for the Hunnert Car Pileup

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Hardonsky23, Oct 9, 2011.

  1. cozee
    Joined: Aug 19, 2010
    Posts: 108


    Well said Badkarma. And Semper Fi bro!
  2. Pops1532
    Joined: Jun 19, 2011
    Posts: 544

    from Illinois

    Very well said!!!!!!

  3. I heard they were looking at Progress City rather than Rantoul. Didn't know it was a done-deal yet.
  4. x-shift
    Joined: Sep 3, 2009
    Posts: 170


    Well said, Badkarma! Thank you!!!

    Hardonsky, I don't know how many shows you have been involved with, but my advice would be to GET involved. Sign up, VOLUNTEER, and help organize a few shows before starting your own. I have been involved in several, and my tiny car club puts on a couple of tiny drive-in shows a year. I have countless hours and a couple hundred bucks in already (which I won't get back) for this week's show, and my wife and boss are running out of patience. Be prepared to hang a LOT out on the line, find other people willing to do the same, start with something SMALL and let it grow from there! Good luck!
  5. Amen John. And one more thing I'd like to add. How many events have you attended where the 'show promoters' take the time from a hectic schedule to stop, shake your hand and say sincerely, "Thanks for being here and supporting us." ?
    I had three of the Czars do that exact thing to me Saturday. (Actually, I think Magnet hit me three times. ;) Back at ya Mike. :D)
  6. superprojoe
    Joined: Feb 4, 2010
    Posts: 352

    from Illinois

  7. Speed~On
    Joined: Apr 28, 2011
    Posts: 1,678


    Thank you Chrome Czars for 10 great years! I have a lot of great memories and stories because of your outstanding show. I also had the pleasure of meeting a lot of super nice people because of the HCP. The Red Shirt Army always greeted people with a smile and the Czars just wanted everyone to enjoy the fruits of their labor. I think I speak for many when I say we all had a great time because of your hard work. Thank you once again!

    We are very fortunate in the Midwest to have several traditional hot rod shows every year. I guess I am a little corn-fused as to why people would make comments such as, "there are no more good shows". Yes, the HCP was an outstanding show and we will all miss it dearly, but don't forget about the others. I am not trying to pimp anyone’s show here, but we need to support the other shows and keep them going. At the HCP they were handing out (for free) post cards listing all the Traditional Hot Rod Shows for 2012 in the Midwest. Just to name a few for example, if you haven't been to Vintage Torque Fest in Maquoketa, Iowa you are missing a GREAT show. This show also supports a great cause. Also, there is a new show October 6, 2012 called The Iron Invasion in Woodstock, IL I am not affiliated with these shows, I'm simply mentioning them because they are in the Midwest and they are traditional. If you like what the HCP represented then support these shows and keep the FUN alive....just my 2 cents.
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2011
  8. Hellfish
    Joined: Jun 19, 2002
    Posts: 6,732


    Obviously, we felt differently. We would not have moved the show 3 hours south of Chicago if we didn't think people would go to it. Some followed, some did not. The Pileup was always just as much about the drive to the show as the show itself. We had car driven in from NY, NV, WV, Canada, OK, TX, etc. 3 hours is nothing... for a show that's worth going to. FWIW, at least 2 other people have already approached me about doing shows in Decatur to "replace" the Pileup, and it sounds like there's a 3rd one, so you may have some competition. The Iron Invasion already had the word out and will likely draw a lot of people, so you may want to consider a different weekend.

    We don't own "traditional hot rod show", but we do own the Hunnert name and get pretty testy when shows try to capitalize on our work and try take credit for it. Only one show has tried that. Like a few said above, we are always willing to give advice to honest people.

    For all the critics of Progresss City, it's true that there isn't much to see there, but that was the only place that could handle the volume of people we drew. More importantly, the staff at Progress City and the towns of Decatur and Clinton were so nice and so unbelieveably helpful that the last 2 Pileups were the smoothest it's EVER run. That wasn't just experience, it had a lot to do with their help. I can't thank them enough. The help and generosity that came with Progress City came with the disadvantage of not having some trees. I can live with that.

    Well said, BK!
  9. Hellfish
    Joined: Jun 19, 2002
    Posts: 6,732


    Exactly. Here is a listing of SOME of those shows!
  10. glenn33
    Joined: Sep 11, 2006
    Posts: 1,838

    from Browns, IL

    Yep, "Replacement" was the wrong word to use. The HCP is one of a kind and with fond memories I say...It can never be replaced, copied or duplicated successfully. I know some will try, but it ain't gonna happen. The HCP was a perpetual motion machine that was started for all the right reasons. Those that got it loved it, and those that didn't, well too bad. It will be talked about for years.

  11. Badkarma for president.
  12. And Progress City had nice washrooms. ;)
  13. Hellfish
    Joined: Jun 19, 2002
    Posts: 6,732


    air conditioned, too! with a staff that cleaned and stocked them all day!
  14. magnet
    Joined: Jul 15, 2002
    Posts: 853


    The facilities at Progress City were awesome.. i wish i had more time to spend in the bathrooms.

    I think what the originator of this post meant.. was that they wanted to get some like minded hot rodders together and put on a show in the Decatur area.. maybe at progress city.. since there will be no more pileups.

    I don't think there was any intent on capitalizing from the pileup.. just something to fill in the void and keep their juices flowing for traditional hot rods.

    Which i am sure, we can all get behind a good traditional hot rod show...
  15. Sorry for adding my two cents and people that know me understand I have been a traditional rodder for years , but I think that some cars showing up at these shows boarder on auto art??..I did not hear anyone saying all weekend there are not any good shows left to go to. Lets not forget there are a limited few individuals that like nothing better than to spit mud while promoting their own privatly run shows... Who cares where you enjoy your car its you ride.. real rodders wont hate you for driving and enjoying your rod any way you feel fit to... And heres another good Idea about these traditional shows how about putting some old guys at the gates to inspect the cars instead of these rock-a-billy types, nothing works better than real experience from back in the day!! Also Car shows are like the weather changing constantly and different everyplace you travel.... R.I.P. HCP see you at the race track.
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2011
  16. silent rick
    Joined: Nov 7, 2002
    Posts: 5,446

    silent rick

    at least one hotel in forsyth took advantage of the opportunity to jack their rates 50% over the year before, but all in all, we heard nothing but good comments from the locals. they'd like to see us back.
  17. carshowgirl
    Joined: Jun 16, 2007
    Posts: 111


    two words.......IRON INVASION
  18. Plowboy
    Joined: Nov 8, 2002
    Posts: 4,281


    For those that say that progess city has nothing to offer, isn't homely enough, or isn't a good place for a show apparently were not at HCPU 1 or 2. Marty and Sons was a pole building with a small lot outside of it for parking. How is that any different from the many pole buildings and whatnot around progress city?

    I think the final pileup was one of the best ones so far. The quality of cars was great. I didn't even notice too much rat roddy crap there, and there were zero traffic issues. I am sad to see it all end but I wouldn't have put that kind of effort into a show for 10 years...

    Yes the show has grown and lost that small feel of it, but as with anything good it will grow. Back when the pileup and the roundup started there were only a couple thousand members on the HAMB, when you went to these shows you already "knew" everyone there. The HAMB has changed a lot since then too and has got a lot bigger and lost the feel it once had when you knew everyone.

    I still remember when the only shows to choose from for traditional hot rods in the midwest were the Pileup and the Road Rocket Rumble. Now you can hit a different traditional hot rod show every weekend. The pileup was the one I always looked forward to and was the only other "destination" trad show for years where people would come from significant distances to attend. I think all of the other shows have diluted the uniqueness of the traditional only show and the Pileup to me was the last "must attend" event every year. I will still go to the other shows if I don't have to work or something but the trad only shows that have all sprung up don't have the significance the Pileup had. It and the Roundup I think were the first and will always be the shows that others will have to measure up to. Great job Czars! It was fun while it lasted.

    I think from now on I am just going to end the show season at the Newport Indiana Hillclimb and get my swerve on there. I think this picture pretty much sums up my weekend at the pileup though.....

    Attached Files:

  19. ChicagoSlackers1
    Joined: Jan 11, 2008
    Posts: 547


    you said it best bro
  20. Hellfish
    Joined: Jun 19, 2002
    Posts: 6,732


    Sorry buddy, those increases were planned even before we booked last year's events. I even had the Convention Bureau look into prices this year. There were only minor price increase across the board.

    Well said, Plowboy. Thanks for putting things into perspective.

    Magnet is right.
  21. silent rick
    Joined: Nov 7, 2002
    Posts: 5,446

    silent rick

    our accommodations were awesome this year. thank you.
    it was the place we stayed last year that went from 85.00 to 127.50
    50% isn't very minor.
  22. Oldmanolds
    Joined: Jan 16, 2006
    Posts: 930


    Now that's s first class "Reply". LMFAO
  23. KooDaddy
    Joined: Oct 16, 2006
    Posts: 753

    from Wis.

    You asked what was the point of my comment. Man as they say " if you got to ask you'll never understand " Your still a virgin huh?
  24. deadgearhead
    Joined: Mar 14, 2009
    Posts: 315

    from Washington

    2011 was the final year for the Pileup. So the OP is asking the question of putting on another show in it's absence.
  25. Roupe
    Joined: Feb 11, 2006
    Posts: 723


    Sweet, just mapquested Woodstock, IL. It's 65 miles straight south of Oconomowoc, Wi. I'll see you at the Iron Invasion next year.
    Also want to thank the Chrome Czars for all their years of hard work.
  26. smittythejunkman
    Joined: Nov 14, 2008
    Posts: 86


    I don't Know about the rest of you but if the bar in Clinton
    has a car show and bands next year "same time same place" me and my buddy's from Kansas will be there. hell of a party!!!!
    You cant replace the pileup it was fantastic, great job guys !!!!
  27. carbon guy
    Joined: Dec 21, 2007
    Posts: 219

    carbon guy
    from indy

    I don't think you will get much interest. The place is way too big for a first time show. The pile up worked because of the club that put that show together, along with bands, and all the venders and a swap meet. A new show in that place will be very difficult to get going. I have seen it happen before with a another show and did not work. Find a new place and start a new show, like Clinton. The Pile up show are big shoes to fill, just don't see them getting filled anytime soon. Just my $0.02
  28. Hardonsky23
    Joined: Nov 17, 2010
    Posts: 62


    To those of you with your comments even for or against the idea thanks. I think i may try and organize some small shows first and just get the ball rolling. I've been around shows for my whole life, yet i don't have the slightest idea of how to start, yet i have the will to do so. Hellfish- If you read my second post, not all the attitudes were bad but i had a few guys act like their shit didn't stink when almost everyone around this area welcomed this show and hotrodders alike with open arms. We are no better than anyone and myself and a few others didn't care for the act, but this was a great past 2 years for us. We appreciate the Czars and the HCP as much as anyone, but like BadKarma said we would like to see a show INSPIRED by the HCP even adding our own little touch. Maybe having vintage dirtcars? or even having cruising Eldorado be a huge deal like it was in the 50's/60's, but never duplicate this great event. I apologize for my wording and do appreciate your input, and i hope you don't think the post was towards the Czars. And like i said in my second post KooDaddy what is the point of your post? Im pretty sure you have to add your two cents in to make yourself feel better since you probably couldn't get any action from your hand.
  29. oldblue53
    Joined: Dec 10, 2006
    Posts: 172


    Hey your talking. IMO there is still one thing we all love that is missing and thats CRUIZING. I have wanted to take part in the Cruizing Eldo night the last couple of times but it being held on Thursday night always puts the downer on it. The Streator Cruz is always a good event and they get a large turnout. It's been going on for some time now and thus far is the only event that I know of that you can actually cruize your car at.

    Get Eldo businesses to buy in and open the lots along the route for random public parking. Have the police close down the street and let the locals find another route for one night.

  30. Hellfish
    Joined: Jun 19, 2002
    Posts: 6,732


    I know you didn't mean us or our friends.

    There's a large park on a rolling hill in one of the 2 towns that would be perfect for the first few years.
    Progress City was fanatstic and the staff were unbeatable, but the Pileup barely filled up one quadrant. The place is really huge, even for a GoodGuys type show. Other than the cooperative staff and smooth layout, the real advantage to PC is that it has EASY access for thousands of spectators and show cars. Most fairgrounds have major bottlenecks and you end up with problems like we had the last 2 years in Morris.

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