I don't know yet, I would also think the more glass above the notch the more stress and possiblity of cracking from wind pressure.
I don't think the notches are a good idea. A square corner may be a spot that could crack, if it was likely to crack, that would be the place. I'd try a test drive with the plexiglass to see how the wind goes over your head, and it may give you a little idea of flexing, although the safety glass will be stronger. Maybe ask the glass shop their opinion?
i've never had a roadster, but on my h-d i had the windshield cut down to where i'm looking over it, but just barely. about all of the wind goes over my head and most of the bugs/rain/etc. do too. i like it a lot better that way than looking through it. don't know if this would translate to a car or not, but it's a thought. b-t-w; i've been following this from the beginning. i like it a lot.
I think you'll be okay with laminated glass. If the notch was rounded it may help remove some of that stress at the corner. I actually think it'll hold up well, there's not that much glass above the notch to be an issue. That's my opinion, anyhow.
Any pictures of how the rear of the body is attached/supported to the frame? Is it sitting on the rear crossmember?
Paul, that is looking good, would never have thought about having the glass above the stantions.. now i have to reconsider my windshield shape on my 27 Modified
got the windshield back from the local glass shop, I had them cut and grind the corners to avoid any sharp inside corners and leave just enough to let the frame caps cover they said they couldn't polish the edge but I'm going to try to smooth it a bit. here is the glass just sitting loose in the frame, it will get set with black silicone.
the rear frame connector of the sub rails hangs behind the rear cross member the sub rail is notched to sit on the ends of the crossmember I will take pictures as that area gets finished up
I like the look of lets say " Thought " on the windshield / windscreen? Are you going to use a strip of emery dry on the smoothing or?
You might want to give setting tape some thought for the windshield glass. With the tape there is no movement. Not so with the silicone. If you where running a top channel then the silicone would be OK. I used 100grit wet n dry paper to polish mine. Then 220 and finially 400 grit. Ron
Windshield looks PERFECT and its just how I planned to do mine. Almond oil works great for polishing the edges!
Great! Thank you. I just picked up a turtle deck for mine. The rails that come off the back of the body that the deck sits on, were excised from my little roadster some time ago . . .
was trying to find a picture, didn't he use a curved windshield out of a volkwagen square back or something?
That's Mago's first '27 roadster. After he got his shop up and running he build a clone of that car. Ron
In my car I removed the seat riser completely and have a 3" foam cushion right on the floor with a 1" foam under that in the original floor pan that goes under the seat. I'm 5'10" and look right through the middle of the glass when seated. The top of my windshield glass goes straight across and even with the caps on the frame. I have spent a whole day in the car and have no complaints as far as comfort goes.
What the fuck does that mean? And by the way, hide the bodies better next time. Good job, really like windshield notch.